If you were Stalin, what would you have done differently?
If you were Stalin, what would you have done differently?
Kill Africans
shot myself as soon as i was physically able to pick up the gun and pull the trigger
Killed less people
Mandatory gulags at age 18 for everyone
Not die.
Don't purge generals
Nah, shooting yourself is a Hitler thing. Stalin had his own style.
Fucking WHY? Or are you just filling up your daily quota of leaf-tier posts?
oy sergei, what books/movies/documentals do you recommend so i can educate myself more about Stalin/Marx/Lenin , because i know a lot of the shit i will find it would be propaganda from ( ( ( they ) ) )
I would unironically say that even wikipedia-tier basic history course is an ok place to start.
Before you go into details you need to understand what actually happened when. Just cross-reference with a couple other sources.
Restore the Romanovs as absolute Orthodox Christian kings, guarantee the independence of Poland and ally France + the UK.
Try to maintain the alliance with Hitler and in exchange kill more Jews earlier on.
>Restore the Romanovs as absolute Orthodox Christian kings,
Suckers were DEAD by that time, Jim.
>guarantee the independence of Poland
That's exactly the pretense under witch soviets invaded it in 1941.
>ally France + the UK.
Um, yes? I mean, that's exactly what happened.
USSR was one of the "allies" in WW II.
I would stop sucking jewish dicks.
And then I would kill myself.
So basically no changes. I see.
There are still Romanovs around today
It's hard to say what you'd do differently when he did nothing wrong.
Turn USSR into capitalist state.
Would have used my position of power to ruin the communists from the inside so they can never recover.
Nuke moscow
Was basically what Hilter did to nationalists? Clever.
He should have commited more into Korean War, NK lost because he was too pussy to send anything but MiGs. Should have rushed South before they could be saved.
Dude same.
Give the power to the people so that Communism can finally thrive
>He should have commited more into Korean War, NK lost because he was too pussy to send anything but MiGs. Should have rushed South before they could be saved.
I know we are shitposting here, but WHY?
The only difference it would have made it that both Koreas would be "Best Korea-tier" nowadays (and soviet union might have collapsed somewhat sooner as a result of spending more on that war).
> 1941
> except they invaded in 1939
> guarentee independence.
> what was ribbentrop molotow.
Please tell me that you're baiting.
All funding must go to China, Cuba and best Korea, no one else.
>Please tell me that you're baiting.
I'm shitposting.
But, yes, the PRETENSE of the invasion was to protect against the nazi Germany.
They had that in the USSR, dictatorship of the proletariat.
It was not real communism, shitlord!
Just dont attack finland блeaть
gassed the kikes, then gassed the communists
I hate to say it, but if Stalin died sooner, some libcuck kike like Trotsky might have taken-over.
Stalin was cancer, but at least he killed/exiled many globalist kikes in the Bolshevik Party.
No they didn't, the state was still there so not really communism
>Attempt to suck my own cock
>attempt to suck Hitler's cock
>attempt to suck Rosevelt's crippled cock
>attempt to suck Tojo's cock
>Go Down in history books as a craven cocksucker
There wouldn't be division between Koreas anymore that was caused because of your country and USA in the first place.
If Western countries had their way in Korean war they would have unified it anyway when they had taken almost all of North Korea. China had to come save Stalin's own puppet country after he had given them green light to attack South.
Smothered myself in the crib.
no one would have gave a shit if it was africans, and they are disgusting
Be friends with Hitler, oh wait.
Dead mans switch when going after the doctors plot
Team up with Hitler to kill the Jews
>state was still there so not really communism
Now wait a second, but state = roads
So "no state" = "no roads".
Shit, THAT'S WHY road infrastructure is so shitty in Russia! We were THAT CLOSE to real communism!
> libcuck kike like Trotsky might have taken-over.
Trotzky was not a "libcuck". The faggot was the closest equivalent to communist Hitler. Also, he would actually attack Europe to pursue worldwide revolution.
He tried to and then Hitler invaded him dumbass.
I would have declared the reformation of the Russian Empire, with myself as Tsar, after my opposition was weakened enough with the great purge. Then I would have expelled the Jews, executed remaining commies, and aligned the Empire with NatSoc Germany.
My goal would be to cleanse Europe and her diaspora of Semitic filth, by deportation, preferably, but by violence if necessary. Maybe help with the old Madagascar plan.
Eliminate the butthurt belt after war instead of doing cuck shit like "Friendship of people".
Faggots must be whipped, financially or physically, only then they will have some sort of respect towards you.
Make Russia fascist and actually side with hitler
The community would work as a whole to fix and build new roads
I actually wonder. Has no russian ever heard the total war speech before the fact?
Invade and take over China soon as possible, probably during the Korean war as an american allie.
Drop the stalinism and instead cooperate with Trotsky and promote trotskyism. Trotskyism is worse in the long run, but we all know that stalinism didn't work out either.
>State is bad
There's an anarchocommunist flag for your kind.
The point is not if it's bad or not, the point is that for Communism to exist, the state must not
What do you mean it didn't work? The state run fine and nitpickers got free educational trips into government summer camps.
