Such supergigantic faggotry in here. What would Zarathustra do?

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.org/stream/reneguenon/1921 - Introduction to the Study of the Hindu Doctrines #page/n1/mode/1up

in his words everyone has to go their own way, if they go the good or bad way is up to themselves

he would probably start drinking cow piss

give me a quick rundown on Zoroastrianism

are those 2 even the same shit?

Yes, he is the God of the said religion

This, leaf barely knows how true he is

Here ya go, Sparky:


Zarathustra and Zoroaster are the same person, an ancient Indo-Aryan prophet. Zoroastrianism is the religion named after him

No, he is the prophet of the said religion. Ahura Mazda is the god of the said religion

Oh, ok

Was this the religion around 0 CE in Kashmir? If yes, all christians might actually be zoroastrians lol..

This is why sometimes the religion is called Mazdaism

No, that is a tomb of Issa, who some say is Jesus' secret tomb

They were a hindu kingdom till very recently, in Indian histories context

well, there are theories that jesus went back and forth between Kashmir and Jerusalem.

The 3 wise men might be some monks who thought he was their reincarnated master and took him there when he was 12 for education. He might have escaped the crucifiction and escaped back there, hence is grave is there.

The question is, what religion was there around 0 CE? Buddhism? Zoroastrianism?

>What would Zarathustra do?

Fuck his sister.

It was an important Hinduism center at that point

Ah, but the three wise men were MAGI, if you remember correctly. And what religion were the Magi members of?

(Google it.) ;-)

Is that Sargon? Looks like him.

>And what religion were the Magi members of? (Google it.)
fuck you man, why not tell me directly (were they zoroastars??)

I'm pretty sure I researched this and I think the religion was zorroastrianism at that point in time

You're no fun. Yes, the Magi were the priests of Zoroastrianism. They are literally where the word "magic" comes from.

I'm a christian and I tell this story to family members, friends.. Their mind literally blanks out upon hearing this. They rather believe in the bullshit biblical version, although this version makes perfect sense and doesnt require any supernatural explanations (you can survive crucifixion if they take you down on time)

The average person is a literal sheep

No it was an important Hinduism center, Kashmir is quite far from Iran, they converted to Buddism later but iirc zorastrian was never part of the equation, provide me a source if I am wrong

Actually, it is generally accepted that the Aryan tribes that followed Zoroastrianism actually originated in the general area of what is now Tajikistan to Kashmir (also called the Hindu Kush, in commemoration of the massive slaughter of Hindus there by the invading Muslims centuries ago, where "kush" means "slaughter").

well I cant find it anymore, but thats the first time I heard about zoroastrianism. I was expecting that the religion would have been buddhism when I was searching for it.

but again, I'm not invested in it. If you can provide source that it was another religion, I'll accept it. Hinduism itself had probably 1000ds of sects during that time.

I would like some source on the zorastrian claim and are you saying the Aryans originated in India?

>In the first half of the 1st millennium, the Kashmir region became an important centre of Hinduism and later of Buddhism; later still, in the ninth century, Kashmir Shaivism arose.

Zoroastrianism actually began alongside the very earliest beginnings of Hinduism -- it's that old.

The language of Zoroastrian texts is a language so old that it only resembles the very oldest pre-Hindu texts, and both religions expressed opposite ideas in terms of certain crucial things. For example, the Hindu gods were called devas, but Zoroastrianism considers the devas to be evil misleaders

>ywn convert to Zoroastrianism
feels bad man

Devas aren't gods, Indra is referred as an Asura and a deva, they were just warring tribes, it's much more complex than black and white

I am saying that it's not known where the Aryans ultimately originated, but it's generally accepted that they originated somewhere around the east-northeast of the Caspian Sea and moved down into northern India and then part of them move into Iran and founded that territory. The name Iran even derives from the word Aryan.

Some people, however, think the Aryans developed out of the southern Tamil people of India and then spread north in the complete opposite direction and went that way instead. So there's a dispute there, obviously

yeah I read that too, but it doesnt say anything specific for the period that interests me 100 BCE till 100 CE

its tedious to find any source on this, for example here it claims that around 100CE there was a theravada budhist council in Kashmir

maybe someone who knows how to use Goolag better than me can help lol

Well only Tamil people think that most Indians don't believe in the Aryans originated in India theory every one accepts the migration

Well Buddism was always accepted in Hindu kingdom and Buddhism was never a major religion in the Indian subcontinent, Kashmir has very old hindu temples and stuff but no important Buddhist monuments, but Buddism is a sect of Hinduism atleast on our subcontinent

I dont know man, here it even klaims taht zarathustra was born in kashmir

there must have been religious followers at his place of birth. Maybe it wasnt the prominent religion, but it had to be there

don t you have a street to shit on ?

