Well, I'm a 21 year old jack off and I kinda hate girls for many reasons. I feel like they kinda think they deserve things simply for having a vag. They somehow want "equality" but always bust out with "yeah but that's a man's job". Fuck paying for dates and food and shit. I'd rather keep my money and save the head aches and drama and just jack off if I feel the need to. Women these days are just so weird and simply can not conversate with a group of girls they're just so different than us dudes who just talk and that's it whereas girls love being dramatic. I wanna lose my virginity already but not just to anyone but girls these days I can't stand their narcissistic tendencies. Anyways, I wish I could understand girls but they're so stupid you can't reason with them of use logic. Is it just me who hates girls probably because I can't talk to them or are they really stuck up bitches nowadays? Thoughts?
Your thoughts on girls these days?
you are resentful because you're ugly
has that tit cow done porn yet?
it's not that I'm not fat or ance ridden or anything. Just lack the social skills to even talk to a cute girl. >.>
Not porn but just nude videos... *cough cough* tessa fowler *cough*
Quit being a faggot. Don't buy them anything, that's why you're not getting laid. You are probably hanging out with feminists. Hang out with the MAGA hat kids for awhile and learn how to act like a real man. The pussy comes to you.
well practice those skills and meet someone who isn't one of those insecure and vapid ones.
Just adapt to it. Whining about it makes you a little bitch.
I don't even talk to any girls in my life let alone buy them shit.
Some of what you say about women is kind of true. But why would a woman want to be with you, you're acting like a cunt too. They already have a bunch of cunts as friends and a bunch of cucks as beta orbiters. Don't be either of those.
>I don't even talk to any girls in my life
Geeze man, I hope you're just LARPing.
Maybe you are asking the wrong questions OP. Realistically about 5% of the female population is date worthy, have you ever stopped to ask yourself why you think you deserve one of those nice few? If you honestly think you are good enough to catch one of them then best of luck, but maybe you should work more on improving yourself. If you do that the pussy will follow.
For me its women are trashes as you can observe it via history and sociology.
Women, the rightfully inventors of prostitution, the eldest job of female kind, gives them the opportunity to earn money, power, influence only by existing. Consider it like this, any women as long as having a vagina can perform prostitution, because they simply can. Men, on the other hand sought different ways of making a living, lets say you were a strong dude, you made money by being a workey, if you were weak you would try other things, you could be a (merchant), servant etc.
This mentality alone, I believe, made women think they are entitled with many things. Because we get ourselves to give money to them to spend time and effort with us. They believe even their existence is valuable and price worthy.
This is why your cute virgin crush of highschool, most probably had run a webcam show, sold stinky footwear, offered blowjobs, worked in a strip-bar, not because of prostitution, but mindset that caused by prostitution. Most of them think as, "I'm beautiful, why should I work when I can find someone who cater my needs" and that need is not a dick but money.
>they kinda think they deserve things simply for having a vag
The feeling comes from their experience. In childhood kids are treated differently depending on their sex. If a girls cries, parents make a present to comfort her. If a boy cries, he will be mocked for being a pussy and even punished.
not true, 99% of modern women are garbage and you need to let off steam somewhere.
get in the game, don't take women too seriously, don't let their opinion of you define your self worth and make sure they are below your family, career, health, friends and happiness in your list of priorities.
Almost all women now are Crowd Sourced Prostitutes
You cann ever save a Ho
>she will always cheat on you
>she is unfit for marriage or child rearing
>she will cuck you, its an inevitibility
ITT: guys who simply need to upgrade the women they know.
You want to meet quality women? Meet them at a library or a symphony, not a nightclub or a bar.
Start with that, motherfuckers.
Good fucking shit..There women. What are you expecting. Just keep moving and one day you will find one that will drive you wild. You'll fucking laugh at this post then.. Fuck..
Step 1, learn how to make eye contact with them in public and smile. Don't stare at them like a creepy clown, but let them know you are checking them out and do not look away. Notice how many smile back and that should get you the confidence to talk to them someday. Read a womanizing book, it's easy.
Wow, that's deep did that happen to you?
I would like to put my pinis in one some day.
rich white bitches are the same, just that daddy bought them more stuff so they are even more entitled
Well the white knighting fedora tippers sure came in fast.
>>can't talk to women
It's just what modern women are. Nigger jew loving degenerates, in general... Sadly I agree
You're fine user
Jessus Fucking Christ, you ugly, socially-retarded idiots from rebbit mgtow need to just give it up. The reason you can't get pussy has nothing to do with women. You simply can't adapt to your environment. It's really that simple. Get a life. Do something. Get off your ass. You're not some faggot who "finally figured it all out", you're just some autistic fuck who just figured out what everyone already knew. You ugly, likely fat, neckbeard faggots shouldn't procreate. Really. Stay celibate. Do not pass on your genes. The rest of us do not want or need you in the gene pool. Stay out. Not only do you fuck yourselves, you make the competition for the rest of us competent, handsome, successful men that much easier. Thanks faggots.
