If black people are as stupid as you say how do you explain they dominate the highest form of competitive gaming?
If black people are as stupid as you say how do you explain they dominate the highest form of competitive gaming?
fighting games are for stupid people
only smash type of games tho, not many black dudes on cs, league or dota
Whatever I could quick scope both of those n00bs so easily
Depends on the fighting game really.
Can't wait for DBFZ famalama.
>Uses vidya to prove that niggers are smart
Please kill yourself.
none of the gods are black
High reflexes inherited from centuries of running from lions and shit
They don't.
When was the last time a nigger won EVO?
It's pretty much has always been dominated by Asians.
Pic related with bonus tranny
>VS Fighting
>Highest form of competitive gaming.
Guess I found another faggot who voted for Macron, am I right, fils de pute ?
Black people are still above white people in the competitive fighting game community
Fightan is the least autistic form of competitive gaming. Being good at reading people and baiting them into mistakes plus quick reactions.
A black dude nearly won SFV this year until Tokido taunt comboed and Raging Demoned him and completely mind broke him with the disrespect. SF is a lot more even than it was for a long time where Americans and non-Japs had no chance.
No one gives a fuck about fighting games. Teken and street fighter were dead on arrival. They have no presence on Twitch.
maybe in commentating matches
you need that with any competitive game lmfao
why don't black make vidya?
>Highest form
Nice joke
can niggers do this?
But fighting games are dominated by Japs....
Every video game is a high form of autism.
>Nearly won
Cool. Still lost to an Asian guy though. Black people overrate themselves in the fgc
The only nigger that can compete in fighting games with the japs and koreans today is SoniFox and thats only thanks to his autistic powers
Last EVO winner was jap but second place was a black guy, not a whitey.
Also Lupe Fiasco destroyed Daigo.
well hes using the college sat weighting system. nearly winning against a jap since the asian gets 50 points taken off and the nig gets 200 points added means th nig won
its because all black people are mentally handicapped and asians are low level super humans
Only in games that rely on reaction time. Anything that involves thinking is dominated by whites and asians.
I have no idea whether or not that's true, but seriously does anyone give a fuck?
Then why the fuck is there almost no top player in high-level tournaments of strategy games?
Your a pure bred mong if you believe that anything but RTS are the "the purest form of gaming"
If tell you to buy SOSA to get shut down trying to join games but as a nigger I doubt u have 10 dollars.