>work together like ants
>believe in dragons n shiet
Can someone explain to me why they think Chinks aren't the master race? They fit the bill
Everyone here is literally a dumb nigger who thinks hot water is the cure for everything.
You forgot
>eats dogs
I never get the thing why Chinese people drink plain boiled water (白开水).
Because they got absolutely BTFO in every war they ever fought in.
Pretty much every white person who lives in China comes back with a deep hatred for China and its people.
By all accounts it's as much of a toilet country as Sup Forums says it is
>Successfully invaded and occupied Australia without one shot being fired.
Us chinks are the master race cunts
It's crazy, these angloniggers are so stupid
chinese food tends to be greasy. grease and cold water can congeal the grease. at least this is what they told me
Most of China's history is being enslaved by the Qing, how is this a sign of what would be considered a master race?
the water there is unsafe to drink so they have to boil it before drinking
t. lived in china for a month
Why not add a green teabag at least?
fuck off home, Chong
Enslaved by 2% of the population for thousands of years? How? How could you weak little wimps not fight back in all that time when your numbers are so greatly superior?
>less than three hundred years out of thousands
B*rger (((education )))
Time for redpills.
Basically, the Chink "IQ" thing is a myth. They just take scores from a few groomed elites and publish those as the national average. The Average Chink is a dumb mongoloid rice farmer with cancer from pollution.
Chinks have no empathy, because they were conquered by other tribes and empires for centuries, and the "nice" and "trusting" chinks were all slaughtered - creating a eugenic selection for distrust and cold-hardheartedness.
The chinks seem threatening today, but historically their military sucked ass. They have focused on using human wave tactics for centuries. They got BTFO by Japan and Europeans multiple times, despite have a 10x numbers advantage and fighting on their own territory.
You here about "muh grorious culture" all the time, but the Chinks don't really have a culture. The first Quing Emperor destroyed many scrolls and artifacts because he wanted everybody to forget the previous dynasty. Mao did the same thing as him, but on an even greater scale. Also, most of China's culture came from Turks and Manchurians to begin with.
BYC will penetrate your women soon enough. Fist we are buying up your West coast. It is all to easy.
kill yourself chang
Right. What's that term for chinks used by Japs and Mongolians? Something like Mongols dog or Kings slave, because they were basicslly an entire nation of slaves for like 1500 years straight.
Hirohito did nothing wrong.
Nanking was more than justified, I hate goddamned chinks so badly.
>twas yellow skin and slanted eyes, that did betray us with their lies
They don't work together, they're forcibly kept in line using sheer brutalism. They hate each other, a chink will kill another chink for $10 if he knows he won't get caught, and never think about it again. Not to mention pysiological inferiority. Short, flat faced. And no, they are not smart that's a meme. Only Taiwan is worth a damn.
That is not the face of a human being.
You coward.
>What's that term for chinks used by Japs and Mongolians? Something like Mongols dog or Kings slave, because they were basicslly an entire nation of slaves for like 1500 years straight.
pic related
Chinks are naturally submissive, they work great with a boot on their neck until one of their leaders starts getting uppity and whipping them into a psychotic frenzy. They're basically the Germans of Asia.
I had a layover at Shanghai Pudong airport. Terrible experience, they really are like ants, with totally robotic emotional capability. A huge but not busy airport with an air of cheapness underneath a shiny expterior and posters of smiling helpful employees while in reality theyre all broken gommie drones
>>Successfully invaded and occupied Australia without one shot being fired.
>Africans are invading China without one shot being fire
I know that, lived there for almost a year. What I don't get is the PLAIN part. If you boil water, you might as well just put some tea in it.