Cunt you're fucking POLISH!
No vaccine to fix that except maybe those ones that give you autism.
>I feel like they kinda think they deserve things simply for having a vag
It is the matter of fact, that the demand for young women is higher than for men on the dating market. Women drop out of the market after 30, while men participate until 40. It results that there are 2x more men than women. By the law of market, the price is higher for the scarce good, a cunt.
You can not fix it with a man strike. The best economic way to handle it is to make the market more free and increase the competition between the participants. Decriminalize prostitution, porn, sex dolls, genetic catgirls whatever. The market will find the way to smooth the sex disparity, not fix it completely, but improve the situation in optimal way and drop the price for a cunt lower.
It's funny that I'm not like what you think I am. Good guess tho user
Your virginity isn't special get over it. Women aren't special get over it. If you don't want to deal with women then go pay a hooker to suck and take your dick in her for a few hundred. There are a ton. You can even complain to her all you want about women and she'll listen for money of course.
Honestly, I'm just about fed up too. I think that men can find their own ways of getting sexual satisfaction without resorting to the evil ways of vag-bearing monsters. I've been pretty interested to come across MGTOW literature. I think there's a lot of hope in that direction.
>big tits
>thin hips
I'm calling shenanigans!
Fucking them is all they are good for. Don't date them, don't marry them, don't settle down with them. They're so ready and willing to give up sex after one or two dates. They've ridden countless cocks. I do not want to fuck a vagina that is flooded with ghosts of dicks past.
>They somehow want "equality" but always bust out with "yeah but that's a man's job"
Everyone advocating equality thinks that he or she can benefit from it. When they do not benefit, they move equality thing away. For example, when socialist advocate equality in workers wages, they somehow forget about billions of people in africa. If we make the whole world paid equally, most of the west are going to have a wages of $5,000 / year.
>he doesnt know how much more boring women get once you get bored of having sex
how I envy you in some ways
>buying the sapiosexual meme of cucukolds and sluts alike.
You dumbfucks believe women can please themselves by humping your heads? I expect no less from a leaf.
Nah, just read some classical works, they are all based af.
Women are biologically hardwired to seek attention and resources from men and then spread their legs. Once you accept them as the inferior sex it becomes much easier to chat with them.
A wise woman once said;
If you seek loyalty, get a dog.
MGTOW is the only true way
you don't know shit.
and who said ANYTHING about rich?
that's not some "rich white women" in the pic, it's fucking Anne Sophie Mutter.
And I didn't ay go to the library or symphony to meet rich women, I said go meet women. You know what kind of non-rich women save their money to go to the opera, symphony, museum, play, instead of a nightclub or concert or rave? decent women. quality women.
Women who choose to partake in their culture, rather than whatever you spend your weekends doing.
hurr durr muh white culture...
...never been to an opera, symphony, recital, play, museum, authour's reading, lecture, etc.
Don't overthink it. The best relationships develop organically. Date a few girls, grin and bear through the bullshit. At the end of the day it doesn't matter how you lose your virginity as long as you don't pay a hooker to do it. Because that would be sad.
Fuck one to understand their effect on the universe, life, nature.Yes Western women will be raped and destroyed by war as the way of nature and the universe will always command. This is their lot and sadly enough it is what they work for and want it is their nature. Steal, steal & death is the only thing you can trust. This is a cruel world user steal all you can and give nothing back. Even community and your fellow man are dead. There is more love in this comment from another male than you will ever receive from the false dream women and this world will give. Pay for it if you haft to. It will save you in the end.
Her name's actually Tessa Fowler ;)
It depends, as you cannot see 'men' in a single spectrum. There are thousands of autisitcs who even lose their shit at sight of women, and once they fail they start to yell MGTOW like a tourette syndrome autistic dropout would do.
It's even funny like they believe they are going their own way but they are actually Men sent to their own ways.
> M'lady saved
Wow that was pretty deep gotta smoke a blunt now thanks user
I have a 20 yo pakistani, yeah your read right, grill working at the store here. She's hot as fuck and I am going to fuck her. I know her father,
says the Turk lol
Dude stop smuggling cute Slavic girls to your degenerate authoritarian country
So you're saying you have no pimp game... That must suck.
This "nice guys" should get the rope too. Its your fault that you are virgins and alone. Noone is entitled to get sex/a gf.
