I know some decent blacks, I believe it is not blood or genes, but a cultural issue that makes people into niggers, hence why there are white niggers too. I know some decent Muslims, again, I believe the culture is the enemy, not biologically the people. Same goes for Chinese, Indians, Mexicans etc.
But there is no excuse for retards. Retards are in every way useless to mankind. At least you can eat cows. At least dogs provide entertainment. Even fucking mosquitos provide a role in balanced ecosystems. Retards are completely useless. They bring everyone down, are a resource drain, and offer nothing to society. There is no excuse for the government not to step in and prevent these useless lives from still existing.
At least sterilize the motherfuckers right? I should not have to deal with a downey parent of one of my students. of course the kid is fucking not progressing, his mom is a goddamn potato.
Also: my fiancee completely agrees with my views. When the time comes, will there be any way to know of issues while the baby is in the womb? Is there any legal way in American or her home Japan to kill it simply because of this reason, or will we have to do it illegally?
they make good stories for the tard threads though
John Brown
I've always found them off-putting, and I'm sure 95% of others do too. I don't see the value in them, I say gas them all without remorse. Would kill my retarded child if my wife wouldn't
Eli Miller
I want someone to refute my central point and tell me where my argument is wrong
Dylan Sanchez
Meh. Funny thing is the types of people who treat retards the worst are progressives. Shallow and without compassion. It's all a mask. Ill just assume you are one of those types of assholes. You might find that in God's sight, one of those disabled kids is worth ten thousand times more than you or I. Grow up.
David Smith
> complains on Sup Forums about retards not contributing to society
Do I need to point out the hypocrisy any further?
Jaxon Harris
But you're not wrong. They are defective and at a minimum should be sterilized, preferably aborted. They are a burden on everyone around them, and society itself. They will never contribute anything of value. It's harsh, but it's true.
Jonathan Williams
I unironically agree with this.
They should be sterilized though.
Xavier King
"In God's sight" is not an argument to kepe them alive. They literally contribute and are only a drain.
Blake Murphy
Colton Brooks
>I know some decent blacks, I believe it is not blood or genes, but a cultural issue
stopped reading hee
Julian Rogers
Well because valuing human life is pretty important. They are off-putting because they are different from you and they stoke sympathetic emotions. Some people react strangely to these kinds of feelings, and loathing can result. It is being shallow, user. You grow out of it when you grow up and get older, because your mom and dad should have taught you that. If you cannot find it in your heart to value the "least" of people, then how can you be trusted to truly value anything?
Jordan Hughes
Got further than I did
Anthony James
Aww, did op hurt your fee-fees? Dont worry everyone lives your "Please be patient, I have autism" hat. Really!
Jonathan Reed
Outliers always exist user, doesn't mean they shouldn't all be gassed. Chances are their children won't be outliers, and they hold inferior genes anyways.
Blake Johnson
>At least sterilize the motherfuckers right? I've always been a fan of eugenics.
On another, yet related, note... Anyone have tard stories to share?
Michael Phillips
Isaac Rogers
They test our humanity and empathy. They remind us to be empathetic
Brayden Wood
Not to make this Ad Hominem, but would you personally be comfortable spending all your hard earned money and the little bit of free time you have all on someone who will never even be able to aspire to contribute to human progress? Someone who will perpetually feed on the time and resources of others and your government? We plan on only having one kid, and we will do everything in my power to make this child the best human he possibly can be. I can not and will not allow something like a biological handicap to prevent my blood from achieving greatness
John Gonzalez
Do i have a story for you...
Jaxon Lopez
>Makes retard bashing thread >Is a retard
Jordan Martin
A long time ago me,my mom and my sibling went to the YMCA to go swiming, as we were signing in a fat retard is nerby thowing a hissy fit.His handler tries to get him out of the building he tries kicking her when they get near us he starts trying to kick my brother .The handler got him out and my brother was fine but i don't think anyone prone to just kicking and trying to hurt people because he is upset should be allowed in a public place for any reason
Josiah Hernandez
>I know some decent blacks
Fuck off, nigger lover.
Jordan Brown
Most retards ARE sterilized
Camden Wright
tards may ultimately drain funds from the state. But in the end they generate jobs because someone has to take care of them. The money goes back into the system and is seldom wasted.
Chase Scott
Jacob Hill
>offer nothing to society. Incorrect. They allow society to exercise its empathy, compassion and humanity.
Alexander Cox
>"believe the culture is the enemy, not biologically the people" Thats where you are wrong nigga, Muzzies have been inbred for hundreds of years.
