Anyone else here so intelligent that they scare people? Are there any books/poems for this feel...

Anyone else here so intelligent that they scare people? Are there any books/poems for this feel? Ever since I was little, I have always terrified my parents with my cognitive abilities. When I was 8, I once verbally destroyed my father in an argument so badly that our relationship has never been the same since that day. My teachers have always disliked me to a certain degree because I terrified them absolutely terrified them with my intelligence and knowledge, and of course, one hates what one fears.

When I was in an English class in high school, I remember monologuing about Shakespeare as the jaws of my teacher and fellow students dropped, their eyes wide and afraid because of the sheer depth and profundity of my intelligence.

In university, I have learned to tamp down my intellect, lest it scare off my possible sexual conquests, connections and professors. Now I know what you’re thinking – scaring off sexual conquests with your fucking mind? It should be the other way around, shouldn’t it? I too, felt, since I was young, that that should be the case and in some instances perhaps it may be but in my own my intellect is beyond the erotic, so fearsome that the people in my vicinity simple cannot withstand it without shivering in fear or apprehension: can a man like this truly exist? What is this man capable of? Can the human brain comprehend such a mind?

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If you are so smart and alpha then why are you posting on this shit site?

Also: it is friday night you fucking poof, what are you doing on this shit site?

tfw to intelliegnt

ya you're from Australia wouldn't put to much into this. just saying

fucking brainlet

>one hates what one fears
One can also respect what they fear. Why aren't you leading the other monkeys by now if you're so smart?

Topkek image.

You don't sound intelligent, you just sound fucking autistic

Say something smart.

I feel your pain user... This is some /r9k/ level shit though.

For a person with such impressive "cognitive abilities" you have a piss-poor mastery of grammar and punctuation.

please stop posting threads about how smart you think you are

>Spoiler: You're not smart, you parents are just stupid.

Try scaring me with your intelligence, faggot

This thread wreaks of a neckbeard's smegma

Macron stop trying to larp as an aussie...

It's not Friday night until it's Friday night in America.

I feel like you're exaggerating a little bit, or maybe you are just really fucking smart, but I know some of those feels.

James Joyce' Ullyses is about this but you'd have to actually be smart to undestand it, fucknut

It's called autism.

Sounds like you went undiagnosed as a child, were left alone too long, and read/watched too many adult books/media, just like me. It also sounds like you are overcoming your autism and becoming an ENTP troll, also like me. I'm probably 20 years ahead of you and I got news:

You will never completely overcome your autism. The older you get, and the more adept you become at hiding your secret behaviors, the more dopamine they will release in your brain when you engage in them.

You will learn or may have already learned how to channel your autism. This will allow you to accomplish things that seem impossible to normies. Many will hate you.

One day, however, you'll be shocked to learn that many of them love you. Through this enlightenment you will develop different methodologies for channeling autism to achieve goals, like getting laid or landing a job.

You will be highly successful at normie mental games like farming shekels and socializing.

You will probably land a trophy wife and have beautiful normie children, but they will not bring you happiness.

You will never find a reason to live. When your body starts to hurt from age, waking up will become very difficult. All you will want to do is sleep, but falling asleep will become difficult, too.

You will always hate everybody and everything, even, after some years, your wife, your children, and the manifestations of your shekels.

The older you get, the more extroverted you become as your internal hate consumes your public personas. Normies will view you as some sort of George Carlin, which is cool, you think. Though you will never be able to relate to or understand them, at some point you will actually care what they think about you.

In the end, your trolling will get you killed or you'll become so tired that you kill yourself.

that's not being smart, that's called being autistic

This is me.

Sounds good, hating stuff takes too much effort so that part doesn't apply to me.

>needing a reason for living