>muh insectoid
>muh no soul
>muh eating dogs
that's all stormniggers got
deep down inside they know, in reality, that China is likely to topple all of the west and become the dominant culture of the world (like America is now)
the fact that China is becoming so powerful so rapidly and that their military is more powerful than all of Europe's combined makes the stormcuck froth with rage and feelings of inferiority
Reading that again is just so pathetic. How the fuck do you let someone out numbered 1000 to 1 enslave you and kill 50 million of your people over 300 years? I just can't fathom it. It's fucking pathetic.
>hurrr stupid rice nigger leave my country
im white i just can see what's going on
kys faggot. I am an alpha and get puss all the time back in Shanghai.
>Chinks have no empathy, because they were conquered by other tribes and empires for centuries, and the "nice" and "trusting" chinks were all slaughtered - creating a eugenic selection for distrust and cold-hardheartedness.
This is very true
"Imagine being ruled by the nazis for 300 years"well fuck it doesn't sound so bad now
Canada and Australia are already Chinese territory.
>t chink
i love the chinese military might meme they have zero navy hence the artificial islands in the south china sea and an airforce composed of 20 year old MiGs the only thing have going for them is sheer numbers and nukes. Also you got fucked up by Japan in WW2 Japan didnt have nearly the amount of people you did and they still raped the ever loving shit out of you faggots China is a paper tiger
>inferiority complex
>ruined environment
>artificial growth, ghost cities
>low quality products
>lack of food control
>Vietnam, Korea, Japan all dislike China for its foreign policy
Wake up kiddie, it's not the West.
The Chinese are dogshit at warfare. They haven't won any real wars in a long time (100's of years) and are always busy dealing with internal unrest and rebellion. I'm not worried about them at all.
Pic related is me faggot. I got no shame and will cuck your mother right in front of you
>am an alpha and get puss all the time back in Shanghai.
Hahahahahah i thought all the Puss was rationed out to central party members because you retards planned out your population growth like your economics
Jesus, I thought you were a woman cunt rofl. How does anyone even use that?
China will never be the global culture. It's such a failure that basically every other country in the Sinosphere, the countries with the closest culture to China, hate its guts.
sorry retard and in case you don't realize this but Russia and the US agreed to the START treaty which prevents their nuclear weapons from becoming too high yield or too advanced
for example our ICBM's aren't allowed to have more than 3 independent warheads even though they can hold up to 6 per missile
this treaty is enforced by each country allowing the other to send inspectors to make sure the other country is honoring the treaty
china is under no such treaty and their nuclear weapons are completely unchecked and unverified
it's also believed they have submarines that can go completely undetected by any systems we have
mirin them mini abs bro
cute little faggot chink. i need to cuddle that shit
>this is a chink alpha
Welp whatever niggling thought i had about going to war with you fags just evaporated
Why your dick is black??
and everyone except canada in our continent hates us
people tend to hate the alpha on the block
All you need is confidence you weak cuck white burger. If you got that, any pussy is yours. But how can you compete with me. Pro tip: you cant.
Chinese arnt alpha they get beat up here all the time. The girls love white guys and polynesians too.
Everyone on our continent except Canada is culturally different from us. The sinosphere shares the same base culture with China yet every nation in it unanimously hates Chinks.
>address zero points i made and talk about some irrelevant treaty neither country is going to follow
Also you chinks are terrible liars. Rape of Nanking greatest day of my life
Vietnam abandoned the Chinese alphabet about a century ago, Korea did the same after WWII and Japan has limited itself to the minimum necessary amount of kanjis.
that's what euroshits say all the time about America.
but in reality everyone knows that Russia, China, and the US are the three top dogs with everyone else faaaar behind
don't act like europoors pretending that because we "lost" the vietnam war that the US couldn't single handedly invade all of Europe if we wanted to with little to no difficulty
so don't be stupid and pretend that China is something to ignore
All chinks have black dicks
>Pro tip: you cant.
Clearly i can
To be fair, we outnumber kikes 50/1 and yet...
Well less if you only count whites but eh.
Gotta be careful in that shithole, you have to watch out for hordes of cockroaches and piles of baby shit and piss on the ground.
