This is our fucking president


Other urls found in this thread:


Must... overplay... raging... jealousy... muh 56%?

by all appearances he's doing a better job protecting girls from the pedos than the fbi is

Someday, his tweets and videoes like this will be preserved in Presidential Library.

So jealous.

good advice honestly


Literally the greatest president ever

I'm proud of him desu.

One of his best.


HOW can you not commit suicide after the president has tweeted this about you?


With all that shitposting I find it difficult to exclude the possibility that Trump browses Sup Forums on and off from time to time

>Trump doesn't support LGB-

this is officially a trump tweet thread

Yes, Weiner was arrested long after that tweet. he tried to warn people but they didnt listen. Everyone is listening now though


I envy you for having such a leader.
Meanwhile mine could imprison me for uttering this "illegal opinion".

shhhhshshhshhshhh. Its okay user. Maybe one day you will be graced with being as godlike as the burger race.


Protip: All public tweets are archived in the United States' Library of Congress. Every. Single. One.

Trump tweets are a god-given gift that was delivered to humanity.

And we're alive to experience them.

the fucking madman

Trump has a Corporate Intel Agency. He's leaning on them still. Hence the split. His Speech at CIA on day 2 was him announcing a hostile takeover / merger. Keith Schiller is still around.


If you thought that was bad..

That's hilarious. Finally a President that says what's actually on his mind instead of a lying globalist.

Just to make sure everyone knows most of these are photoshopped





He wasn't president then. But, he would have said it now.

he's a smart guy.

meant to reply to , but works as well

u no archive that crap?

>best trump tweet


These (and this one) are the only fakes I posted.

Oh my bad, I opened a few including those two and saw they were fake so I assumed most were

>trump tweets a warning to girls anout a pedo
>Drumpf so bad....he eats two scoops...cant let him get nuke codes
Eat a bag of dicks op

did someone say SCOOPS?

Oh my fucking God, I love Trump now (and I used to be a leftie)

>not Starcucks

I will never not laugh at this one, it's comedy gold.

God its so damn good.


when this first aired is when i became a fan of Trump.

It's kinda a brain - fuck that it's so hard to tell the difference between an actual tweet/statement from the President of The United States of America - and a parody.
No wonder all the comedians hate him. He stole their gigs and gibs.


>giving the martian jew ur dox

Being as godlike I can do without, but their taste in what to worship is improving anyway.

Has anyone ever been this BTFO before?

Can you imagine the tears when she's already going through a divorce and the POTUS fucking butchers her in front of millions? kek

Fucking topkek. I knew there was a reason I liked this guy. Best fuckin' patter I've seen from a politician in ages

My fucking sides... holy shit they're beyond orbit at this stage

Someone post the ones about Robert Pattinson, they're great.

And I'm proud of him being the president

Wish he were my President as well.
God bless him.

I am seeing these same screenshots posted in the ancapistan group right now. It's not surprising I guess.


Shit man, it's real. Beautiful.


God damn right he is!



This. I love Blumpf



What's wrong with calling out pedophiles?

Savage, but fair.

Thanks for this meme.
Central bank
2000: There were eight countries without a Rothschild owned or controlled Central Bank:
North Korea

2017: Countries without a Central Bank owned or controlled by the Rothschild Family are:
North Korea

*notice anything*
Who is "next" for a bit of "demon-ocracy"?

DPRK can keep their socialist Juche system as long as they give up their nukes. We gave them an easy out, but they aren't taking it. Their fault, not ours.

Smart man. I'm really not very partial myself. Can't trust an animal that runs through teeth like that.

Why do "conspiracy" theorists put "scare quotes" around "random" "words?" "What" does "that" mean? Is there a conspiracy "concerning" the word ""next?""

PSA's aren't new, you stupid yankee.

One post shitposter

You could at least try to make this less obviously fake

"really" made "me" think


i know. it's great isn't it?

What a legend!

I fucking love this guy

He protec, he attac, he bring white America back.