What is this picture trying to convey?

What is this picture trying to convey?

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R34 when?

Idk but I Fucking Love Science

Brainwashing that Christianity does. It really is baseless and honestly a waste of a painting. I'd much rather prefer it through something much more subtle.

That people are naturally atheist, and that the religion of the parents is the only reason why people follow a religion, probably.
Basically Richard Dawkins-tier shit argument.

>naturally atheist

Yet every civilization ever has followed a god or gods.

that the artist is terrible at conveying any sort of meaning or emotion through is work, other then heavy handed bullshit that is likely just an outsiders viewpoint as he/she was likely raised ultra liberal and believes that this is how christian families are, "but its fine for islam, lol"

Indeed. It's a very short-sighted argument.

Exactly the same thing the progressives are doing to children today with all this gender bullshit. Filling their heads.

if you don't teach your kids, (((someone else))) will.

Do not be a victim of intellectual cuckoldry