Someone needs to mercy kill the Northern Europe already.

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Are all the scandinavian countries cucks? I thought only sweden were.


I don't know that's kinda funny


No Finland, not you

>swedish ad

Maken järki.

Isn't that just fag couple renting a womb for "their" kid.

Not that I approve with that either.

>swedish product


swedish company
move along

Finnish ad agency and finnish people making this. Don't mater which country the product is from.

Was this fucking directed by David Lynch?

Muistutus siitä, että Hitler oli oikeassa ja että kansakuntamme selviytymisen kannalta on äärimmäisen tärkeää että saamme palautettua maahamme vahvan kansallismielisen mentaliteetin, sekä että eliminoimme ulkomaalaisten ja ei-Suomalaisten vaikutusvallan maassamme kaikin mahdollisin keinoin.

Meidän valtamediamme ovat lähes kaikki, ei-suomalaisten omistuksessa, esim Bonnierin juutalaisperhe omistaa MTVn, kustannusyhtiö Tammen ja WSOYn, sekä akateemisen kirjakaupan.
Meidän on ajettava nämä juutalaiset pois maastamme jotta he eivät enää kykene vaikuttamaan kansakuntamme mielipiteisiin ja tulevaisuuteen.

Muistutus myös siitä että Kommunismi on juutalaisten juoni kaikkien ei-juutalaisten alistamiseen. Jopa Winston Churchill tiesi tämän.


That's a SWEDISH product that is sold in Finland.

I listened to a podcast once talking about this degeneracy, "womb renting" is banned in many countries cause it's allowing shit like this to happen and make faggots think it's normal to pay for a woman to impregnate her and make her deliver a baby like as if you were paying for a product And this mentality is the same mentality cucks have.

no hyi vittu, mitä helvettiä, onko oikea?

Fuck off Finns, don't act like we're the same group

you are basterd man

who here is doing that? we are not g*rmanic pigs and every sane finn knows that

Finland is part of the nordic region, dipshit.
It's Scandinavia they're not a part of. They are however part of Fennoscandia.
Think twice before typing, or don't type at all.

sorry i am spurdo living in ur country

All of you - go fuck yourself. you bully for months, you hurted me, you made me cry, and now it gotten even worse.

I shared my life story with you, i shared with you the pain i have experienced, expecting you to show some sympathy.. but instead your just ridiculing me and keep bullying me.

The pain i have experienced in my life is indescribeable, and the fact you derive joy from the pain of others is fucking gross. any of you who experienced joy from my pain is a evil human being and he should be ashamed of yourself.

How can you be so emotionless?

How can you be so cruel?

How can you derive joy from knowing the other one is suffering? i fucking suffered from clinical depression, and you guys ridicule my life story.

I was allways so nice towards all of you, told you that i wish you the best in your life, told you that i love you all... but you just kept bullying me. what if i was suicidal? would you really want to have the guilt of making a person kill himself for the rest of your life?

Im not going to suicide, but if it was someone else it could have ended this way, and thats why you all should be ashamed of yourself and to change your attitude from now on.

I'm sorry what? Sofie Elise, is that you?

>I shared my life story with you

More like sharted your life story


lmao are you implying you're not cucked?


Also why is it a juice ad how the fuck does this correlate to renting out wombs?

I'd rather be muslim than living in a cucked western country.

>Ok we need advertisement idea for juice.

It's 2017, people think that it's great when a mixed gay couple receives a niglet from white woman's vagina.


The most important job of the ad is to print itself to people's memory.

so... buy this expensive juice?
like is the ad supposed to market to her for having a nice glass of juice after going through labor
I get the whole "wow so progressive and cool" angle but it literally makes no sense in this juice ad
It's really rustling my autism

>tfw too smart to get the regressive propaganda

I thought this for a moment but then I understood this ad. Only retards buy this ridicilously expensive juice. I know people at work - who happen to be women - who buy these products and I cannot a better commercial for them than this. Company cares only about their focus group, they know that smart and practical people don't need their overpriced juice.

I nominate the Master. May his party bring us towards salvation and glory!

It's always the (((juice)))!

this shit is serious yo idk how your youth is numb to this shit

Made me laugh, my man

with (((juice))) you lose

Finland! You too swallow the BBC!!!

>>God Morgon
That's a Swedish company, surprise.

it means good morning you autist

at least the equally disgusting cheerios ad has a point to it.
the nigger family is eating the cheerios

Seriously they could just take that birthing scene and slap it onto literally any product


do they actually show this shit on fucking TV or just some kikebook add?

Dunno.. Don't watch TV but at least on the Facebook.

It's actually a danish one i think

Swedish ad agency and Swedish people making this*

>implying there's a difference

90% of the ads you see on television aren't even made in Finland, how is this news to people like OP?

denmark is central europe. Sweden is nordic europe.

Mee nyt autisti vittuun siitä.

This shit is spreading very fast, hope you already finished building the wall along your border, dont want to be cucked by your new masterrace representative

He never said that. Just found out.

this is you russia amd you are not even trying

can I get their phone numbers?

I'm a Christian, but I unironically think Islam is a better alternative to the Nordic countries than continuing with secular atheism.

The best alternative would be if they adopted Christianity, of course.

How so? Nordic countries have been the safest and most advances countries for a long time. Would this have happened under islam? Really doubt it.