German Election Help Thread

Sensible German anons know that Merkel and the CDU will win the Federal elections. They know that with the overwhelming support of state-funded media, social media giants like Facebook and Google, Soros-funded NGOs and all EU bureaucrats, Merkel's re-election is all but guaranteed. This cohort of voters should be the target of a meme operation encouraging them to vote for the AfD simply to keep Merkel honest.

>Keep Merkel Honest
>Vote Afd

>Merkel Moved Right
>Thanks to the AfD

>Keep Up The Pressure
>Vote AfD

Get in here if you have ideas about how to help. SPD shills BTFO

Other urls found in this thread:


we work on it
>any help is welcome

Thanks for the bump. I'm in favor of a fake poster campaign (targeting subways) in which I encourage voters to lie about their intentions.

This is very important. As we learned from #GoogleManifesto, the leftwing uses public shaming to keep the masses in line. (That's also why anonymous sites like Sup Forums are so important.) By encouraging normies to lie about their intentions, you give them cover.

>Yeah, I'm voting for Merkel and CDU
>Votes for AfD anyway

Pic related is a cringy prototype version of this idea


what do you think?

Haven't seen this one before. Nice work with the baby. I also have a German baby version tha I use to trigger leftists.
>pic related
The fact that Frauke Petry is fertile and Merkel is a barren wasteland needs to be played up.

SPD can not win anymore so everyone who is afraid of stealing votes from CDU should vote AfD.

Truly sad this this image was supposed to shame people into not voting AfD.

Looks good to me. I loved the original version when it first came out. So, does Petry now have 4 or 5 children? Do I need to update pic related?

>SPD can not win anymore so everyone who is afraid of stealing votes from CDU should vote AfD.
This statement gives some voters permission to vote for a party other than the CDU, but you need to also give them a reason to vote for AfD.

What motivates these voters?

Thank you, it will immediately distributed
That was before the people knew what was coming from africa.

>Thank you, it will immediately distributed
I have a lot of German variations of this (and other similar memes)

Put them in here
>thanks in advance

OK, I'll start uploading some of my stash - not a lot of new OC. Most were made back in January. I also have lots of ironic memes encouraging people to report their friends and neighbors (presumably to either the Government or Facebook) for allegedly spreading fake news.

The idea is to be so over-the-top that people understand it's ironic but still be mildly creeped out.

Leftists trying to make Afd look bad but instead they make them look aesthetic as fuck

I'm rooting for AfD. Germany needs this.


Thank you
It´s good to make contra meme


I truly wish a party like AfD could win. Germany needs our help otherwise.


AfD is a jew controlled opposition

there is no single party in germany which could change things and do stuff which is really important

>deport all criminals
>remove kebab
>remove corrupt politicians
>remove finance system
>etablish a gol based currency

so better nuke us

no party will save europe we all going to die

>It´s good to contra meme
I agree. I think you can sway a lot of people to re-think things if you tell them something like this:

>Merkel and the CDU are under fire from fake news!
>Help protect the CDU and Merkel from fake news by immediately reporting fake news to the proper authorities

>With the government and ZDF (or ARD or DW or whatever) to ensure that Angela Merkel can continue with the transformation of our society
>Report fake news now - help re-elect Merkel

Some shit like that


I will vote AfD, but germans are literally brainwashed retards.

Whatever Merkel did back then with the refugees, germans forgot already. Media and the gov. discovered if they just don't report refugees coming in anymore, the german population thinks the problem is solved. That's all it took.

I live on the border to austria. Refugees swarming in, still.

t. demoralization agent


>I will vote AfD, but germans are literally brainwashed retards.
Just curious if you've ever tried to use 'Concern Trolling' to trick some of your normie friends.

>Sure, I'm voting for Merkel. I don't see an alternative. But I'm concerned that the message of the AfD is resonating with some voters...
Then spell out what the AfD is advocating, and make a solid case. Then say:
>Obviously, I don't believe in that. But I'm worried that it might appeal to a lot of other people out there

t. AfD shill

>Blau, Weiß, Rot – Freimaurerische Staatsflaggen

So what?
Even if they are just play the jews game and infiltrate too. Millions of people who just need a push into the right direction to make them sovreign ethno nationalists and you want to give up and let them become good guy conservatives?

*good goy conservatives

So it's legal to use the swastika to smear your political opponents in Germany, but not to use it as a positive political symbol?

ever wondered why merkel is pushing the multicultural agenda?

Ein Mitglied des B’nai B’rith und Hochgradfreimaurer, Graf Coudenhove-Kalergi, schrieb (1923): „Wir erstreben ein
orientalisches Europa mit einer eurasisch-negroiden Mischrasse der Zukunft. Diese zukünftige Mischrasse wird äußerlich der
altägyptischen Rasse ähnlich sein. Führer werden die Juden sein als neuer Adel von Geistes Gnaden. “ Hochgradfreimaurer waren
auch F. D. Roosevelt, Truman, der Chef des IMT Jackson sowie aus neuerer Zeit Kissinger und der langjährige Präsident der
EU-Kommission Delors. Der US-Präsident Truman wurde nach dem Abwurf der Atombomben auf Hiroshima und Nagasaki in
den 33. Grad erhoben.
Der B’nai B’rith verlieh Willy Brandt vor fast 15 Jahren einen goldenen Orden und einen solchen sowohl an Kohl (Allgemeine
Jüdische Wochenzeitung, 7.2.1991) als auch an den ehemaligen Bundespräsidenten R. v. Weizsäcker (T. Z., 5.12.1991) sowie 1996
wieder einen solchen an Kohl {Münch. Merkur, 27.1.1996).
März 2008 erhielt Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel den B'nai-B'rith-Orden ...

