Why is arab National Socialism (Islam) vastly superior to white natsoc?
Also, are you ready to bend the knee and pretend Jews are the real enemy?
Why is arab National Socialism (Islam) vastly superior to white natsoc?
Also, are you ready to bend the knee and pretend Jews are the real enemy?
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Islam is dysgenic af. Well, most Muslims are at least.
Thats my German
say it with me now
La ilaha illa llah, Muhammadun rasulu llah
la la bila la la mohammad lala lila
> the eternal goatfucker again
Wash yourself. Immediately upon becoming a Muslim, you should take a shower or bath as a form of purification. This is a symbolic act that signifies the washing away of the past and of emerging from darkness to light.
Go and do it now, you dirty boy
Islam is Western.
Because they have the oil.
Next question?
are you lost in madness?
Arab National Socialism is Ba'athism.
Islam was proto-Baathist and originally Arab nationalist in the first 500 years, but then got internationalised by the Turko-Persians and the mongol hordes. It's now no longer an Arab nationalist ideology but more a judeobolshevist internationalism although it does display some of its Arab nationalist roots.
But the only way forward for the Arab world is Ba'athism, nationalism, and Arab-socialism
Saddam's Iraq and Assad's Syria body the perfect example of what an Arab state should be. Arab nationalist secular dictatorship. Western democracy and modern islam are degeneracy incarnate.
cmon germ, muslims will be 2.6 billion in number by 2040, and now in Germany the average age of whites is 45, whereas for muslims it is 16. What are all the old people gonna do about it?
>bend the knee
stopped reading right there, go home game of thrones larper.
We will send you home (about 500,000 will be killed) and then we will start again. no problem
> In 1850 we were only 30 million
>arab National Socialism (Islam)
islams isn't nationalistic at all
neither is National Socialism. The first thing the German "national" socialists did was invade other countries
its just a bit of banter, don't let it rother you
(I was trying to make a pun there)
Socialism works well when the state distributes massive oil revenues and refuses to allow outsiders to become citizens, yet allows the to work as near-slaves. Also, having the death penalty for witchcraft helps keep the public safe from witches.
two (you)s, did i upset you?
Superior, God bless you... you make me laugh
Yes, I'm literally crying right now
good, i hope you're shaking.
The tears are streaming down my face
Islam is anti-nationalistic, dumass.
Nobody with a lick of sense gives a shit.
Germany didn't seem all that concerned about national borders
Unlike Islam, they were not able to last for 1400 years. 14 maybe
keep crying bitch ass nigga, and show your flag
I got to go soon
scared of something?
Who the fuck cares what the Globalist Socialist Goymany did.
You are free to worship your flying horse riding paedo skydaddy, just do so in a way that doesn't shit this board up even more.
But the servants of the arabs will stick around, bong. There's gonna be a lot more where this came from
nah, I just like this meme flag
kek, you think i care about this country. good joke, now post your flag. your not scared of an anonymous person online are you?
Ba'athism is more like national socialism since it doesn't have all the aids islam does.
Course not. But why would you want to see the flag of an anonymous person anyway?
because you have to go an extra step to hide your flag, like you're hiding something your ashamed about?
He is an American/Canadian.