There's already multiple McDonald's in HCMC. Can confirm I live there.
Entire population is conscripted into youth militia when they become teenagers, youth militia is about 2 million strong
I think it can be said that any foreigner has 0% chance of being a volunteer in the DPRK army, unless you had some talent that would aid them, but even then I think they'd just torture you for being a spy.
The article is 4 years old mate.
>I think they'd just torture you for being a spy
They could just say 'No' and reject my application.
norks have enough food, fuel and ammunition to last 1-2 weeks. dependent on ground transportation. easy enough to shut down anything that might come in from china which is their only source of re-supply. china will stay out of it if norks start shit. we won't pre-emptive strike because we don't want to go to war with china. seoul and anything else of value in northern part of sk is fucked in that first 1-2 weeks but the war is over after that. say goodnight dprk.
>They'll back the usa against china and nk
After we just increased sanctions against them ? not likely the best we can hope for is non involvement with them secretly runnings guns to the norks
seriously...whats on the menu at a McDonalds in Vietnam?
>See all the videos of isis caravans driving through syria. Why aren't they hit with air strikes? Because nobody can predict where they will be until its too late.
US education.
They aren't hit because the people US Airforce is a tool for Israel and ISIS is doing the work of destabalising the region for the Yinod Plan.
Russia bombed the shit out of them and ruined their supply lines.
True. I bet that would be an awkward phone call tho.