WTF I love white supremacy and eugenics now

Do people like her really exist? Fuck this timeline

If you've ever wondered, "Are diet and wellness culture rooted in eugenics and white supremacy" just kill yourself right now.

>another excuse for my fat ass to continue being fat and repulsive
Continue living in that fantasy world Jabba

>not being a walking mountain of blubber with a heart condition is "white" and therefore "bad"

It's terrifying what decades of jewish propaganda can do to a human brain



christian values used to be rooted in genocide, infanticide, animal sacrifice, slavery, and ritualistic stoning.

because the root was the Abrahamic tradition.

I don't think she has shared a meal at any point in her life.

As someone who lost a shitload of weight while trying to check what I eat, I only have one word for this: disgusting