How bad are acid attacks in London. My wife and I are going this fall. Should she wear a head scarf?

How bad are acid attacks in London. My wife and I are going this fall. Should she wear a head scarf?

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Depends, what part are you going to?

I don't know where to stay. Like Earl's Court area? Just going to be in core really.

Shouldn't be too bad then, But it's still London so don't relax.

As long as you stay clear of muslim parts of the town you'll be fine. Central London is safe, anywhere outside of that is a death sentence.

bebop was great but spike kind of jobbed every time he went off to fight his nemesis.

Acid attacks you'll be fine.
However don't walk around with your phone in your hand as it's possible it will get swiped off you.

'around blacks'.

The fact that you need to ask yourself such questions really saddens me...

Jesus fuck you cucks are naive, you couldnt go to scotland or even fucking ireland?

gg leaf think of this post as your wives face melts off.

Forget London and come to Brazil instead, you'll two will have much more fun and won't have to worry about such things

you'll be fine. Its muds robbing people in nice areas for thier rolexes etc and muds chimping out on each other

Are you still purging eatch other? Or has that stopped now.

Went to Ireland last year. It was lovely.

Just cancel your hotel booking and go Bath or York or Cambridge instead. London is a shithole in dire need of some tactical nuclear redevelopment. Trust a bruvver on this one. So many nicer places for a UK holiday.

I'm in UK for 3 weeks, where should I go? Countryside sounds amazing. No foreigners (besides myself) and friendly pubs?

Your probably better off just going for a swim at Fukushima a lot safer this way

No, they mostly leave the chinese and indians alone anyways.

Bath is a good shout because it's set in great countryside and you got the Roman ruins to get into if you like that stuff. But it's also a city so there should be stuff going on in the evenings. The countryside is beautiful but a 3 week holiday... You are gonna get bored if you are too far from a larger settlement. Thanks to the online economy services in villages are practically non existent.

don't go to the nigger infested areas and you should be good

I am English/Irish, my wife is half scottish 1/4 italian... we're pretty white

Uma delicia

Acid attacks largely only affect drug dealers and South Asian village idiots.

As for street robberies, short of wandering into a council estate after dark with a crackhead as a chaperone you will be fine. Lived here fifty years and the streets have never been safer. It's much safer than Paris, NY or Barcelona. And those places are safe too provide you stay out of bad areas and mind your own business. The only part of Greater London that still makes me frosty is the Western fringes of Croydon (Selhurst, Thornton Heath, Broad Green). But there is no reason for you to visit or pass through those places.

And I grew up on the Stockwell Park Estate in the 1980s when it was really bad. So I actually know what I am talking about; unlike the bizarre basement dwellers who seem to be experts on London crime here. Most of whom have never lived here and believe everything they read in the Daily Mail.

Btw, even the parks are safe here. The only danger you face is being jostled by a yuppie jogger or runover by a yummy mummy with her pram.

So enjoy the best restaurants, museums and art galleries in the world.

My city smells of rotting garbage though. We have less pickups than the Italian cities. That needs sorting out. And the roads are full of potholes. Worst in Western Europe.

>t. London tourism board
London is the worst for importing gibs loving foreigners. In Earls Court there are four giant tower blocks with mental patients stacked twenty stories high. I was a London motorcycle courier so I have probably seen more of the city than this rose spectacled nostalgist. Starve the beast and stay away from London.

This makes me feel better

watch out for mopeds, vans, mussies, darkies, bridges, alleys and you should be fine

Keep a bottle/s of water just in case though, better to have it and not need it etc


If you go to East London she should. I was there myself with my family 2 months ago and she and my older daughter both wore a headscarf in these parts of the town.
But we were there only once. We felt much safer this way.

Don't go to London