4 boats full of fresh niggers landing on the beaches of spain today

4 boats full of fresh niggers landing on the beaches of spain today


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The most important thing you can do for the white race is keep your own life in order. Start with yourself. You must be successful, reliable, hardworking, and, above all, happy. Do people in your life trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Are you capable of raising children? Racial politics doesn't have to be the only factor of your life. And if you can't achieve such things for your self, then the chances are very high that you are not ready to be a political activist, either online or in real life. Because how can you make a difference for the race, for the lives of many, if you can't even make anything of your own, individual life?

Always remember: we live in first world countries and have opportunity that most people born on this planet do not. Things aren't as good for us as they were for our parents. But billions of people in the third world would still kill to have the opportunities that you do right now. So take care of yourself! Work your ass off, everyday, to build a good life for you, and for your family. Spend your time wisely, and keep your real life priorities in order. Work hard, but also do fun and wholesome things with real people in real life. That's very important. Nothing on the internet should ever take away from your real life.


Consider the spiritual implications of reproducing in a world ruled by pedophiles.

>tfw 4 boats full of fresh engineers to boost germoney's GDP even more
Stay mad, small-minded nationalist scum. Lmfao.

I just don't understand.
Why not tell them "You will not be resettled. You will be sent back." and then send them back?

How is this controversial in Europe?

Just another day of the week, nothing to see here.

>niggers arrive in spain
So they came home?

There is no return, either we begin to fight back or we will perish.

It is God's will

Been happening every summer for years and years. Most of ´em get prison and are kicked out.
Sad thing is how other nations only care about this issue because now those niggers can reach ´em.
If it´d be up to me, i´ll send you all of ´em and Italy should do the same.

> tfw cucked

feels bad man

Exactly it is what Australia does and it seems to work decent here. How are they allowed to land ???

I am a dumbo australian moron but isnt there a way of intercepting the boats before they arrive

They can neither speak any proper language nor can most of them count to more than 10.

Good luck explaining the separation of church and state to them too. Or the fact women are not property.

Send them to Merkel.

>tfw American aren't the ones taking in these skilled workers


Thank you,Dr Peterson


We do kinda fine for now.

Some little white girl's rapist has just arrived and is on his way to ruin her life.

The german flag:

Black for the niggers.
Red for the virgin blood.
Yellow for the blonde hair maiden.

Reminder that the eternal Chink has a piece of the action as well

This is starting to seem like a joke, given the context

They are considered racist and bound by EU regulations that were made by bureaucrats who call it racist.


Thank God they only want to go to France and Germany where their brothers leech.

Fresh niggers? At least dog shit turns white and stops smelling after a week.

Fuck britain, Way to go and crush my soul.

Imagine being a wealthy neet living on this kind of shore. You could spend the day shitposting on Sup Forums, while scouting the horizon for boats like that. When you finally see one, take your rifle with optics and sink that shit long before it reaches the shoreline.

jew banks need fresh blood for their ponzi scheme

Things are a lot worse than you think, lad.

Don't get sucked in, it's how theirs got crushed too. Look up "invasion literature". You need to stand above attempts to demoralise you - make sure you are what stands between your community and such incidents as the Brit describes, that is what that tone of certainty is supposed to scare you out of doing.

White European women don't see filthy niggers invading Europe. The see loads of black cock they can fuck and suck. They don't give a flying fuck about society or race, culture or civilization.

Europe is finished

>ywn scout the coastline for invading niggers and Norman scum

>How is this controversial in Europe?
They are worth about £5000 a head in terms of initial trafficking outlay, which they pay themselves, or an NGO pays. They are then worth in the region of £17,000 each during the "refugee centre" phase of their journey, which the taxpayer pays. They eventually get resettled, which is worth about £22,000 per year to the various agencies and landlords and whatnot, all paid in perpetuity by the taxpayer. A common scam is for the Local Council to agree to pay for all of their white goods and cutlery from a local business, at market prices (not wholesale like ususal). The "refugees" sell on these brand new products almost immediately, and then demand a replacement, which the local business is more than happy to oblidge, their costs being underwritten by the taxpayer.

