>anyone implying that not everything is politicized
>anyone using a browser other than unhooked chromium or edge
>anyone using (((duckduckgoy))) or (((google))) instead of Qwant
>anyone implying that not everything is politicized
>anyone using a browser other than unhooked chromium or edge
>anyone using (((duckduckgoy))) or (((google))) instead of Qwant
Other urls found in this thread:
what's wrong with duckduckgo?
Other than being run by a Shlomo?
edge? Microsoft edge? top kek
What isn't?
It's the fastest and with least (((bloat))), but I recommend ungoogled chromium
Qwant isn't
let me guess, you're on windows 10?
stop giving advice, remove ur head from ur ass, and inform yourself before posting again
No. I added it as an alternative. Stop being triggered
Waterfox, Chromium or if you do not care about forked browsers, then use Brave,Vivaldi or Yandex. You can not go wrong with either of them. Brave is on top though.
Why not Opera? The Chinese are a lesser evil.
Watercucks is still mozilla
Regular chromium still has all the Google botnet built in
Brave and Vivaldi are shit skins on top of Chrome botnet
Yandex is Russia
Only one without botnet is ungoogled chromium
That pretty much leaves iridium as the last standing modern browser. afaik.
Iridium does not have all the de-botnet features that ungoogled chromium has
Just got Waterfox and I'm looking for AdBlockers.
Are any of them compromised? Are there any clear best options? Does it matter?
Adblock plus is a kike who gets paid to whitelist certain ads.
Only option is unlock origin
>ungoogled chromium
There's no such thing sweet child. Let me guess, you think Brave is ungoogled because of Eich? There is no optimal solution, Firefox is a necessary evil for the foreseeable future. Though we should organize a coup and retake it from loony sjws.
Ublock and Umatrix. Ublock though if you do not know what to do. And Umatrix if you want flexibility.
I even posted a link retard. And if you don't believe it, the code's all there. See
Looks good, will give it a shot. Heard of something like this a long time ago but didn't try it. My concern is that it's a really small project, and with the pace of chromium updates it won't be able to keep up.
This really should be integrated into something like Brave with more resources behind it. We should spam Eich's Twitter with this request, he's very active there.
As soon as Brave adds support for the Stylish/UserStylesOrg extension, I'm moving over.