Elon no!

This dude just cucked Time on twitter.

When will the media start attacking him? More than they already do?

Other urls found in this thread:



Fuck welfare queen musk

At this point you must be bots paid by a think thank right? You realize Tesla gets at best a 4% increase in subsidies compared to gasoline?

Do you want to dependent on saudi oil for the rest off your fat life or do you want to achieve energy independence? I swear Americans are just a result off dysgenics you people don't look 100 years into the future it's a society with basis on self gratification.

Anyway here's the other thread where he shits on the media :


Elon Ironman Musk 2020 vs Cuckergberg 2020.
Its happening.

He can't run since he's south african.

And he said he doesn't have interest in doing so if he could, which is probably right you can only change a country fast with a dictatorship.

All the major billionaires are Jewish and working right now to build space stations for themselves, in order to turn us into one big plantation.

Elon Musk is one of the only ones I think may be able to help us.

nope Jeff " Amazon" Bezos he's american, and owns washington post. vs cuckerberg

>we HAVE to give rich people subsidies user you're not ANTI-FUTURE are you?
what the hell kid

I hope not, only pieces of shit want the presidency

Jeff Bezos is secretly a white nationalist.

musk is the living antithesis to corporate diversity if you think about it, all his enterprises have a singular voice and they get great results.

>welfare queen musk meme

t. ULAfag

This needs to end. There are subsidies in every sector, and Musk actually does something useful with his.

Another added to the long list of fake news stories. Time has put themselves on the same level as teenage gossip magazines. Well done.

Elon pls save us. Mars colony when?

t. Musk

Why is the WaPo so leftist?

You don't know how subsidies work, you probably don't even know the difference between subsidies and tax credits, any danish men here to put some sense on how electric car subsidies actually work?

I want a european ethnostate on mars, we will terraform that planet and build a great proud civilization.

to make money

Why the fuck does Sup Forums hate this guy?
>likely redpilled because he grew up in Apartheid
>has white kids
>fucks hot white girls
>builds plants in America
>trying to send whites to fucking Mars
>known to be a great employer
>builds super electric cars

Go fuck yourself if you genuinely want to keep him back

??? It's just the CIA. It doesn't have a left/right bent.

Musk / Thiel 2020

Than nigger will ask for immigrant to mars.

>muh future
>you guys left earth a shithole, you mush save us

>we HAVE to tax rich people less than you, you're not ANTI-FUTURE are you?
what the hell kid

Fuck off you stupid fucking Musk Cuck.

If you want to spread your ass cheeks for Musk, go ahead.

The day Tesla declares bankruptcy, the sooner this con artist fades away.

Tesla Bond Rating is already B minus.

Last week, Toyota sold all their Tesla shares because they saw the writing on the wall for Tesla.

Its a meme, only actual morons hate him. The dude is a legend of our time.

WaPo doesn't make money, it needed Bezos to save it on order to continue operations as is

Are you stupid? Probably never even read it

Fuck off cucks.

Tony Stark was inspired from Oracle CEO Larry Ellison, the world's most richest weeaboo.

Built a 100 million dollar Japanese mansion in Woodside California and owns ancient Japanese artifacts and formerly owned a cruise ship nicknamed the Rising Sun.

If he ran as a conservative, he would easily curbstomp beta fucks like Zuck and Jeff.

CIA Jews pressuring media to do hit pieces on him because they want to control the future Mind Machine Interface market to turn us all into insect-like slave minds worshipping the Jew, deleting wrong thoughts.

>Known to be a great employer
Coming from the aerospace industry this is very wrong. SpaceX has exciting work, but their entire business model is to work you extremely hard for sub-par pay compared to the rest of the industry so that you only work for them as a single person for a few years before quitting for a better-paying job with less hours in order to avoid funding retirement's.

1,2 million likes but only 462 retweets? is this normal?

You can fuck off back to >>>/reddit/. He's a scam artist and no legend.

Mazda is more legendary than Elon Musk could ever be.

In fact, Mazda may have revolutionized the automobile industry

t. gasoline huffing abbo

Elon Musk on Molymeme when?

Seems like bot retweet feature failed

I hope Musk takes on the media Jews

mille means thousand in french I'm guessing it's similar in portushit


This, he can't hope to compete against every other car company and hyperloop is the biggest load of shit I've ever heard. SpaceX might end up being something though if they can perfect the reusable rocket.

Bro what's with extremelly intelligent sillicon valley types and the Japanese Zen aesthetic?

Steve jobs was obsessed with zen, Ellison has a huge property in japan and san francisco, Kevin Rose spends half his time on instagram showcasing me japanese memorabillia, Tim Ferris lived in a fucking japanese style home in San Francisco, Elon himself has talked about zen aesthetics

Wtf is up with that

>Went to a jewish high school in south africa
>Was badly bullied to the point off going to the hospital
>Says bully is a good thing makes you tuff
>Said that people today are to "fucking soft"
>Is worried that his kids won't face any adversity

Honestly only loq IQ mouthbreaders hate someone like this, it's the same redditor cucks who hate Steve Jobs because "he didn't do any charity work" when in fact he did fund an charity in india that has cured countless people off eye related diseases.

It boils down to envy and low iq, these people don't read books, they sit all day doing nothing and hating someone who is more successful than them, they're internet socialists.