There is so much money wrapped up in this "refugee" bullshit that the profiteers will scream bloody blue murder to keep it rolling, and almost every government institution they encounter along their journey is taking a massive, open-ended cut.

See also: The Catholic Church taking several billion per year up front from the French taxpayer to offer "sanctury" to failed refugee applicants. They give 'em a cot and three basic meal a day (cost to Church maybe £15 a day) banking the rest.

This Camp of The Saints is a multi-billion pound money grab, all hiding behind the mask of compassion and "goodness". This doesn't even touch on the money European governements are allowed to borrow against each and every "refugee" to the tune of $100,000 per head. Merkel was only half lying when she said this human detritus was worth a fortune to her country: she just left out the part where that free money from the Central Bank was a loan (and also she conflated the government with the country).

It's sick shit, chaps, and it isn't going to stop any time soon. There isn't anyone without their fingers in the pie to make it stop.

Burn them all at the stake while slowly digging spears into their rectums.

well said
except world is flat and it's not a planet

I thought those GenID poofters were sinking those ships. Those limp wristed faggots need to get their shit together

Makes you wonder how they weren't spotted sooner. Aren't there patrols at sea or spotters on the coast? Thank god they aren't carrying drugs and weapons. Or maybe they are, how would anyone know?

When huge rafts swarming with men can just sail up to your shores and run all over the place, you've got serious problems with security.


the eternal anglo is responsible for this whole mess

what's with this new route to spain? is it because lybian coast guard is starting to shoot the boats that approach lybia to rescue the niggers to smuggle them to italy?

we are not allowed.
Europe is fucked from within.These ''refugees'' are just a symptom and they won't stop coming.

Last time we send a nigger who jumped the Melilla Wall back to Morocco, Brussels threatened us with sanctions. Now we just let them in and they'll just naturally go to Germany and Sweden

Believe me i know how bad it is, I just didn't what to think about it today(My fault for coming to Sup Forums) I just hope you guys can fix the problem and recover from this.
>You need to stand above attempts to demoralise you
>make sure you are what stands between your community and such incidents as the Brit describes
I'm doing my part in my province, But it hurt's me to see my older brother suffering and dying the way it is. The same with you, i have german heritage and what's going on there kills me, I pray the both fo you survive this.

Hords of niggers pour into Spain in 1000's, celebrating and shouting in the dark night:


Is it only me or has the intensity level of niggers pouring into Europe increased?

shoot on sight

>The Eternal Anglo
Wrong. The Eternal Norman is responsible for this whole mess. Anglos haven't ruled England for nearly a thousand years. It was the imperialistic Normans who wanted England to go to war with Germany. See Norman history for example. They slaughtered their Danish kinsman in the Danelaw after they conquered England and went about crushing revolts. The invaded Wales, Scotland and Ireland, and slaughtered their populations, using the Anglo-Saxons as a scapegoat for their crimes. Even today the English get the blame for everything. The English liked the Germans, the first 2 soldiers killed in WW2 were members of the British Union of Fascists. The BUF was quite popular in Britain too, but the Jude crushed them.

Can't, last time we used guns the EU made us pay for it

Sweden, hope you'll like our present

Thanks, we need them

what I fail to understand is why they are allowing circa 90% males. How do they expect this to not cause social unrest and violence? That's why the muh pension muh birthrate smells like total bullshit, and the actual target of this invasion is physical slaughter of europeans by the hands of this invading army.

ewwwww!!! Burn them NOW!

Hey, you guys remember the last time civilization collapsed? Around 1200 BC??

If I recall correctly, it was boat niggers that caused that apocalypse as well.

>there is no escape

Would a dingy boat full of white people be as acceptable to the Eurocucks? Like it that was a boat full of Russians, would they be okay with it?

Nice sovereignty you got there senpai. Oh wait..


