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Are they going to provide tea for our soldiers? Don't see much else they could offer.
Say it with me!
"Coalition of the willing"
Nuclear powered madman edition. What could possibly go wrong!
our semen rations are at an all time high
>i-i s-swear ill tttake ooover the world alone!!!
your entire country is a laughing stock
you have a president with the mental state of a 13 year old who picks a fight with another leader who has the mental state of a 12 year old
your foreign policy is twitter
you have no healthcare, everybody is in dept, your country is obese as fuck, you pollute the planet like there is no tomorrow, you have no education and no workforce outside of immigrants which leads to being one of the countries that have the most ethnic groups
but you have military, great, that will save you from stupidity
literally nobody gives a shit about you but you, you reply to one another sucking each other cocks and when people call you out you project like you do with everything else
land of fucking freedom, the greatest country of all time!
we may be irrelevant as fuck and the first to go down upon any conflict but holy fuck man you guys are literally worse than mudslimes
we might not be an empire anymore lad but give us some credit we are still a powerful force
you also can dock in our indian ocean territory also
silence europleb,the anglo is here for war
>helping the neocons kill based Norks
I have no idea how you could have gotten that opinion from being on this site.
>thinking when I say 'our' i mean 'my' nuclear weapons
I know exactly what I am, cattle currently
The chink/gook army has improved since the old days of forcing poorly equipped farmers to bumrush lads with machine guns.
>helping best ally to kill gooks and give the navy somert to bomb for the fun of it
i grew up in the 90s,i remember kids in the playground scared of NK due to constant threats
its by time kim gets his shit pushed in
i hear even turnbull in australia vows to join the fight also
>pro tip you cant
>((George Soros)) birth place
fuck anglos
fuck europe
>"Coalition of the willing"
I don't want to go to war.
I want it to be comfy isolationist island time.
Why are my fellow leafs such fucking virtue signaling cucks
i want happenings
>another fucking foreign war we can't afford
Oh boy!
>he still falls for the "closest ally" meme
user, I...
If everyone allies with America, then there won't be a happening.
If you want a happening then support an alliance with the Norks.
its only a few missles it will be worst korea that will do the invading,trump wont be dumb enough to send whites into a country thats been brainwashed into thinking we ate babies decades ago and shit.
a united korea would cuck china
Pure concentrated perfidy
>retarded opinion
>flag checks out
I think we're just going to sit this one out and watch the livestreams.
America can handle this themselves.
>Malcolm Turnbull says Australia would enact the ANZUS Treaty and “come to the aid of the United States” if North Korea launched an attack against the western superpower.
>The Prime Minister’s declaration of support for the US follows escalating threats between America and North Korea.
North Korea will be ground zero of the glorious rebirth of the British empire
Don't worry goy you can continue to lead your pathetic britcuck life behind the screen meanwhile real men of England will remain steadfast
the british military is much higher quality than the manlet Spic brigades
It feels like we are all back together boys. It warms my heart in a strange way.
godspeed Australia and USA anons.
We zion global power structure now
aussies r our greatest ally (:DD)
You too will pay for the wall
Your flag is close enough
aus pride
As a Canadian, I offer my services as well. family reunion!
I hope I get conscripted lads
If i tell the guy above you how retarded he is, does he get paid?
MFW aspies will not be allowed to join the fight
You seem wise from most things you've written but underestimating Trump is something you have to do at your own peril. Trump is a businessman who's trolling slimy politicians
Shut up kike, this is one war we ain't gonna help fight for you.
I am with you.
Shut the fuck up.
The more flags we have against the Norks the better it reflects on world opinion
why do we do this to ourselves
All those blacks will do that to a country.
I'm in West London atm. Can hear some pretty powerful helicopters flying overhead. I hear police, commercial and private helicopters flying over all the time. But these were LOUD! Big bastards. We're probably going to war.
Just tell them you're not an aspie
on second thought, the idea of crushing nork skulls fills me with joy, I greatly appreciate our nations lust for war
I wouldn't have a problem with that if it's whites only. We don't want their niggers and they won't want ours.
so we're gonna go spy on their shit with the brits and then do surgical strikes.
sounds good to me!!!!
UK's always been our brother in war.