That's what I'm talking about you can see the this dude didn't even get into a STEM field.

>spend trillions in the middle east on oil
>complain about the comparatively meager sum given to tesla

ok idiot. The only sheep here is you

>SpaceX has exciting work, but their entire business model is to work you extremely hard for sub-par pay compared to the rest of the industry so that you only work for them as a single person for a few years before quitting for a better-paying job with less hours in order to avoid funding retirement's.

This is true, however people continue working there because they like it, like Elon said some people have grown to fucking soft, everyone on this board knows this is true.

Look up what he did when he went to canada has a teen, the jobs he had were mike row "dirty jobs" like.

You can't terriform Mars. Its core froze, there's no magnetic field.

>If he ran as a conservative

qq more. Has he scammed you personally?

Tony Stark was inspired by a 19 year old student at the University of Chicago?

How did Tesla not revolutionize the auto industry again? When the only reason BMW put out the i3 and i8 was solely because off the Model S.

And the reason Mercedes CEO has admitted hes scared shitless off Tesla, look it up it's on linkedin.

Tell me again what kind off company made Youtube tech guys like MKBHD start reviewing electric cars, what kind off company bridged the car industry and the tech sillicon valley industry as well as tesla?

I'm wasting my time, you're clearly just cognitively incapable.

Then we start it back up

We always find a fucking way don't we? I'm sure a schizoid is already working on it.

Ellison is a huge time globalist. Oracle works closer with the deep state than any other company

That just means you can drill into it and place the nuclear materials to heat it back up.

If the government were shoveling money at my competitors I'd be pretty scared too user

> Stupid foreigner shilling Tesla to dump his overpriced stock

Fuck off

Go put out the trash your mother is tired off telling that.

>you people don't look 100 years into the future

Says the one letting obongos and durka-durks sleepover forever and thanks them with infinite gibsmedats

Kill yourself portushit, even your colonies are more relevant than your turd-shaped country

lmao not only you got your info wrong you hide behind a flag on a taiwanese forum, I bet you're a german.

Musk can fuck off. Time is right. You can read it litterally in musk's book which he approved. He is a fucking autistic slavedriver. Quite productive though so i hope he becomes a right wing slave driver to further bfto the leftists

jesus christ the autism is real

No he didn't, you didn't even read


You absolute fucking idiot.

Well look at that I was right sciencealert.com/nasa-wants-to-launch-a-giant-magnetic-shield-to-make-mars-habitable

Don't get me wrong, I think they do some of the most exciting and meaningful work in the industry. However, the people who work there and stay are the types of people who want to dedicate literally their entire life to their job for the personal fulfilment alone, not the pay. But I guess that's exactly the type of worker he wants, so I can't fault him for it.

This right here is why I love Afrikaner men. If only Mark Shuttleworth could be so relevant.

Musk is Americas last chance to not fall behind China in technological matters.

>However, the people who work there and stay are the types of people who want to dedicate literally their entire life to their job for the personal fulfilment alone, not the pay. But I guess that's exactly the type of worker he wants, so I can't fault him for it.

Yep, that's exactly what happens, go to r/spacex sometimes an employee ama occurs, pretty cool.

Elon. Please save us your our only hope against the tyrannical AI boot that is about to crush us.

The devil rules by fear and oppression,

God rules by compassion and reason.

Both result in "equality" one with joy and the other with misery. Parallel and inverted.

Please Elon we need a super intelligence not controlled by demons.

I don't hate him I'm just tired of hearing about him all the time. He's Steve Jobs 2.0

The whole history of the white race is filled with explorers, inventors and innovators, and the fuckers that told them it was impossible. Just get in the line of stupid niggers, intellectual midgets and naysayers throughout fucking history, you unambitious bumbling fucktard.

Musk is like Tesla.
He will be robbed

I like how they chose the least flattering picture of Elon for their hit piece.

Beautifully put

>He's Steve Jobs 2.0

How, cmon burger, tell me how exactly, because it's obvious you have no idea what you're talking about and being tired off hearing about someone else transforming into hate is a reddit level course off action.

Tell me again how a guy that gave up on a PhD in Energy Pysichs and works at engineering in Space X and engineering and design at Tesla is like Steve Jobs.

Steve Jobs was a great entrepreneur with an autistic like sense for aesthetics that he got from Zen Buddhism, the world wide web would be delayed for few years if it wasn't for nEXT computers to.

Read some fucking books you worm.

Gotta play it right.

Musk is not my guy

Triple 9s definitely not your guy.

The once prestigious news like Time, NYT, and CNN now totally disrespected because they're complete shit.

Lol it would be hilarious seeing jews floating in the space with those traditional cloths and beards: D

First, remaining humans on earth will aggressively enforce segregation in futile attempts to keep their civilizations from collapsing entirely. The MU will introduce sanctions and pressure them into desegregating and turning all governments over to blacks.
A majority of humans (including asians, whose countries are now in the early phase of enrichment) will have been taught that Africans have rights to the entire planet because "they were the original inhabitants".
The early 21st century will be portrayed in media like Jim Crowe era.

is he, dare i say /trump'sguy/?

that faggot should spend a week at the border and see what happens

Jesus christ this is how you can tell someone has zero economic knowledge. Get out of highschool before you upchuck online next time. Good lord.