>don't ignore me you rancid swine
every tiem
is this guy talking about himself...how cute
Noooo that's way too cringy even for my eyes to behold kek
well shit, maybe he really did just want to play chess
Do you want to play chess tonight?...lolz
Enjoy it while you can. War is coming all you hold dear and all you love will be murdered. Never take women lightly love them but never trust them. Glory in battle awaits. Find one that makes you fight harder so even when she betrays you and she will, you won't hold back on being a demon when the time comes.
What if you just think womens constant nagging isnt worth it and just jack off and dont whine about it?
>t. rancid swine
He just wanted to play chess.
a Pakistani in Norway.... sad
>Do you want to play chess tonight?
Prostitutes are the answer...and don't be a stingy cunt...pay a little extra for a quality whore.
The wrong symbol for that statement. Must be a kike.
You don't think Waffen SS men let of a little steam with ladies of the night?...get fucked purity spiraler.
They did.
Sure but they were in battle. Look at any military on the planet. Including the creation of blow up women for the front line. Prostitution is the second oldest profession behind soldiering. Got to make a town somehow. But the health of one's people is what they were fighting for. Not biological weapons of eugenics whores like America is.
I regret spending money on porn rather than strippers. At least with strippers I could've practiced interacting with humans.
Obviously a commie commissar and deserved it, Turk.
i already knew the name, that's why I asked
she only did tease shit
who cares, they were living the dream.
Sounds like you're engaging with the wrong type of women. If you just want to get your dick wet their are easier routes. Also don't go out looking for a chick to date. If a woman knows you're out trying to woo her and she isn't into you she will use you.
Women are emotionally attached to everything they do, their opions, etc.
If you try to explain how to do something differently, they get all offended and scream mansplaining, men just take the advice on board or explain why you're wrong.
If you try to discuss their favourite movie they get all offended.
Saying anything they like, or do is stupid is the same as saying they are stupid.
Not if you dont have any power or resources to offer, in fact this knowledge combined with the lack of power and resources would result in an even worse conversation
I talk to girls all the time, they're idiots.
Women in the 1940's deserved respect, women in 2017 are rotten, self absorbed cunts...
I agree completely, by going to these degenerate places, you will meet degenerate girls.
Those are the new-rich people, they don't go to concerts and libraries. The old rich don't spoil their children.
That's the new rich people you are talking about, they don't go to concerts and libraries, they go to expensive clubs and expensive bars.
The old rich people don't spoil their children because they have values.
The women that fought for the women's right to not vote are truly the last best women that valued family that this country has ever known and are the most underappreciated women in history. Say a prayer for them for they truly cared for humanity.
>Realistically about 5% of the female population is date worthy, have you ever stopped to ask yourself why you think you deserve one of those nice few
This is a stupid attitude to take, and, excuse the feminazi parlance, but it's textbook victim blaming.
It's like saying "Rome salted 95% of Carthage's earth, why do YOU think you deserve some of the good 5% of land that's left?"
The man with no land is has not underachieved - he was achieving quite well until the land was salted by outside influences.
Likewise, betas were doing quite well at getting waifus until the (((sexual liberation))) of the 60s destroyed monogamy.
Hassling betas to alpha up and enter the scrum for the 5% is a zero-sum game. The only actual solution to the problem is to reverse sexual liberation and salvage the other 95% of women.
I actually agree with you. Unfortunately we are stuck with the cards we're dealt...rotten self absorbed cunts that care more about their Tinder profile than their family...not much to do about it but use them up.
Women today are all worthless, faithless whores. If you find a rare white virgin, marry her.
The only cure for this disease is the one that is the hardest for the human soul to take. It truly is heartbreaking beyond that of which one can bear. He loved more than anyone could understand.
Exactly, good luck with that...better luck finding a fucking unicorn.
>5% of the female population is date worthy
NAWALT. Not all women are like this.
>I wanna lose my virginity already
Another degenerate, great. I hope you get divorce raped by a roastie.
I'm also upset at the state of modern women, because they are almost all whores. And faggots like you and a bunch of people ITT enable it. Wait. Until. Marriage.
Hitler was right yet again.
>I actually agree with you. Unfortunately we are stuck with the cards we're dealt...rotten self absorbed cunts that care more about their Tinder profile than their family...not much to do about it but use them up.
Women are children. Expect, teach, and compel them to be good. You wanna reproduce? Then you're gonna have to settle for one of these "rotten self-absorbed cunts." Stop hating women, find a decent one, and tell her she's gonna be decent and bear you children you pussy.
I found a rare white virgin, and she cheated on me.
Stop being worthless whores.
I believe all women should be tortured on a regular basis as their screams are beautiful to God. Thank you for asking.
Are you sure she was a virgin? She probably lied to you.
How did you know she wasn't lying?
Storytime, user.
No, I gave up on the thought of children a long time ago. I actually don't want to bring anyone into this society.
yea they say that all the time