The hero of Sup Forums is 5'2"

>The hero of Sup Forums is 5'2"

*breathes in*

Hitler was 5.8

Manlet has a noice boi pucci

>prop up strawman hero as the face as a movement
>proceed to attack the strawman
who says kikes don't play by the rules

What matters is the size of his hatred for niggers.

>prop up strawman hero as the face as a movement
you forgot your kekistani flag

if being tall and athletically superior is whats being a nazi is about then Africans are better nazis than you guys

You forgot the part about being Aryan or at least white.

That bit is somewhat important.

still a little speed addicted manlet just like every other white nationalist "leader" hahahaha loser little munchkin never gonna get any girls

I've met Nathan. He's probably 5'5"

And no one gives a fuck, he can be our war dwarf

niggers are not human tho apples and oranges

Eh, except Europeans are the tallest and strongest.

Spotted the nigger. A white manlet is still superior to a nigger.

t. manlet

Who can hate such a likeable guy?

That will surely convince me to cheer for Ben "big banks are cool" Shapiro, who is about same size and Jews too.

>*breathes in*
found the idiot laughing hyaena of Sup Forums

It's the intellect that built science and civilization, not the physical size.




>A man's height is related to his worth

You must be women.


6'2 here

Am I manlet

we dont even like those jewfriends.