Connor Wilson
Yeah, if my first child was an retard, I would make sure my female kill it while in womb. I would not a love a thing I bring into existence if it is mentally incapable of shitting in a toilet. Luckily I have 3 healthy children and I've done the white race proud. But yes, I have no remorse in saying I would stamp that fucking life out if my wife was pregnant with a non-being.
Carson Evans
Yeah. My sister is mentally disabled. She is my best friend. It may be hard to understand if you were not taught as a kid the value of each person. This is not some pie in the sky bullshit. Some folks who are driven and have accumulated much can be the most worthless pricks on the planet, and some dweeb or retard that nobody cares about can be the most wonderful person you have ever met. Havent you ever enjoyed the company of somebody because of who they are? For a long time I got in a rut and stopped giving a shit about anybody, and I lost that connection with people. Now I have developed autistic-type traits that I never had. I have been getting out of that funk and am starting to get back to the way I remembered them. People have value in and of themselves. Know what I mean?
Ethan Bailey
Be thankful they are in their place and you in yours
Jaxson Wood
ah a real argument. Valuing human life might be, but why start now? Why now after wars and conquests and genocides and millions of slaves of every color does valuing human life matter when people propose removing humans that do not and lack the ability to contribute to our people's future? Again I repeat, say what you want about blacks, browns, or asians, but there are still inventions, art, and culture that comes from these people. All blanket statements about other minorities have exceptions, yet retards do not. I do not agree with the off putting thing, mostly. I find many things off putting and would not justify killing something because it is off putting. What I do have an issue with is when something just takes and takes and takes, and could not ever give back. There is not enough room on this planet for those of us pulling our own, and now we have to make extra room for those who cannot even pull.
Ryder Wright
Here's the problem user; OP is completely right. It doesn't matter what emotions you may feel about tards, they're a burden. Even niggers and goat fuckers have some use.
Xavier Thomas
I mean I'll laugh a retard but going out of your way to bash them is a little much tbqh
Justin Moore
now we're talking! this is the type of shit I'm looking for
Caleb White
>broken window licker theory
Zachary Sanders
Connor Sanders
>People have value in and of themselves. Know what I mean?
Never believed that myself. Human beings have no inherent value, their value comes from what they are capable of.
Hudson Adams
I have this belief that this should be a thing in the world. Like I personally disagree with this belief, but I believe it should exist as a belief, practice, and custom.
The custom would essentially involve a group of young adult Asians walking down the street, shopping, drinking lattes, coming from an arcade etc. As they are walking down the street they spot a downie waddling on the sidewalk and point fingers at it and start speaking to each other in their native asian tongue. After some talking they walk up to the downie and just push it on the pavement. While holding down the downie, they pull out chopsticks and just start peeling its skin/flesh off and eating it right there on the street as the downie winces and tries to struggle. The male/female asian friend group would giggle and talk like they are sitting at a restaurant and eating a meal there on their night out. After they are finished consuming the downie they would just walk away like nothing happened, a natural practice that existed in Asian cultures for years.
Now this practice would exist in the US and other parts of the world, and it would have just as much controversy as whaling or eating a cow, but for the most part people wouldn't care. Personally I would be against this practice in and of itself, but I believe this belief and practice needs to exist just so it could stir controversy on Sup Forums and the news.
John Clark
Use IVF to have children, then it's impossible for them to have it.
Well if we all ever did die, I would hope that we died loving one another. It is hard to talk about love these days because people assume you are talking about a flaky, sentimental and vague affection. I do not mean this, but instead I mean sacrifice. "There is no greater love then when a man lays down his life for another". To me this is courage and the highest of the noble virtues. There are times when am not at all like this, but I want to be like this.
Ayden Howard
op is getting extra special retard babies
David Bennett
Hmm. I truly thank you for your input. cliche warning: I go back and forth with what life's ultimate purpose is, and what my individual purpose is. in my most recent years, I've come to the conclusion that life's main purpose is to create more life and perpetuate is at all costs. My personal job then as a human is to perpetuate the human race and help in every way I can to help it rise to glory. I agree wholeheartedly about the worthless pricks part, but as someone like myself who highly doubts that anyone will be rewarded or punished for their actions once they die, it seems that these pricks have won at life. To my understanding, it doesn't really matter what you do, as long as you can live and be happy with yourself at the end of the day and at the end of your life. Therefore, people who are satisfied with themselves and horrible people, merely have succeed at their goals and done their duty with their life. You are right I suppose, some one like that can be the most wonderful person you have ever met, but I think life is about more than that. I don't think being wonderful is what its about. It honestly physically and mentally hurts to say this, but if being wonderful was what we were meant to do, why is it often so punished? Why can I not succeed in life just by being wonderful? Why is aggression and dominance so necessary to just day to day life? Clearly there is something in the universe that doesn't value wonderful-ness. And it is reasons like these that have brought me to my current stance. Again, I value your input. Thank you.