No. Ukraine refugees fleeing for civil war were almost entirely denied refugee status.
The same will happen when whites will start fleeing South Africa.

Swedes have odd boat trips these days.

>krauts behind genocide of europeans
Mhm, impossible!!

No, russians are white people with a nigger brain

I wonder who invited them/aided their crossing

Don't worry, I just cleaned my room.

>why they are allowing circa 90% males
Male to female ratio in Swedish youth has already been noticeably affected by this.
Europe is meant to be blacked. It's been decided a long time ago. Now is the right time. European males are so cucked that there will be no backlash anymore.

SPAIN YES!!!!!!!

chain migration. every migrant is allowed to bring their whole village if they claim to be related. straight into a house or apartment and on permanent high welfare

>engineers, doctors, scientists

it's simple: if the vast majority of these niggers are not going to be granted refugees status, so none of them will be able to have "family reunion" by which also women can come here as welfare leeches. So if women are not going to come, how could birthrates ever go up?
Think about it, it's almost only young military aged men arriving, and the most part of them have no realistic prospective to settle with eurpean women.
So there are only two ways: deport/put in camps all of them, or unleash them and let them pillage, rape and destroy whatever they encounter.
Than earn many shekels with "reconstruction".

This. Given how inbred these people are, everybody in their village is a cousin or an aunt or uncle.

>dat swedish flag

jesus christ

>Age 16

you're the only nigger.


Insanity and mass delusion in the ruling class. The usual prelude to the destruction of society and the fall of empires.


Those are trustworthy statistics.

is mostly this
Happens each summer but now Spain is fucked and they move to the north because here we have no job for them and neither gibs, ha ha

Look at all those women and children. Have a heart!

Nothing new here lads move.along Spain has always be rightful Moorish clay.


Planet of the apes.

We need to learn from the Germans


All illegals should be sent to pic related. Let them eat sheep there.

and for those not familiar with nautical traditions. The little Greek flag above the Swedistan one is a ''courtesy flag" which means they are taking them into Greek territorial waters.

reminds me of this i saw dumb normies sharing on Facebook


the state of this propaganda, they're shilling it so hard in this and people who don't know much about the migration are being easily convinced
it had something like 3m views on Facebook if i remember correctly
very concerning
also @ 17:06 fucking based greek soldier

Fuck off, they should be sent to Germany and Israel

fuck off with your hatred for brits you cucked kraut.
all these niggers should undergo deportation or mercy killing for the sake of the whole planet

>Fuck off, they should be sent to Germany and Israel
You can just stop the crisis by putting them on islands. Only solution.

send them to israel special delivery

but they do get refugee status, its a broken system created by jews.
they get refugee status by claiming they didn't want to do the mandatory military service or if they claim to be homosexual or communist or radical extremist jihadist or whatever excuse they can come up with.

They will never leave germany because you cucks keep feeding them for free. Israel simply deserves a good niggering

Half go to the Shetlands, half to Sardinia.

Problem solved. Who would ever come again?

there is no island big enough to put billions of niggers.
oh wait there is one, is called FUCKING AFRICA!


Canada is far larger than Germany and we only took in like 40k refugees


there are memes of this somewhere. one was really good i remember

overwhelming majority here in italy does not get a refugee status. you're the one granting it to everyone because you are batshit crazy brainwashed.

>They will never leave germany because you cucks keep feeding them for free.
Need to lure them to the islands with free sheep. Once they realize they are prisoners on the islands, it is too late!

I don't get it, why do Europeans put up with this shit?

They would've gotten shot, jailed or salvaged and their ashes flushed in the toilet where I'm from.

The eternal Hans. Always busy dumping the rapefugees xe invited in, on someone else

>there is no island big enough to put billions of niggers.
Sardinia - 24,000km2

At 500 migrants per km2 (density of England), you could house ALL illegals in all of Europe there... and then deport them one after the other.

Yeah but you're taking 300,000 pakis, chinks, streetshitters, somalis and murican rapefugees. Good luck chink.

do us all a favor, go choke on ahmed's dick out of this thread