Pro tip read about soma
God damn all the religions originated in India

dont you have to be killed by your enemies, to win ?

>all the religions originated in India
even judaism??

I'm pretty sure all religion originated in Egypt.
abRAhamic + bRAhmanic religions.

I had a dank video that explained how Judaism started in India it got shoad sadly , it goes along the line that Krishna cursed a tribe knows as yadavs to fight among themselves and destroy each other they moved to the middle east and became the current jews

Any thoughts on the notion that Zoroaster and Melchizedek are the same person? I always thought this might be the connection between the Magi and the birth of Christ.

I actually LOLD reading you dumbcunts comments.
Do yous just make up your own versions of history while wanking to faggot trap clips.

Zoroastrianism originated from the Mesopotamian areas-ie median/aryans/Kurdish empire.

The holy book of Zoroastrian is written in the ancient Kurdish text called 'Hawrami' and the holyiest sites such as , Hamadan,khorasan,kermanshah are historically inhabited by Kurdish tribes who still live there and still practice ancient Zoroastrian rituals till this day (search YouTube Zoroastrian kermanshah)

You limp wristed faggets, I think all the gay porn has made you even more autistic than i assumed.


Thanks wikipedia. Good job answering my question oh wise one.

Zoroastrian holy book = Avesta

This is yet another example of how you shit talkers are sooo inferior to my pure Aryan genetics.

Listen one hundred times.
Think one thousand times.
Speak once.

You are welcome earthling

get out of my country you Persian cunt

Lol why would I when I'm busy infiltrating bro

Hinduism isn't a Brahmanic religion, it's much more than that, mostly westerners get it wrong as their parameters are different read this if you wish to understand it.

>introduction to Hinduism for westerners
archive.org/stream/reneguenon/1921 - Introduction to the Study of the Hindu Doctrines #page/n1/mode/1up

well zoroastrianism is part of indo aryan religion

most of them have a clear direct zoroastrian equivalent too

zoroastrianism's sanskrit is called avestan

its not similar its the same thing

ap āp āp "water," āpas "the Waters"
Apam Napat, Apām Napāt Apām Napāt the "water's offspring"
*aryaman aryaman airyaman "Arya-hood" (lit:** "member of Arya community")
*rta rta asha/arta "active truth", extending to "order" & "righteousness"
*athar-van- atharvan āϑrauuan "priest"
*azi ahi azhi, (aži) "dragon, snake", "serpent"
*daiva daiva, deva daeva, (daēuua) a class of divinities
*manu manu manu "man"
*mi-tra- mitra mithra, miϑra "oath, covenant"
*asura asura ahura another class of spirits
*sarvatāt sarvatat Hauruuatāt "intactness", "perfection"
*sara-svnt-ih Sarasvatī Haraxvaitī (Ārəduuī Sūrā Anāhitā) a controversial (generally considered mythological) river, a river goddess
*sau-ma- sauma, soma haoma a plant, deified
*sva(h)r- svar hvar, xvar the Sun, also cognate to Greek helios, Latin sol, Engl. Sun
*vr-tra- Vrtra- verethra, vərəϑra (cf. Verethragna, Vərəϑraγna) "obstacle"
*yama Yama Yima son of the solar deity Vivasvant/Vīuuahuuant
*yaj-na- yajña yasna, object: yazata "worship, sacrifice, oblation"

third of every term is avestan


go to "cognate terms concepts"


I was talking about the similarities between the Nordic and the indo Aryan religion

None of you faggots realized that nietzsche used zarathustra as a conduit for his wisdom and aphorisms in "also sprach zarathustra". Most all western references to the man are actually to Nietzsche's fictionalized version.

Read a copy faggots.

Individualism will always exceed group think faggotry.
>but muh hwyte mastah wrace and we wuz europeaos mayn!
Learn from history but don't be a historical cuckhold. All you do is sit on the sidelines and masturbate to the roman empire or third reich or crusades.

Identitarians want to be recognized because a few great people like newton, napoleon, diogenes, faraday, porsche(tiger II guy, son did 9/11) and tesla share their ethnic base.
Taking personal pride in other people's achievements without having to sacrifice anything of your own or put in any fucking work is the most nigger cucked internal though process possible.

You moan and sulk about group identities because you lack individualistic backbone to represent yourself.

Though if your bullshit is correcrt, nietzsche will turn you into the ubermensch.
"Behold I teach you the ubermench. The ubermensch is the meaning of the earth. Let your will say: the ubermench shall be the meaning of the earth!"


>you must be ready to burn yourself in your own flame;
how could you rise anew if you have not first become ashes?

Stop being so American lol