Pooland hate thread.Feel free to hate the subhumans as much as you want here

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Its not. In fact, polish people don't exist, they all died in a war.

Why is she so perfect?

>t. filthy slav rats

Poland is a psy ops. We're all paid shills and the country itself is a nuclear wasteland

ok sure 62% w/ spaniards

Lol okay there jimbo McJunior

No bully Poland plis

Only we superior Anglos are allowed to do that


top kek

ok look, hate us all you honestly want, the last thing we care about is some faggot from Sup Forums with a meme flag saying how he hates us


also, thank you for posting 0.2% of the population

>Meme flag
>D&C thread

OP is a little 5ft tall micro penis nigger with IQ 89.

I literally can't find any statistic on race.
It's all "nationalities".

Is there a source for the actual race in Poland?

Oh am laffin

Britain will be much better after Brexit without Polish immigrants, get on with it.

We'll remember that next time ya get gang raped by the eternal ARYANS

Shitskin telling me to hate fellow middle Europeans

Holy shit, top kek

Oh yeah we're just stealing yo wimminz

>We'll remember that next time ya get gang raped by the eternal ARYANS

dresden 2.0 when?


>great grandfather image ates from Poland
>has 16 children
you can't hide op were everywhere

raking in that sweet aid

>be pole
>have almost a millenium of history and ancestry in my past
>forefathers fought for freedom and independence, displayed bravery
>be from a land which was once a kingdom and had riches
>be known worldwide for enduring hardship and being rash and brave
>b-but be slav subhuman

>be burger
>no history
>no ancestry other than myths based on muh heritage
>ancestors are merely just immigrants and inbreds
>m-master race

yeah , I know which one I'd rather be.

the only other races are gypsies and arabs, who are under 0.05% of the population. there is little to no population of a different race than white, and they definetely aren't gonna outbreed us.

Landser have been beaten several times by poles during concerts and later they apologized by this track in some Metal music related magazine

btw im talking about pernamient residents.


slavshit when will you give back that prussian (german) land?

source or never happened

come and take, you latin batards

>come and take, you latin batards

its litraly gerrman land dima after germany unified Prusia was part of it.

>I'm going to work now. Have fun LARPing on the internet, Jimmy

Is there a source kurwa

Still better than Mediterranean animals, American mongrels and Balkan roaches

this picture of 5 niggers has been around /pol since forever.
Now, how many american/german/french/british women have been impregnated by the time i finished writing this post?


Narodowy Spis Powszechny 2011




German/Nordic/Baltic women racemix the least though, whereas Americans, Poles, French, Italians, Spaniards and Brits racemix the most

r9k speaks and we must listen

Stop with the advertisements faggot

>Nordic/Baltic women racemix the least though

hahahaahaha.You are the definition of arab rapebaby

I doubt polish women who live in poland racemix in general, but the ones living abroad (west) are proper coal burners.

Sadly Swedistan is not nordic anymore Chuck.

Fuvk eastern euro countries, thay are shitholes so dont come here thanks

>German/Nordic/Baltic women racemix the least though

yeah, thats why half of the fucking couples in berlin, stockholm paris or london are interracial.

just fuck off with your bullshit.

stfu putin

Prussian Homage go read aboute it faggot

>Pooland on brexit

BWAAA you brits are racist! Why don't you want unskilled migrants? Just do what the eu wants you racists.

>Pooland on the migrant crisis

It's not racist to defend your culture. We don't have to obey the EU even if we agreed to take migrants. We don't want unskilled migration to Pooland bwaaa.

damn straight, Gav, innit!!
kill the subhuman whites!!!

kill all of em!!!

pakistan master race.

Get some money to travel subhuman amerispic neet. Literally every third racemixer in London is of Polish blood. You fucking wish you had Nordic level of all-native segregation.

Why are they on an eternal quest for gibs?

>benefits in U.K.
>asking for one hundred gorillion euros from Germany (again)
>try to take other people's lands

They are literally a fucking meme country and wouldn't exist unless other countries forced the issue in order to fuck Germany after both world wars.

>implying kebabs are humans

double trips checked

you know that cornwell is white right?
They don't like ANYONE but other celts.

Doesn't matter how white you are

but south america > any slavland

>in eu
>take in thousands of immigrants for no reason
>leave eu
>continue leaving eu

>in eu
>get told to take in immigrants
>literally tell them to go fuck themselves and continue taking german money without consequence

>IMBLYING it wasn't the biggest prank in the world since the beginning

>Get some money to travel

i know what i saw with my own eyes, dumbo.
white whores in every european country fucking niggers en masse, especially the fucking stupid germans.