Germany and France are pussies.
well I like him
>turning an Italian flag sideways
You better give us the best trade deal post brexit for this
This is pretty much the only way we could start to be free from American Hegemony in the Anglosphere and West
Non-Anglos are just jealous of our Special Relationship
Hahahaha, no. Not this shit again. You (and our spineless politicians) will drag us into war with you, then after a while, you'll pull out and leave us fighting while you claim you're the greatest country on Earth.
memes aside, it's actually at an all time low
Oh look, a fucking pseudo-slav nomad faggot trying to shit on America and the Anglos. I wish Hitler had just annexed and killed all you hungarian faggots, you've had no use since the ottoman empire disbanded.
this will be a more conventional war, meaning more men fighting on the front, proper battles, should be fun, I see no reason to complain
A bunch of zeroes that contribute nothing laughing at us? Ohhh the fucking horror go back to being irrelevant nigger
>literally worse than mudslimes
knows nothing of mudslimes
pretty sure they check medical records but read on a forum you can request an assessment of an army Dr, reckon I could pass
>the master has become the nigger
You never cease to surprise me. Why are you proud of being Americas pet dog? What do you gain from dying in Korea?
Alright, let's do it boys! Let's be the Axis this time, fellows.
>see pic
>heart warms at site of defender
>anger at horizontal stretch in picture
eat shit and die -
there, that is a 13 year old juvenile thing to say.
I can't wait for you cunts to play IRL Fallout.
Is there a single nation with so little self-awareness with a head so far up its own arse?
I pledge my sword to president Trump
Find a replacement for this piece of shit rifle before you even consider going to war with us, bro.
Australia was a party to the ceasefire that brought a halt to the Korean War in 1953.
There was never a peace treaty at the end of the Korean war, just a ceasefire.
So you see, if hostilities resume, Australia is a combatant principal and legally bound to respond.
I tell you what lads it's what Britain fucking needs. A war to turn our country into a sea of patriotism. Natural selection baby let the weak may for the strong
Brits are better soldiers than you, burgers, tbqh.
And lesser than Germans.
I agree, but it's a fucking stupid, pointless war.
I don't know why we have to stick our neck into business that doesn't concern us.
America can fuck off with their war-mongering.
We need a civil war more than anything.
There won't be war. You're all acting like underage faggots.
I might join the reservist. Do you think I will get called up in the future?
And just what are you planning on doing with that spoon?
No there literally isn't and it's fucking disgusting. They can get fucked, I'd dodge the draft 100% because of the way Americans treat us nowadays.
So they have shit TV there in Shitland, I see.
You're right there but in all honesty I doubt a civil war is on the cards. The tensions between the US and NK are our best shot at getting some pride and a strong leadership into our country
Allies are allies. Like a mate that's a bit of a dick but you love him. The US would fight for us and vice versa
>You (and our spineless politicians) will drag us into war with you, then after a while, you'll pull out and leave us fighting while you claim you're the greatest country on Earth.
This. Even when we're literally about to board the plane we'd still get Americans shitting on us acting like they don't even need anybody.
>send young white men to war
>niggers and slimes rape white women at home
you must cleanse the homeland before leaving it to go to war
>The US would fight for us
Learn some history.
Send them on the frontlines..Muslims being the main priority here
I'm not fighting for Americans when they treat us with such contempt. They don't love us so your analogy doesn't hold up. All you have to do is read Sup Forums for a week to realise what they think of us. We did nothing in WW2 apparently, so I'm not going anywhere.
What about the war in the middle east? That shit has been going on for ages and the sad truth is it simply doesn't matter to 99.9% of white brits.
It's just going to be another shitty pointless war that causes nothing but unnecessary spending on an already stretched budget.
We live in a nation where white girls are being raped, people are being run over by trucks and blown up by IEDs. All while at the same time people are being locked up for leaving bacon outside a mosque or for posting "islamophobic" comments on social media. This shit can only go so far until cops and pakis are going to be murdered in the streets.
Mark my words.
I'd say so.
NK war starts next Tuesday so you'll probably be too late for that.
Iran is coming up after that though.
is your last name soros?
This, too. Don't have a laugh mate. If you think this is worth losing more white British lives over then you're kidding yourself. Sure, let all of the white men leave to defend a country that hates us while leaving all the Pakis with our women. Sounds fucking great.
This. Probably part of the (((plan))). Worthless niggers and spics will cower in their urban gibs and act like niggers and spics.