East/West coast General - Why not move to the midwest?

It is much cheaper, and you can work to live rather than live to work. No serious mortgage debt or other issues either. You can simply get married and raise babies, all on the cheap.

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Because that house looks ridiculous. What is it, a single room cuck shed?

A man's house should be a made of brick and have a second floor.

840sq footage. 2 bed, 1 bath? not enough room for a family and not enough room to make money renting the extra room. Plus it's probably in the ghetto. Fuck that

Any port in a storm..Good starter in right area..

>East Saint Louis

It's like you want to be killed and raped by a pack of rabid niggers.

why would you want to move to the middle of nowhere, dumbfuckistan?


East St. Louis you stupid fuck! The main source of income there is drugs, stripping, and prostitution! Even the fucking niggers don't want to live there. My friends from out of the country even know to not go there.

St Louis here. Better to live in the middle of a swamp, alone, on a floating pontoon boat surrounded by gators in the Louisiana bayou than buy that in East STL.

Conservative values, little to no niggers.

Of course living in St. Louis or Illinois kinda defeats both of those. Couldn't find a nice, cheap place in the Dakotas or Montana OP?

Oh wait those aren't located in the center of niggerdom, midwest USA.

Exactly, this user knows. Don't post stupid shot without doing research stupid OP

>Play real estate game in a safe place like texas for a decade
>Save up a few hundred thousand, maybe a million
>Find a street in run down Illinois or some other destitute state
>Buy up the whole fucking street, keep them all groomed well, rent out these small homes to whites who want to "slum" it
>Charge 700 a month
>Property values go up
>You buy more houses around the street
>Sell off the original rental properties at 5* what you paid
>Leftover houses are renting out
>Repeat until you've gentrified the fuck out of it
>Single handedly save shitholes around the country
Why isn't anyone doing this? Are there laws stopping them?

Louisianan here
Gators aren't nearly as bothersome as nutria

>he forgot to factor in nigger moments
I like the spirit though


Do Americans really uproot themselves this easily and this radically? I'm like an hour away from where my ancestors arrived in North America about 400 years ago.

East St Louis is nigger town. That house has probably been burglarized over a dozen times.

East St. Louis has literally the most murders per capita of any city in the US.

It's also 99% black.

>East Saint Louis
>No [...] other issues either

STL here also, can confirm.

>Falling for the second floor meme
Only city fools like them plus you are basically begging to be shoved somewhere else after getting too old to walk.

I think you have to rent to Jamal because of the fair housing act.

I'm trying not to hate niggers, but shit like this makes it hard. I would be living in paradise if not for this shit.

lol, thats actually pretty sad

>East St. Louis

forgot a vital step
> spend all your profits fighting section 8 discrimination law suits

>East St Louis

Enjoy getting murdered.

every ten years on average, famalam

Doesn't the price point solve that issue?

(((They))) force you to have enough (((affordable))) housing within a certain region to (((help))) (((diversify))) the neighborhood.

>East St. Louis

I hope you really reaaally like being surrounded by illiterate ghetto blacks OP.

>East St. Louis

What's the big bothersome deal about nutria. I know about the bounty. But why should I be afraid of a big rodent?

This happened just South of Atlanta. The once thriving & beautiful Jonesboro, supposed home of "Tara", from GWTW, is now nigger central, thanks to Billy Payne.

Hahahaha, have you ever been to East Saint Louis?

Holy fuck, you are better off moving to Detroit. I am not fucking kidding. Just yesterday my sister got mugged and beaten as she walked out of the store. Nobody did shit, it is just the usual.

My uncle has to buy a new bike every few weeks from Walmart, because bicycles get stolen so fucking fast in East St. Louis, even if you throw a nice fat bike lock on it.

Oh, and God Forbid you are outside past six PM, because there are firefights going on every fucking night. Hard as fuck to sleep to, because that gunfire is loud as FUCK, my nigga.

