>tfw burgers want nuclear holocaust

>In considering the use of nuclear weapons, it turns out, the majority of Americans would prioritize the safety of American troops and the achievement of American war aims, even at the cost of deliberately killing millions of foreign non-combatants. This means that the public would be unlikely to restrain our president from raining “fire and fury” down on the North Korean people. It means there is one less guardrail keeping us from a nuclear exchange.

>“The most shocking finding of our study,” said Professor Sagan, “is that 60 percent of Americans would approve of killing 2 million Iranian civilians to prevent an invasion of Iran that might kill 20,000 U.S. soldiers.” An even larger percentage would approve of a conventional bombing attack specifically designed to kill 100,000 Iranian civilians in the hopes of pressuring Iran into surrendering.

>While the American public may value the principle of non-combatant immunity in the abstract, this reveals their support to be “shallow and easily overcome by the pressures of war,”

>All of these trends would likely intensify if North Korea were studied instead of Iran.


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>>“The most shocking finding of our study,” said Professor Sagan, “is that 60 percent of Americans would approve of killing 2 million Iranian civilians to prevent an invasion of Iran that might kill 20,000 U.S. soldiers

wow, shocking....

no one would say north korea didn't deserve it, we'd be doing the right thing

americans like to larp as moral people, thus y it shocked him

>kill 100,000 Iranian civilians in the hopes of pressuring Iran into surrendering.

That's how war has always worked, it didn't suddenly get more civilized in this interim peace period

It is morally justified, he's shocked because his sense of morality is distorted.

>an invasion of Iran might kill 20,000 U.S. soldiers

Am I out of touch or is this number outrageously low?

>Americans value their own lives over foreigners

Shocking discovery.

Any decision which more quickly brings about a conclusion to the war is the moral decision.

All it takes is one wmd detonation on anchorage or honolulu in this age of social media and watch the rate of backpedaling explode exponentially

>americans are ignorant and retarded and are sleepwalking into a dystopian future
who knew

>murdering two million people is morally justified

american wars nowadays are uper safe summer camps basically, no soldiers die and they even have cellphones and shit

People want their country to win wars without taking a lot of casulties

more news at 9

Can we rape them before kill them?


Even if people don't want to admit it openly, we are perfectly normal and want to preserve our own people at any cost. Virtue signaling is a cancer and only possible when things are doing well.

we want nuclear war because we want something interesting to happen in our pointless lives before we die.

there's nothing more or less to it.

i would hope in the economic sense

if you want to kiss a mouth that smells worse than their vagina then go with a gook.

What if we archive it

Iran did nothing wrong they are the scape goat of the Jews and Saudi Arabia.

Daily reminder to not bomb Iran as it is a Jewish plot, also

>carrying about other people that are not your fellow citizens

>Implying North Koreans are people

dammit. I failed you based Norwegian achiever.

what do you expect?

Let me be honest with you, you don't need to bomb anything, but, this is the first alternative people turn to. Nobody is looking to change the game. We do what we must because this is OUR SIDE, not because "right and wrong" go beyond what we want and don't want, kiddo.

Oh so what you're saying is Americans will still put Americans first if we have to?

Good, we still have some nationalism then.

Wew lad, that's quite a fucking claim.

Why are American soldiers in Iran to begin with? Fucking Jews.

the cell phones my unit had were just for emergency calls for direct communication between important people, not for casual stuff

>tfw burgers want nuclear holocaust

fuck off

it's 2017! I finally want some sweet HD satellite footage of a country turning into molten glass.

If Jewmerica nukes the Norks, the Norks will nuke South Korea and Japan - both Jewish assets.

Let the Jewmericans come!

I'm seeing a lot of "morally justified" shit and I want to make something clear to you inbreds. Morality is, by default and definition entirely objective. I would gladly expunge the life of a billion people if it meant the safety of my own people. Wake up and grow up, we are not "in this together"

Ya fuckin fairies.

Lol that poll is misrepresenting.

In reality, the majority of Americans feel there is no beneficial future for them even if they succeed at their jobs.

And misery loves company.

>Any enemy people
>Any of your people
Choice is always to save your people. Your enemy's job is to save their people.


>killing nonwhites

Fucking Amen

New poll reveals that americans dont give a fuck about muslim, nigger, or slant countries. More at 10...

Look, killing indiscriminately is what we're good at. Dropping nukes on Japan and killing 200,000+ civilians was how we got them to give us an unconditional surrender. Meanwhile, all of this focus on not hurting civilians is what has made Vietnam and Iraq fucking expensive.

We have amazing weapons, both conventional and nuclear. Annhiliating a city doesn't take a lot of effort. What we're not as good at is holding a city and keeping insurgency groups from popping up.

Is it so much to ask that we stick with what we know? I mean, after all, if every one of a country's citizens is dead, that country is no longer your enemy.

No more quagmires to fuel international criminals with the miseries of trafficked people.

Top kek

What is wrong with favoring your own tribe, even if the other is suffering because of that?

You can save them by not being warmongering fucktards.

Americans are superior to every other human on Earth. I'd be okay with every Iranian dying even if it were to save one American life.

heh Balumpfh BTFO!

And this is why Iran needs nuclear weapons. Americans are the 21st century's Mongolia.