He still uses Chrome or Firefox

>he still uses Chrome or Firefox

Good goy

Other urls found in this thread:


i just downloaded pale moon and found out this is (((firefox))) owned browser or something like this

>not using IE

May have to switch using Qute browser full-time.

OK, I'm leaving Mozilla, what do you guys recommend?


Same, leaving Mozilla, and Google.

What's /ourbrowser/ and /oursearchengine/?

That would likely be duckduckgo, I guess.

>George Soros's
>against fake news
Now theres a fucking good joke.


Ie and Bing, fucking newfag.

ew a kike


It's literally the same as Goolag, only in smaller scale.

IE is a good browser
>b-but le normiez internetz memes say it a slow DX

Pale Moon is a stripped-down Firefox that is supposed to run a little faster. How did you not know this before you downloaded it? Did you just download it because it has a pretty name?

You fags not using Netscape.

WTF is wrong with you.

Try chromium

Netscape was founded by a commie who once threw a bitch fit when he found out Rush Limbaugh was attended the same dinner as him.

Basically a Chinese botnet these days.

I use Brave. Opensource and run by half decent people

Startpage is good

mfw, Sup Forums finds out that all the internet and media services they use are jewish owned

Of fucking course. It still calls home you fucking stupid mongoloid.

>how about I slap your shit jpg
I want to move away fro Jewgle

IE doesn't even have half the plugins and customization options available for Firefox

Just use whatever you want you dumb motherfuckers. Its not like goggle is going to shut down if you dont use them lel.


What about opera?

Opera confirmed compromised.

Startpage's search results are "enhanced" by Google


How do you get porn tube sites to play on Brave? Youtube vids play not porn.

Asking for a friend

Doesn't startpage use Google?


>still watching porn

Fuck. So what's the next best thing in terms of customization and versatility?

what in the actual fuck has happened over there at mozilla...
also fuck linux

>on the internet
>it's already too late.

Just use any of them, and accept you're always being tracked, all the time.

This is the world you live in.

IE allows me to execute jscripts much faster than other womb brazzers.

Waterfox, it imported all my Firefox data immediately

Nearly all of them use Google. At least startpage anonymizes your search and is better tham DDG

God dammit. I just switched from chrome to Firefox.

please tell me which other browser than chrome has as good developer tools as chrome

I'll switch in a heartbeat but until then

>continues using Chrome
Eat shit, contrarian niggers.

i would recommend pale moon or icecat as a browser and startpage as a search engine. both are run by autists that put software freedom above all else

>The N word


Could you not

Do that?

Like seriously?

Mozilla and Moonchild Productions are completely separate entities.

fuck "linux"
Unix ftw, am i right?

yes, you are better off if you live in the sewers like all other real hackers and pirates

>he watches porn



Sadly Coincidence detector does not work for Brave since there is a no extension rule for it.

Absolutely perfect

>I don't like Google, but I'll still use their search engine
Don't be a fag.

ive downloaded brave just now since many of you recommended it but how do i change the appearance so the bar isnt so blank ?

xp master race


edge is the white man's browser
get on the edge

Vivaldi or Brave are both good.

Vivaldi is really feature rich, and when combined with UBlock Origin blocks out ads.

Brave is more lightweight and loads quicker, but lacks all the extensions.

I know chinks bought it and shit but you have any other info for that? like actual spoopy code on the source or some shit

Come home white man

Afaik vivaldi isn't open source

Get Brave, its made by the most redpilled dev in the tech industry

>literally joining faceshit, twatter and jewgle to censor shit and not let you see your search results if "too controversial"


I find Chrome to be the most efficient when it comes to loading videos quickly. I used to like firefox because of noscript, but it was too slow and clunky imo... Im not going to use a different browser if i have to refresh once or twice to watch a fucking video.

>>using IE

Switched to Brave last night

>Get Brave, its made by the most redpilled dev in the tech industry
Wasn't he thrown out basically out of Firefox cause he didn't buy into the growing SJW/womyn shit?

If so then based

That's right goy, what a good goy. What a special precious goy.

>That's right goy, what a good goy. What a special precious goy.

Because changing your browser is making a

good for you!

Be scared, kike. Even giants have fallen. Your hubris will be your downfall and the blowback will be swift.



Does Brave have a private browsing option?

Just use firefox you flaming faggot

ixquick and duckduckgo