Asher Morgan
I am unfamiliar, can you explain?
Samuel Ward
Were the tards sent to us for the sole purpose of good tard threads?
Dylan Thompson
I don't think culture is the sole purpose...
Culture does enable the nig-nog's desire to nig even more. But I'm sure you knew that
Grayson Ross
As much as I want to be the empathetic hippie I sometimes am, I have to agree with you. Degenerates, thieves and retards have no value, solely because they hurt society in one way or another. But tell me, would you say that your own (healthy, mind that) child has no value?
Aiden Foster
>sterilize the motherfuckers Although I'm no doctor, I'm pretty sure that this is common practice for people with down syndrome.
Think about it. Having a child only to realize that its retarded/severely disabled and will never be able to amount to anything substantial is bad enough. Why let them reproduce when its extremely likely that they're going to have children with the exact same disorder(s)?
The only real reason that retarded children are allowed to live is that most parents couldn't bare to part with something they've already set aside a part of their lives to support. Even if a couple did want to get rid of their retarded baby after birth (this is assuming that the birth parents had no clue that their child would be retarded), they'd most likely be hesitant to do so out of fear of being judged.
Jack Nguyen
I would trade retards over muslims, niggers, and jews any day
Dylan Mitchell
Read Erasmus' Praise of folly. Fools are actually useful because they have a positive effect on our wellbeing. We get to laugh at their retardedness.
why the fuck won't youtube videos start where you setthem to start on these shit fucking forums
Chase Howard
It's a rebuttal to Keynesian economics where a hooligan braking a shop window creates a job for window pane installers but the overall productivity is still less than it would be if the window wasn't broken in the first place.
Joshua Reed
Retards are cognitively impaired. They can still have hearts of gold.
Niggers aren't just mentally deficienct but spiritually deficient as well.
When retards bump up the crime stats and are mainstays of prisons, you can talk all the shit about them you like. But they don't. They deserve compassion and dignity. Niggers deserve the rope.
Ayden Ward
> I believe it is not blood or genes, but a cultural issue that makes people into niggers
nope. rural kenyan 5 year olds fail the mirror test. they're less self aware than magpies
Levi Evans
Not yet. But there is potential for value. I can feel the can of worms ready to spring open, but I'll state this loosely related tid bit anyway: I do believe abortion is murder. I completely and entirely support it, but yes, you are killing something that will become a human. All that bull about "when does a life become a life?" and "oh so is jacking off now killing babies" is complete horse shit. If left unadulterated, that zygote will become a human. but until that zygote has matured about 16 or so years and will start contributing to the society that it has leached off of for its entire existence, it holds no value in the grand scope of human existence. It might have brought joy to its relatives and maybe a few other near-worthless zygotes of the same maturity, but except for a few outliers, it has not even begun to pull its weight in the human struggle. No of course I could not kill my theoretical 3 year old daughter. I've already invested so much time, energy, and resources in this life that I hope will achieve much excellence. Could my wife and I pay someone to kill my soon to be daughter before she ever sees daylight (if we had a good enough reason)? absolutely. Could I smother my own flesh and blood new born if I truly realized it didn't have a chance to live an amazing, fruitful, fulfilling and excellent life? Yes, I believe so. I do not see myself as a monster, and because of this I would not subject my beautiful daughter to a life she would hate. I would snuff out that candle because I love her.
Isaac Edwards
ah. thank you.
Josiah Jenkins
But if we killed all the potatoes, who would live in Ireland?
Daniel Taylor
downs should be purge the moment the doctors see it. the family should have no say in it.
Evan Harris
>But tell me, would you say that your own (healthy, mind that) child has no value?
Yeah, if it was objectively true. I suppose a newborn would start off having no value outside of potential and its value goes up from there.
Though it should be pretty obvious, I'll state that I have no children. Would like to someday though.
Hudson Baker
it shouldnt even be human in their disposal. i unirinically thing every retatd baby should be swung feet first into a tree
Ryan Kelly
all they do is suck Resources and give nothing back to society. we already have niggers doing that. throw them in a fire.
Jacob Edwards
this. Humans are common. When was the last time there was a human shortage? Life is a miracle, but not every single individual life. Not every baby is a miracle. Any dick and vagina can make one. value comes with time and investment.
Robert Miller
For all those who advocate killing all retards, would you approve of doing the same to you once you're shitting your diapers in a dementia ward?
Liam Ward
im pretty sure most downs are steril by default (or at the very least its harder for them to make a baby than a normal person).