Learn what diapers are you yellow monkeys.
This is how they score top results in the PISA tests. Shanghai elite schools, not deep country Sichuan village single class room schools.
who doesnt love polynesians desu
every pac isl i've met has been grade A bro material
>ghost cities in china
wtf are you talking about?
you getting confused with north korea?
>muh artificial growth
people have been repeating that same mantra for the last few decades
china hasn't stopped being the world's fastest growing economy and it doesn't look like it's going to anytime soon
it was an analogy...
the point is everyone hates china russia and the US because we rule the world
in china you have to take care of someone you injure, so most chinese rather kill that person to avoid it
Please don't hate on Sichuan, it's a decent province. There are way dumber provinces.
Qing were up front with their domination and enslavement of chinks. If every global kike Jew came out right now and said "Stupid goy, we rule over you, now wear this kippa or we'll kill You" then I gurantee an immediate revolt would happen.
i addressed your idiotic points
and if you don't realize that then you're too stupid to argue with
your point was
>hurrr chinese military is a shit
and i completely defeated that sad argument
and idk if you realize this but China and Japan's militaries are extremely different from how they were in WWII
and China already repelled the US in the korean war
>piles of baby shit and piss on the ground
And many of the babies will be mine for all the women I land bareback. You fucking weak ass burgers only get our ugly whores. You jelly cuck boi? USA is chink clay soon enough.
Wumao shill detected
>will cuck your mother right in front of you
Not with that tiny little weenie excuse for a penis HAHAHAHAH
So, seriously, how many women have pointed at it and laughed when you pulled down your pants, chang?
Go on, you can tell us
>Everyone here is literally a dumb nigger who thinks hot water is the cure for everything.
>china hasn't stopped being the world's fastest growing economy and it doesn't look like it's going to anytime soon
It's not even erect. It doesn't look small?
>Keep in mind that the fastest-growing economies typically aren't among the largest, most developed ones. In fact, most of these countries suffer from high income inequality, low levels of per capita gross domestic product, elevated political instability, and rampant corruption.
>projected compounded annual growth rate
please sir...
Exactly my chink brother.
kys jealous white burger. I get more women then you get hot dinners.
and clearly you're using some proxy or are some American guy in China
why do retards on this board always have to assume that to believe that something will happen one must have emotional motivation for believing that it will happen?
is unbiased logic not even remotely considered here?
is that why you imbeciles actually believe there will be a
>race war
in america?
because you want it to happen so therefore it will?
i don't want China to rule the world
but everything about the way the world is going and what China is doing and how America is crumbling tells me they will
only thing that goes against this is Trump becoming president
yeah but chinese military is big but shit with a few good units
>Exactly my chink brother.
I'm not a chink. I just want that supple little Asian body
that's what i used to think but not anymore
China doesn't have 70's tech anymore
they have a shit ton of money now (the government does anyways) and they're spending a ton of it on military
most of their soldiers are conscripts that join for a few months at a time and spend most of the service in indoctrination classes
With that little egg roll? Seriously doubt it little man.
I wouldn't be surprised if you're a virgin. That's ok you can be a big casanova on the internet, my genetically inferior chinkitty chink chink
As we all know, throwing more money blindly at a bunch of savages automatically improves it.
That's why majority black schools in America have such good academic performances.
>unironically taking the bait
Yeah so am I cunt - look at my flag
that isn't an argument...
you realize you're comparing social engineering to building a military right?
the reality is that the more money you spend on military the stronger it is
that's what America does and that's what all the greatest powers throughout history have always done
Why do that NZ is good clay bro.
I'm Chinese
Nice try, cunt.
i don't believe it
all the chinese ive met were very patriotic
so certain of their country's superiority
that's why they call it the "Middle Kingdom"
they think they're the center of the universe
> this triggers the chink
you would make a very beautiful sex-slave , Chen.