After Australia's decision to ban men from joining military front lines...

After Australia's decision to ban men from joining military front lines, the banning of right wing commentators from YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook, hard evidence of pedophiles running the upper echelons of society, the disregard of science, media being completely biased in all areas (TV shows, media, movies), the google memo, and being completely ostracized from society for my values, I have lost all hope.

What can we do? Are we even able to fight this with reason anymore? Is violence the answer?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Is violence the answer?
yes but not from you.
we'll let trump and fat yung guy work that out.

It's the Jewish capitalist system. They are going to get their shitskins and silence anyone who speaks out.

Pickle Rick was good, though.

To quote the upcoming Wolfenstien game.

"there's nothing can be done no more. The world is sank into the crapper, and all we can do now, is drink this whiskey wants the vortex suck it all down"

Reading your description nearly made me have an episode, but I'm thinking... What is the end goal? Women taking over the military and men taking care of kids, all so that top males can freely get away with being pedophiles? I mean... you said there's hard evidence, which I have not seen, but surely they're doing that shit in private?

What's the ultimate endgame of all of this fuckery?
Obviously, freeing women gave them the ability to market to women and tax them, and are in the course of making children their own individual, but separated from their parents to essentially be owned by the state and community.

Someone suggested that the Jews are trying to figure out how to get back to an ancient "Golden Age" and they believe that this new form of communism is what is needed.

Makes sense.

jews are OBSESSED with destroying the Existing Order. Hence why you see them JUSTing your army & enabling women to perform in roles they are not evolved for.
However doing all this makes their prescence clearer and clearer. This will lead to their Downfall, as it did in the 30s.

I think about this all the time. There really is not much to do apart from full scale revolution, which in current climate = certain and rather pointless death. This is how they want it though, they want to push us into the corner.

We got a few years. They need to fill up with Muslim invaders and then push the remaining whites into a frenzy - if still possible. This is PikeĀ“s Third world war.

Holy shit user thank you for this from the bottom of my heart. May you have a good weekend with less worry than enjoyment, and health and prosperity over degeneracy and apathy.