Shit is a jungle. Saint Louis has its issues, but ask ANYONE that has lived in Saint Louis for over a year and they will tell you, straight up, East Saint Louis is the worst part of it and just visiting there can make you think of it as a hell hole.

You missed the part where Goldstein and associates sue you into bankruptcy for not housing section 8 negros.

If you are a member of the tribe and connected to the mob (they run Chicago still) then sure you will not be totally doomed to fail but it still won't work because any area not a war zone with reasonable access to public transportation to decent job areas is already colonized and those that are a war zone the police don't even go to. so unless you hire a private security force to keep out undesirables (racist) and they manage to do so somehow (no guns allowed) while also convincing people to move to your white enclave despite the prohibitively high taxes then yea maybe you can turn a profit.

Realtor here. You do know ther are laws in place to make sure you are not just selling to someone based on race, right? If there wasn't, your plan would be perfect, and someone would have done it looooong ago, and Detroit, Saint Louis, Chicago, and the rest of these spook ass cities would be saved.

Same reason to worry about racoons
They wreck your property, and they're big enough to hurt you, but small enough to be difficult to hit.
Also, nutria can pop up damn near anywhere
Gators stay in very predictable areas.

>even if you throw a nice fat bike lock on it.
bike locks are deterrents for an average thief, it's not some magical mechanism to keep you bike safe a determined thief.

>buy cheap house
>get murdered by niggers

Nice plan.


I wasn't saying I'd target white people
I was saying white hipsters would flock there cause they're fuckin rubes
So i wouldn't be keeping anyone out. House renting in general is a price point higher than apts, so it just generally doesn't bring in the same income level

Quite cheap. Where do I have to sign?

Jesus christ thats sad, I dont wanna know what that kid endured during his first years.
Jesus fucking christ, nigger or not, thats fucked up.
I just know he was born and grew up in some crack house, never seen a school and only knew how to ask for KFC and grape juice.
probably got tortured by bored cracked up thugs too, with all the cuts.

My property holds raccoons. They're not a bother to me. I wasn't sure if Nutria was a danger to humans.

Fuck off we're full.

>Ignore that there are gangs and nigs next street over

Literally why it will not work

Could i hire security for just my street?

I'm applying for a real estate agent license as a hail mary to get a liveable income going. Any tips for those just starting out? Anything you wish someone had told you when you were new?

Racoons vary in size and ferociousness, so maybe yours aren't too bad
Down here people make a living coon hunting, not for their meat or fur, but simply because they're so bad for property

True, but considering the fact that these bikes are bought from Walmart for barely even 60$, and are locked with a bike lock that is almost a third of the price (high quality electric ass bike locks that run nearly $20) it is astounding that they get stolen every time before they are even 30 days old. I mean, if the bikes were nicer, or if the they had no locks on them, or if they were average bikes with a five dollar bike lock on them, I would see how they get stolen, but damn, niggas out here jacking your poverty tier ass bike and leaving you the busted ass bike lock just so they can ride over to their local drug dealer's place and then fucking ditch the bike off the freeway.

Oh, and God Forbid you actually drive a decent car, cause if it doesn't get stolen, it will at least get tagged, or broken into. Oh, and you know that shit in the movies when someone parks their car and an hour later they come back and the wheels are no longer there? Yeah, that shit happens here to if you park your car overnight in a parking lot, or off the curb far away from view, sometimes.

Oh, and did you know some gang bangers straight burned down a few churches this year? Like, damn, what next, you wanna burn down a hospital, or maybe an orphanage?

Not trying to rant, but Jesus, do not buy property in East Saint Louis unless you willing to throw hands everyday and are willing to lose your belongings.

Don't ever list a home and make the seller think he's gonna get a way bigger payout than the appraisal.

listen to the german guy telling you bout american crack houses, he knew whats going on, he probably even watched the wire

Yeah, but they will only have authority on private property though.

Two in the chest, one in the head

I thought they were like big dumb guinea pigs. You can't just steel toe one of those?

