We should start #JamesDamoreGate to fight the Google cucks.
Not catchy, neither is Kekistan. Sage in all fields
Why do normie cunts stick gate on the end of every conspiracy. What the fuck does it even mean? It doesn't make sense at all. Literally intellectual manlet tier name.
Seems interesting
We gotta fight jewgle.
We need to return to the way it was before.
We need revanschism
Posting my thoughts about this guy in this thread too
How many times does you faggots have to be traped to understand that you will be traped again ?
Look at this guy, he IS a fucking kike, the guy worked for google, from something i've read in another thread he worked for MIT (don't know it's true) and he got fired for praising "right-wing" values ? Why ? Why did he do that ? What was the point ?
How did this go viral ?
The guy is just another jewish genius, he knew it was gonna go viral, he did it, and MARK MY FUCKING WORDS, he will start his own company, like some kind of 2nd google most likely, it will have a HUGE success because every right-wing people will switch to it
And that's it, the guy becomes another jewish billionaire AND a controlled opposition
The guy did the good thing to speak up his mind, i hope he will find a good job, but that's it, stop sucking on his cock and don't fucking donate if he starts a gofundme
Stop fucking trust jews under any form damn it
it means they are from reddit.
>>Look at this guy, he IS a fucking kike,
just italian
mate that's not how italians looks, literally the biggest nose i've ever seen and i've grown up in the south and had many italian friends, look at the fucking lips too and tell me he doesn't look even jewer than mark zuckerberg ?
>>mate that's not how italians looks,