Every direct democracy in the world still had bureaucrats. And if you suggest small communes living independently, then they don't stand a chance if they were ever invaded by capitalists.
>Restore the Romanovs as absolute Orthodox Christian kings
Last Romanov was a definition of a cuck.
The current "Tzar Gogi" is a cool guy, but he is a cuck as well.
> guarantee the independence of Poland
Polaks must suffer. Worse than Jews, actually.
Jew might collaborate out of his own geshefts and profits and what not. Pole will backstab you over the bullshit schlahta pride, will try to shoot himself in the foot specifically because you said opposite (again, because of schlahta pride), and will blame you when he actually succeeds.
Why, you think, Poland was fucking divided several times during their history and fucked up numerous times DESPITE having all the good cards in their hand? (Almost ownership of Russia during the Time of Changes, Partnership with Hitler etc.)
It's literally dumbest country in the Europe.
>and ally France + the UK.
Meh, they were "allies" and nothing more would happen from it.
Hell, should I remind you how fucking roaches protected the turkroaches when Ruskies were battling them?
If Europe/Russia were able to fend off the Zionist Jews like China has done the world would be a much different place. So, so, so different.
see this
I'd crown myself Czar and make the USSR capitalist again.
Not genocide 14 million farmers
Because with the limited window of opportunity there is to spread communism in the world around the mid-late 30's, when it wasn't something that other states actively tried to prevent in their own nations, you'd have to work globally and not focus on Russia and the surrounding territories.
Besides, communism coming from the people themselves, who are then governed by their own ethnic brothers would be a lot more stable than communism coming from Soviet liberators whose Russian leaders then govern your people.
not communism
you're the chief executive of, like, the worlds largest enterprise
why do anything different, just eat well and bang kulak bitches
>Without a mustache
Impossible, that's where they keep their soul.
>Don't purge the commen folk
>Purge more Muslims
>Make sure the Iranian revolution happened earlier so commies have a upper hand
>Make regular Communism more militant so the faggotisation is less likely
>Better relationship with China, mabye Trotsky Mao
>More funding in science (you can never fund it enough)
>Do my own Operation Unthinkable
I would have raughed.
Elaborate please.
What is there to elaborate on?
Hitler pretty much destroyed NacSoc or anything close as a valid political position for decades.
>implying communists have a soul
Not betray Hitler.
That sucker literally murdered him in the end and you think it was not justified to betray him?
What? How did he betray Hitler?
the communist society needs world socialism first, can take centuries
Soul doesn't exist
Transition to capitalism after ww2.
Destoyed whole fucking europe.
kill hitler personally while in vienna
hey dont steal hitlers thunder
Still angry about spain?
Would have pushed for rubble backed by gold.
Hitler NatSoc ancuck filth
Truly I would've attempted to get along better with America. The advances we could have made together would be infathomable.
It was clear that Stalin wanted to destroy Russian ethnic identity, dismantle homogeneous Slavic groups and pave road to glorious Georgian dominance, the problem was he didn't do it well enough, so I would improve on that.
Seriously though I would never want to be in the shoes of a commie fuck promoting degenerate beliefs such as multiculturalism.
Purge soviet Jews, turn the system into national bolshevism, later on into some deviation of fascism. Later on team up with Hitler and conquer any Kike-supporting, democratic shithole, including the USA.
>pave road to glorious georgian dominance
stalin did not play favorites, especially with georgians who he knew were shit and why he personally crushed any georgian attempts at being autonomous
he did all this except hitler chimped out
Believe me dude, I know more about Stalin's attitude toward Georgians, than you will ever find out through commie propaganda. Saying that Stalin had a soft spot for his home country and all he wanted was that his people rise might be the most retarded thing a human being can say.
But he always played different strategies with different nations, even though Georgians found themselves in shittiest situation in ww2, after that our nation experienced obvious favoritism from USSR (Autocephaly of church, many important industries built in tbilisi and other cities, relatively less restricted population). I know Stalin didn't give two shits about his nation, but also he didn't despise us as they want to portray.
>buying into such a brain-dead utterly undemocratic ideology.
kys.marx would be an anti-communist reactionary if he lived today
>kill less europeans
>restart pogrom program against kikes and muslims
>exterminate central asia, crimea and chechnya from asiatic menase and repopulate them with slavs.
>declare Nationalism and not Sovietism
>when WW2 begins help hitler with sending more equipment and maybe troops
>provoke britcucks to attack you like "Operation Pike" and declare war on them
>Don't provoke Hitler with expanding with into Axis spheres like Romanian Moldova and sending shit tons of offensive equipment like fucking tanks into the border
>Help Hitler invading Britain
>he doesn't know he lives in the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie
the "no state" is basically figurative, because they are still under a military dictatorship.
>is basically figurative
That's one way to say "utter bullshit".
Lol. So your plan is to cuck to the German painter even harder hoping this time he will honor the pack?
Gommunists, gommunists never change. Even in planning genocide they still fail to accept treacherous human nature.
Killed all russians instead of only 20 millions