Charles Lewis
Yes actually. My fiancee and I have a pact to kill ourselves at age 85, or sooner if we become invalids before that age.
Jackson Nguyen
our government loves killing old people once they can no longer pay taxes.
Isaac Barnes
People already abort their down syndrome kids constantly. Last time I checked foetuses with detectable down syndrome are aborted almost 1/3 of the time.
Parker Perry
98% certain that the mother of a private student has an extra chromosome. imagine this woman with red frizzy hair.
Eli Jackson
I agree with everything but abortion (only if life is threatened or retard baby, or non-white) and kids leeching off; IMO we should make kids help society earlier like it was in the past. Not childlabor-tier, stuff like helping parents and relatives, neighbours etc.
I do believe humans have a value, but only to eachother in a closed community (family/village/etc), not universal like liberals want us to believe, but sadly in the grand scope of things most humans are just a number, a reality that we have to accept.
Samuel Watson
Please can anyone help me find sauce for this? My fiancee and I have been trying to find proof that this is possible for a very very long time.
David Perry
>being a nigger isnt genetic
looks like you are the retard
Samuel Miller
I plan to wander out into the forest during a snowstorm before I hit that point.
Or if I'm stuck in an urban area I'll just kill myself with an inert gas (it's painless).
David Baker
i have worked as an assistance for people with autism and donws Before. people with autism can very alot. some are really smart in some subjects and slowers in others while others are full on mentally retarded and act like 8-10 year olds. people with downs are just the same but much slower in some cases.
actually I was wrong, it's in the upper 80 and 90 percentile.
Leo Gomez
>I know some decent blacks, I believe it is not blood or genes, but a cultural issue that makes people into niggers Get the fuck out retard lover.
Adam Russell
same, fiancee and I hold a gigantic party and after everyones gone home, we will go to the garage and leave the car running. we will die from the exhaust in each other's arms
Carter Wright
would totally bang a retard just to see how tight the pussy was. Also....bc its wrong.
Jayden Fisher
Alright, I'll fucking bite, we can let the whole thread go to shit for all I care Really. You guys have never ever met a decent, competent, intelligent, and successful black or brown person your entire life? Not one single one?
Jaxon Peterson
Its a mixed bag op, some of them are completely useless and are a huge strain on the resources of the state. Society is at the point were decadence and degeneracy is normal, feelings rule over logic. Is it the job of the taxpayer to pay for the housing and every necessity for these people to live? I certainly disagree with it the same as niggers who are 3rd generation welfare African Royalty. Our system sucks right now because of all the non producers who suck at the tit of the mother state.
Anthony Murphy
>die from the exhaust
I wouldn't recommend that. I'd look into making something like this if I were you.
A mentally disabled relative of mine almost drowned me when I was a child. He didn’t know what he was doing so it’s okay.
Jaxson Foster
I actually work in that type of area, I'm sometimes not sure why they're kept alive but then i realise they keep the place running
Carson Martinez
Start with (you)
Asher Phillips
damn son... you really roasted me!
Jose Smith
Geg shall not be forgotten
Justin Rivera
Post tard stories
Anthony Thomas
You are a tragic human being
David Baker
speaking of retards, what books on eugenics should i read?
Cooper Miller
The primary issue on this, abortion and euthanasia is that once you start legally advocating any kind of killing the issue shifts from 'can we kill' to 'who can we kill'. It's all good and sensible until it's something you disagree with. Most people probably support at least one but unless you have all of them your laws don't quite add up and everybody's upset over the inconsistency. Better to have none. Also this recently came up in a book and made me feel: >There are children, who are very much like little Babbie (a dog). Not verbal, but capable of love and very grateful for whatever love they may receive. You would think that every heart would go out to them but many don't. I'm conflicted on the issue, so many of them disgust me and just seem to be oversized toddlers who just shout and snatch at shit they want but then it's really ridiculous to expect much more considering how fried some of their brains are.
My grandfather was clearly terrified of losing his wits since it happened to his mother. He doesn't really much mind anything but whenever the subject of dementia/senility came up you could see on his face that he was seriously concerned. I don't want to have to deal with that. I'd sooner work myself to death.
Aaron Roberts
Hey sorry just hopping in to ask a question, I got a ban message a few moments ago when I tried to reply to a thread, the message was apparently for a post on Sup Forums but I definitely didn't type the message, and I've never been on Sup Forums so what's the deal? I'm a mobile fag if that helps.
Aiden Foster
there is no point in sterilizing retards since they aren't the ones doing the irresponsible breeding. it's the normie parents of the retards who should be sterilized passing on their dysgenic genes