Mudslimes actually think they're superior to christians

Maybe if he wasn't a fucking retard he wouldn't have died to something as retarded as a fever. It's like dying from a coconut. Yeah, nature did you in but it's still retarded.

These crack me up

Best rendition of the meme yet

You must be very knowledgable, so tell me, how exactly has Muhammad let the fever kill him?


>beta MuhamMAD died of natural causes
>Chadsus got nailed to a cross VOLUNTARILY, whole world shakes when he died, followers knew it was the only way to bring a strong message across
>then came back three days later all like "yeah those cunts" had their fun I'm outta here, later sending my dudes to Rome, they come back in a few centuries as crusaders assraping mudslimes LMFAO


Mashallah, brother :^)

>my desert religion is better than your desert religion

Top bluepill.

They are. At least their version of Judaism is anti-Jewish. Christianity is a literal Jew trick to make Europe weak.