> the polaks, iii....iii swear!!!

yeah, im sure every single interracial couple i saw was a polak and a nigger.

for fucks sake, why is /pol so retarded sometimes.

Admit it's only because we're the only ones who can keep up with you in drinking

holy fuck who is dat

Still mad at the bongs for backstabbing you 70 yrs ago. That's why they wont protect you in the next invasion

Pretty fun considering the UK has been importing inbred pakis and loos for decades but the polacks and other ee's are the biggest problem

if im to be absolutely honest, i think the most butthurt people on the planet are ze germans, so reading german posts calling others butthurt is pretty hysterical.

This ones for you, southfags;
>Ship a bunch of niggers to the country so you can run your shitty cotton farms without having to pay any of your White countrymen an honest wage
>As the nation expands, try to declare as much of it as possible fair game for your self-absorbed textile Jewry, so you can ensure that America will forever be a nigger-infested agrarian backwater instead of an industrial superpower
>Start a rebellion over it. Lose.
>Turns out you let your fucking farm equipment get married in your churches and breed like rats so that you wouldn't have to buy more, instead of just castrating them and keeping them in fucking line like everyone else
>America either had to commit itself to orchestrating large-scale genocide during postwar reconstruction, or risk being stuck with the jigaboos forever
>Primary legacy into the present consists of constitutional violations and incest

>en masse, especially the fucking stupid germans.
there are not even much niggers in Germany to begin with, amerishit. Race-mixing is not common at all anywhere to be "en masse" phenomenon in the first place; it is just happen to be more or less common in some nations and with some ethnic groups than others
Pic related >white trash flees Poland
>Poland gets more decent and patriotic population

The OP is from Poland baiting retards like always.

The germanics are the superior, remember?

Some random Croatian girl. Sadly no further info.

Good luck with making nigger/sandnigger migrants working Polish jobs

expect prices of every basic product to rise up.

Yeah but only if by South America you mean chile, Brazil etc

Why should the natives care about nonwhite subhumans raping/killing other immigrant nonwhite subhumans lol. I say police shouldn't investigate immigrant on immigrant crime altogether.
Pretty much

>there are not even much niggers in Germany to begin with, amerishit.

you should use your own advice and get some money to travel, because i travel a fucking lot and i saw niggers fucking everywhere in europe, besides fucking pooland you hate so much.

>inb4 bb..but small, rural villages dont have niggers, you dumb amerishit!!!

i dont give two flying shits about villages not having niggers.
the cities are fucking INFESTED with these cockroaches, and cities is what i care about.

Czech girls are the hottest!

I'm not surprised James, I saw your women first hand. Hideous beings

T-thanks paddy

There are literally almost no niggers (now Turks are a different deal) in Germany, dumb subhuman. The only think you do is post your ugly Iberian nigger head with shitty low test sparse beard. Almost all of Europe east of Berlin and west of Moscow is racially native

>nonwhite subhumans raping/killing other immigrant

Sorry to ruin your fantasy mongoloid but those girls are all swedish


They are quite literally other immigrants. Besides, "Whites" that think it's okay to breath next to nonwhites, let alone socialise with them, deserve death anyway


>There are literally almost no niggers (now Turks are a different deal) in Germany


ok, talking to you is a fucking waste of internet.

some mongolian idiot is trying to tell me i had halucinations during my eurotrip and didnt see niggers everywhere in europe.


oh fuck, thanks for the laugh, man, thanks.

You're not the biggest problem. Not by a fucking long way. You guys have been mostly beneficial to the the UK. There's a few problems that need a bit of regulation but that's it.

What's funny is that the poles in the UK got all super pro eu and acted like we were cunts for voting for brexit but now when I play pool down the Polish centre you're all fuck the eu no one should bow to their pressure if it negatively effects their county.

You guys are cool with me just cool it with the being angry at the brits because we don't like the eu. It's not some personal dig at Polish immigration because we don't like mama Merkel and zero regulations on immigration.

Nope.They are literally all swedish girls

Modern Swedish are heavily mixed with arabs

You're truly a subhuman.

pooland dosn't have this problem

You know how it is. They are from 99.9% white country so when they see someone as rare as nigger for them they go crazy. Just think what Bożenka will say when she hears about it!

There is not much such women in Poland, most are racist at least towards niggers. But yea, we also have some radical coal burners. Fucking human shit. Good think most times i see some nigger with Polish girl she is ugly/fat af.

Checked and witnessed

Fuck off.

Fuck off. Poland is resistance.



the raindow was burned on the same day?



wew.They are mudslim lovers
