>Shits on his own party >Shits on the Generals >Shits on his party's legislation >Shits on veterans even though he dodged the draft >Shits on the Intelligence Community >Shits on his AG >Shits on the White-House Staff >Shits on the US media >Shits on Chynah >Shits on Mexico >Shits on Australia >Shits on France >Shits on the Environment >"Take hundreds of your diplomats and fuck off" :- Putin
> "....T-t-thank you Mr. Putin for kicking our diplomats out. W-w-we are very grateful~"
>still this upset over losing months ago or this desperate for attention and (you)'s
Christian Allen
>Projecting this hard
Sorry to disappoint but I am for a competent Republican President, not Putin's bitch. Trump being impeached and replaced with Pence is literally the best outcome in my book.
Luis Moore
>Projecting this hard said the projector, enjoy your next 8 years pal!
Logan Morgan
Noah Rodriguez
You literally don't know what the word projecting means do you?
Henry Gutierrez
>You literally don't know what the word projecting means do you?
Eli Nguyen
Cooper Powell
There is literally nothing wrong with allying yourself with the enemies of the anti-Christ.
Camden Watson
Reddit is better suited for you.
Gabriel Nguyen
>"No, I don't but I can try to shitpost my way out of this!" :- The Post
>Putin >Ally of Christians
Austin Garcia
>shits on you too cause you're a fucking degenerate pile of rotting transvestite flesh
Easton Perry
Russians do not yet have to take the mark to buy and sell.
Caleb Jenkins
>"No, I don't but I can try to shitpost my way out of this!" :- The Post >let me start projecting too to show how cool I am
Adrian Phillips
Trump is a cuck faggotatron and so are his supporters. He loves jewtin and pissreal but hates national socialist korea.
Ian Jackson
>you're a fucking degenerate pile of rotting transvestite flesh
What are you going on about? So calling out Trump for being Putin's bitch somehow has to do with being a transvestite?
No, their soldiers just have to sell their bodies to men for cash to fund their higher-ups' coke habit.
You are officially the most retarded person in this thread. Congrats.
Joshua Green
you have to go back
Brayden Barnes
Nathaniel Gutierrez
Like how Hitler had a microdick, ate shit and race-mixed with black women while also being homosexual and also being half-black and half-jew?
Brody Richardson
You have IRL autism. You can't discern humor.
Brody Garcia
>shits on people >cucked Choose one but also sage fuck op is a piece of shit
John Howard
Brandon Wilson
Look in this very thread at the levels of knee-jerk projection/"dindu nufin"ism/ and just outright delusion and then get back to me on how unreasonable an assumption that idiots are serious is.
Ryan Johnson
Christopher Jones
stop being a kike
Jaxson Powell
Meuller grabbed her by the pussy, and Trump is next.
You also can't keep track of a conversation apparently.
Tyler Gomez
learn english you filthy kike
Isaiah Torres
Oy Vey
Julian Fisher
lol this is a joke, right?
Elijah Gray
You said I have autism for responding seriously to a meme by calling it a meme. I pointed to the abundance of idiots in this thread dead serious in their bullshit rhetoric, what part of this exchange makes you thing I haven't followed it?
Charles Miller
why do you hate jews?
Joshua Rivera
someone made it to mock right wing retards but they took it seriously
Oliver Nelson
>Posting Anna Maye gifs on a Vietnamese Picture-Show WebM forum
Why don't you?
Jaxon Watson
I don't hate anyone except you
Justin Jackson
>Imp-lying you don't hate yourself >A Trip-fag
Shirley, you can't be serious.
Gabriel Murphy
> didn't repeal obamacare
> Travel ban failed
> Still hasn't even started the wall
Easton Lee
you stupid kike
Aiden Reed
Anudder Shoah!
Liam Hall
I thought you hated jews
Dylan Bailey
Nolan Reyes
Oh Shit! The Goyim Know!
Leo Foster
why are you spamming merchants?
Aiden Lopez
>Travel ban failed I dont see any attacks from the banned countries
Cooper Hill
Wow, it must be Trump's handiwork!
Noah Evans
>Calls me a kike for pointing out Trump being a bitch-boi >Posts pictures of Trump being Best Goy and his Jewish advisors >W-w-why are you spamming da joos?!
No reason fuck-face.
Ethan Baker
do you hate trump?
Jack Powell
Maybe they are all shit?
Lucas Diaz
I thought Trump was pretty funny tbqh and what did you want him to do, beg Putin to reverse his decision?
Joshua Turner
the basis of this anime kept falling apart the more it went on but money demon grill was a qt tho
Blake Nguyen
How many happened before the ban?
What a strange hill to die upon, especially when you try to explain why Saudi Arabia wasn't on the list then.
Luke Young
I haven't had to finish any series for a while
Aiden Powell
>I thought Trump was pretty funny tbqh
>H-heh, Trump was only pretending to be a cuck t-totes! You just didn't get the joke!
Wrong. Mitch McConnel dropped the slightest line about Trump expecting too much and Trump was on his ass within a news-cycle. Putin BTFOs US Diplomats and Trump sucks his dick, for the N-th time.
Juan Hughes
William Powell
what happens when trump orders the nukes to be launched but nobody follows his command?
Lucas Cook
he'd have to get me to write some nasty emails
Matthew Jackson
You do realize no citizens or expats of those countries have launched an attack on US soil, right?
Levi Gomez
It's funny because Trumpcucks would argue that Trump was soft on Russia out of a desire for peace and friendship. Meanwhile, he's been threatening to start WWIII in North Korea for the last few days.