Says he's proud to be white

>Says he's proud to be white
>Doesn't even care about his physical appearance

Hey nazi fucks, THIS is what peak male physical performance looks like. If you can't even approach this you're not allowed to feel pride in your race.

Do you honestly want your woman to have to practice with horses just to have the flexibility to accommodate your dick?

then why was Hitler a brown haired brown eyed manlet?

Wtf I'm ashamed and have low self esteem now

I seriously think Hitler as well as all other political leaders of the time had some kind of autism, which makes it impossible to look good so he's excused.


wtf I love illegal immigration now

Hitler had blue eyes and brown hair. There's nothing wrong with that since his kids could still be blonde.

Very telling you're not even attempting to argue his manletness

>he could shit on genes of some aryan girl because he still has 25% of kid having blonde hair ;)
No, mixing with brown haired shitskin is the same as mixing with niggers.

>Brown hair.
>Blue eyes.
>Average height.
He was literally as average as a German can get.

Hitler had blue eyes tho.

Mandela effect in action.

Although this one is easily explained by there mostly existing black and white photos of him and there was a common practice of using yellow filters to accentuate skint ones in black and white photography which darkens blue tones.

dae hitler only had 1 testicle????

>reads OP
>mfw I will never look like pic related
>mfw I will never dual wield miniguns while strafing ominously through corridors of Nazi death
Feels Bad

Absolutely my friend

He was slightly above 5'8". That's not bad for a guy that was probably slightly malnourished in his childhood and shot in his testie later on.

>le divide and conquer ;^)

lel that goofy photoshop

but seriously,


not even once

People who knew Hitler described him as incredibly charming.
He had amazing social skills, naturally. A failed painter and veteran of the War with no money managed to become the greatest leader of all time within 15 years.

You don't accomplish that feat with autism.

that's right because the other is in the Albert Hall

>brown eyes
>1 testicle

You're like a babby, watch this

>Hitler was actually Jewish
>Hitler was actually Muslim, too
>Hitler was working on the ultimate Bio Organic Weapon
>Hitler constructed an Antarctic base to gain access to the hollow side of the Earth
>Hitler was a Rothschild
>Hitler was the first human to contact extraterrestrial lifeforms
>Hitler was going to take over the entire world with Japan
>12 million people died in death camps.
>Hitler escaped to South America during WW2
>Nazis were capable of dark magic
>Hitler was a communist

True communism has NEVER been tried.

I thought at first that this would be a meme "hurr durr look at these lies that leftist spout xD" post but it turns out all of these are true wtf

Failed painter and poor money management seems incredibly autistic desu.

People find retards charming all the time, all they need to do is smile and say whatever's on their mind.

If I pop those balloons, will he fly?

>those legs