There must be some good shit in there.
Ivy league (((Universities))) need to be cleansed and purged.
How long ago did (((they))) completely infiltrate the educational system?
Doesn't just lead to degrees from elite universities being less valuable?
Thanks for firing up the wayback machine, Mr. Peabody.
The White Man is finished. They want us poor, defeated and dead.
Yes. Which is a good thing.
Should post a application with white lives matter since we are a minority on earth
a non-stem ivy degree is already worthless
Not when such a big part of markets and politics are governed by the people who support such sick shit as BLM. Even more they are mostly responsible for promoting this.
They need indoctrinated loyal servants.
Sometime in the 70s.
>Just call me Joe.
>Dr. Goldstein is my dad.
The entire point of an elite university degree is globalist indoctrination. You can go to Stanford or Yale or Harvard and just openly do drugs and cheat off of other students the entire time and graduate with honors or a Fulbright scholarship if you are a good dronebot. And the Illuminati connections you make there will instantly place you in a high-paying job where you have no responsibility for innovative thinking, you just have to help launder jew gold. That's why an elite university degree is valuable. If you don't go along with the system (like Bannon) you might as well be a dropout.
Non-elite universities are basically a last ditch remediation chance for total fucking retards/a filter for medical and law schools.
Old news fag
>american education
>American education
Honestly, if this is true it is pathetic.
t. Avowed Muslim
>Stanford this fall
>lecture hall explodes due to muslim admitted who said black lives matter
The valuable of these jewish establishments is being artificially held up through science journal in much the same way the value of the us dollar is being artificially held up by oil.
Hes an Indian with uber rich parents. He got accepted to Harvard to more or less be the investor to actual smart kids.
They just realized that he's also dumb enough to mortgage is life for student loans.
I wonder if furd separates their humanites and stem colleges. My uni had various colleges that had different standards for applicants. This little shitstain probably got into the sjw college.
None elite university's are an ideological filter.
If you don't show your (((bonefides))) you cannot succeed.