they plan something bigger

i think the NWO is literally the 4th Reich they are working right now to shift everybodys opininon to "right" because thats the only way when you are a normal thinking human

they will present a messiah (could be a hitler clone) you all going to acceppt and you will be still tricked again

Seems that way, doesn't it...

think about this verse a king who was, is not and will come back

"The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the
bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall
wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the
foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not,
and yet is. And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are
seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth. And there are seven kings:
five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he
cometh, he must continue a short space. And the beast that was, and is
not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition."
- Rev 17:8-11

>I report my friends

Coudenhove-Kalergi never said that. In his vision of the future all the races will be mixed into one including the jews. Describing jews as a spiritual nobility referred to his current time where jews were overrepresented in all intellectual positions. He saw the reason for that in their persecution which thinned the herd until only the best jews remained. Nevertheless he thought they'd be mixed in with all the others by now.

can you proof it? interesting that you knew him most people dont have any clue

Left-wing parties that want the destruction of their country and Europe are trying to lure voters and literally knocking on their doors and convinting them on voting on their party

You germans that will vote for AfD should adopt this technique and literally go around droping redpills on those households that have no clue about what's going on in their country, and we have an advantage, the truth is on our side, arguments are won by logic and facts, not buzzwords and feelings, spread the advice

An article about the subject:

Spread and meme the AfD's posts

The only way to save Germany is to vote for liberal and socalist parties. It will push the policies so far that it eventually will turn the people. Infilitrate the greens and say outrageous things, have fun.

Here's the sad reality:

Even if Sup Forums dreamed up a shit-ton of high-quality memes, you'd still need a small army of people to the memes physically printed and then physically distributed alongside other political posters.
The barrier is so high that only a few groups can afford to put up posters in subways and bus stops.
Also, there's the need to anonymously fund AND distribute physical media, not just digital shit. This stuff is hard

Jews even in Norway wtf? proxy jew?

Is the solution crowdfunding those posters and make local teams spread throughout Germany posting these things around?

We can cross the country really fast in europe

You cant work against a system that works against you, but you can destroy that system from the inside.
>Der Adelsmensch der Zukunft wird weder feudal noch jiidisch, weder biirgerlich noch proletarisch: er wird synthetisch sein. Die Rassen und Klassen im heutigen Sinne werden verschwinden, die Personlichkeiten bleiben.
Don't get me wrong. He was completely nuts and totally in love with the jews, but he didn't devise some plan to make them the future rulers of Europe. His plan was for all races and cultures to vanish into one mixed race in one nation spanning all of Europe with one homogenous culture.

>AfD supporter doesn't want to get beat up by Antifa
>doesn't want to be shunned by friends or co-workers
>buys green jacket, pretends to join greens
>goes door-to-door with like-minded AfD friend who also buys same green jacket
>drops red pills on unsuspecting Germans and hands out AfD literature
>helps elderly voters set up email and social media accounts
>everyone who sees them thinks they are greens
>muh win-win situation

That's the only thing I can think of. But how can this be done anonymously? It's hard to imagine too many people want to spend more than $50 to $100 of their own money on something like this. I'd rather donate that money, maybe via a blockchain, and have a guarantee that the "right anons" get the funding they need.

No it's still illegal, but the left does it anyways

OP is doing God's work with this here.

>wrong order of colors in the pic

I think a campaign like this also needs to have an easy-to-identify target goal like:

>Let's get the AfD over 10%

Or whatever the target number is. It should be achievable with some upside. Like a so-called 'stretch goal' at work.

>I'm going to vote AfD to help them get to 10%.
>A 10% voice to her right will help keep Merkel honest.
>I'll do my part to keep her honest. Will you do your part?

>muh wrong order of colors
There was a strong wind blowing, faggot. It blew the mustard gas right over

Thanks mane

No, the system already does outrageouss things and says outrageous things.
It is time for Reich, mein Freund.

It's also okay that a bunch votes for the AfD got lost in the last few elections. Only for the AfD of course.







Sounds like you faggots have the same group counting ballots as those clowns in Austria. If the right-wing does well in any election, the left manages to:
A) lose legit ballots; or
B) "locate" bags of postal ballots that had been mysteriously "misplaced"

Just imagine the timeline if Hofer, not Alexander VdB, were the President of Austria today.


>a burger OP starts a good thread about Euro politics
What's happening?

That's supposed to be a boy?

BUMP for awareness.
I won't let the thread of the only non-shitposting american go down like this.

Good luck Germanbros

>boy or girl
Exactly! Keep em guessing

Thanks for the support German user.

So...what IS a realistic target for the AfD in the next election? 10%? 12%?

How far can they push the window?

Kek, hans, you got me

max is pretty much 20%, but anything above 15% is really unlikely.

Ok then I'll start working in the value "15%" into my new memes, as long as you think that's not totally implausible. It needs to be believable.


In the polls they are at 8 % for quite a while now. I guess 12% could be feasible, but honestly I don't know how it's going to turn out, there's still 15 % or so undecided, also the polls can change quite fast when something happens. So let's hope for a happening a week before the election.

>muh habbening

German version

Enjoy a song about Freedom of Thought

Attempted Lyrics:
>The thought is free, who could even guess them? they fly past-over'n-by like nocturnal shadows, no man can know them no hunter may shoot them with powder and lead, the thought is free!
>I think what i want, and whatev'r delights me, but all of it in mute as it is proper, my wish, my desire may no one deny them, it may stay this way, the thought is free!
>I love the wine, my gal even more so, she does me of all the most of favors, i am never alone by my glass of wine, my gal stays by, the thought is free!
>And if imprison me in the deepest of dungeons that all are but works o' so futile, 'cause my thought may break all the barriers and walls in two, the thought is free!

Thank you for your service, Ameri-bro
(This post acts as another bump.)