I feel you, but cities have access to stats, and it only takes one of them to notice that you have sold a street exclusively to whites, despite the fact that the surrounding streets and city still have an overwhelmingly black population an- well, the point is you can do it and probably get away with it for a while, but if you keep selling them out, street by street to non-basketball Americas, you will get called out, and possibly have to deal with fines, as well as lose a lot of reputation, as word travels fast in this field.

It can be a tough field to get into and the you do have to be patient, as the market is not what it used to be. If you are looking to get your license and build a portfolio, I would recommend getting on at a Real Estate Agency and just test the waters.

If you sell a few houses within a year and make some money, cool, once you are confident, go your own way and drop the agency for an independent route.

Oh, and remember, you are not selling the house, you are selling what it represents. (Showing it to a family? Mention safety. Selling to a bachelor? Mention hotspots nearby. You get it).

Best of luck, but be patient, and just remember that most people will not buy the first house they look at it, so use that to your advantage (show off the worse house first, or show off the house that is harder to sell before you show off the others).

tips for new real estate?

>Nobody wants to deal with a new agent, and most quit within 5 years.

>every time you turn around, the local realtor board or MLS will be hitting you up for money. You can't do your job if you don't pay them.

>You will spend hours working for free, and many of your clients will be looking for ways to screw you out of the commission along the way.

>Average number of homes sold by first year agents is 1

>don't forget to log your miles for taxes later. Also save money to pay taxes.

Also, I think even the NAR admits the average agent only makes 40 something a year. The real money is in becoming a broker so you can get a piece of a bunch of other agent's commission... easier said than done.

Yes, but that long term cost wouuld kill your profits, plus they could not do much, aside from call the police if shit went down, as they are not allowed onto private property. Basically, you just be hiring intimidating patrol men, which is great for the short-term, but will probably hurt your wallet in the long-term. Oh, and never forget, nigs be looking for a fight almost every night, so you might just be stirring the pot. Also, you will have to factor in insurance and shit in case one your men gets hurt on the job (they will, cause these nigs are super violent and most do not care if they go to jail).

Actually looking forward to it. Once I can find a job there and have savings enough to establish well, my full intention is to find such a place to set down roots away from the coasts where all the cucks and shitskins live.

Kenosha Wi is the only decent/affordable place in the midwest

One more reason I am doing my best to find a way to combine income and property as far the fuck away from the coasts as possible, as well as any large towns. Smaller towns, as long as they aren't in the dirty south, tend to be low on shitstain vagrants.

>why do t you want to be mediocre: the thread
>it's way cheaper
I wonder fucking why

Nutria? Doubt it, haven't tried though

>only able to say "juice, chicken & gorilla"
>50% more vocabulary than most niggers

The talented tenth!

>get criticized by Eurofags for not seeing new places and travel more often
>get criticized by Leafs for not staying put in one place permanently

What do?

>Are you thirsty?
>Are you hungry?
>Who are you?
He's actually quite intelligent
I see his mother graduated last year, too

>chimpcongo nigs on one side
>Milwaukee nigs on the other

Plus, new Foxconn plant will be changing Kenosha soon in other ways, most likely with increased value and less affordability.

I lived in small towns in Nebraska for five years, can confirm housing is cheap but competition for jobs is fierce keeping wages low.
Protestants are shunned by the catholic majority, atheists are treated like satanists. No love for outsiders.
Urban areas are still crime riddled hell holes, just like the rest of the country. Rural areas are full of drunks and/or meth and oxycontin addicts.
Rural areas are toxic cancer zones from mono-culture farming. Urban areas poisoned by industry and basketball-americans.
If you are intelligent, you will not fit in, it is like they never grew out of high school jock mentality there.. If you like to go out and do interesting things, you will put a godzillion miles on your car. There is is little to do but go to the bar or bowling.
These fuckers like wimpy hot sauce and weak coffee, read only one book, and I hope you can stomach fucking country music because you will hear that stupid redneck bullshit everywhere you go.

that's getting canceled in 8 weeks user, trump xed that one out.

section 8 is dissolving in two months user

>East Saint Louis