>Canada has deployed soldiers to erect tents near the U.S. border to temporarily house hundreds of asylum seekers crossing from New York state, officials said on Wednesday, an influx of mostly Haitians prompted by fear of deportation by the U.S. government.
>Around 250 asylum seekers are arriving each day in Montreal, the largest city in Canada's mainly French-speaking Quebec province. Quebec has opened its Olympic Stadium, a former hospital and a school among other places to house people.
Soros is having Trudeau kill off Quebec that last part of Canada trying to retain its culture
Caleb Green
#America #Freedom #Liberty
Our World. Our Time. Our Future.
A Holy American Empire to rule the world for 1000 years.
America, the Heartland. Jesus Country. Western Nations as satellite states. Maintaining individuality and autonomy. Retaining history. Australians stay Australian, but with American Freedoms and Liberties. British stay British, the French, French, etc.
Full Freedom and Liberty.
The biggest baddest empire this humanity has ever seen. Waiting for Jesus Christ to save us. With Holy Spirits help. God protects us from Jewry and any form of oppression.
This is so the European(white) male can live well. That's all its about. So we can start families and continue the works of our Father.
Retain our history, thousands of years in the making. A global effort by the commoner. For our greater good. We craft our future.
Remove Kike. Remove Foreigner.
One last War. Our World Forever After
S H A D I L A Y ~ B R O T H E R S
Dominic Evans
Hopefully a brave soldier set up a c4 charge in the tents
Jace King
Winter is coming
Ryan Baker
I was literally supposed to phone a recruiter today. Fuck this shit. Nuke us idc anymore
Ayden Peterson
Now you won't have to sleep under the stars anymore. Canadians truly are a nice bunch of weirdos.
>Nonetheless, refugee advocates say the government is essentially encouraging people to come into the country — and to bypass the treaty — by setting up processing centers at popular illegal crossing points, and arranging for shelter.
>On a recent visit to the border crossing in Champlain, N.Y., taxicabs arrived at the dead end of Roxham Road practically every 15 minutes, stopping a few feet from a ditch that separates the United States and Canada. The passengers clutched their luggage, ignored a “no pedestrians” sign and made the short walk into Quebec. >Royal Canadian Mounted Police officers are supposed to warn those arriving here that they will be arrested for breaking international law by crossing illegally. But one officer instead greeted the migrants with a simple question: “Are you from Haiti?”
>Around 1,500 asylum seekers crossed into Quebec in July, up from 781 in June, Quebec officials said. Over 200 are now arriving every day, according to the Canada Border Services Agency, which said many were American children accompanying their undocumented parents. >But Jean-Pierre Fortin, president of the Customs and Immigration Union, which represents Canadian border service agents, said agents had told him that the number of people crossing was much higher than the government’s figures.
Jeremiah Collins
I'd like to be the first to thank our neighbors to the north for taking these fucking Hadji's off our streets. Thanks Canada!
Cooper Brown
Canada now with 15% more useless murican niggers.
Easton Robinson
inb4 videos of haitian niggers complaining about their tents and lack of mud cookies
Cameron Peterson
How can a red blooded man be okay with this?
Evan Kelly
Don't worry, the tents are set up right across the border with heat, lighting, and electricity so the migrants don't get cold :-)
archive.fo/SY7E2 >The military-built camp would house hundreds of asylum seekers in heated tents fitted with flooring and electricity while they wait for their refugee applications to be processed, said a statement from the military.
They even filled in a ditch so heavily pregnant women could cross more easily and have anchor babies in Canada!
archive.fo/cFcGJ >The local Quebec municipality has filled in part of the ditch to make a footpath so the elderly, infirm or very pregnant can cross more easily. Metal barriers have been set up to help with crowd control. There are tents to protect everyone from the blazing summer sun. Generators power fans during the day and lights at night. There's even a pair of portable toilets.
Alexander Morris
This is a travesty. What can anyone do outside of writing their MP?
Oliver Perry
Basically no Americans are crossing (except the children of illegal immigrants born on US soil). They're almost entirely Haitian, hoping that Canada will grant them refugee status.
Most of them overstayed tourist visas and worked/resided in the US illegally, and then in 2010 after the earthquake they were given temporary protected status that prevented them from being deported. Trump gets elected and in May gives them one last six month extension of the temporary status, but saying that this is the end and plan to leave the US in this time.
Fearing deportation in November, the Haitians are going to Canada illegally hoping Canada will give them refugee status.
Logan Campbell
This government will probably grant them 'asylum'. It's becoming unreal how fast this has all gone down hill. I want Harper back now!
Gabriel Gray
For the French Canadians, a sample of the messages that the Haitians are sending to each other encouraging them to flee from the US to Canada.
Jacob Rogers
>go to official border crossing (airport car etc.) >get rejected
>cross at an unofficial road in New York into Canada >get set up in tents with heat and electricity as they start your application for refugee status
On what planet does that make sense leafs?
Aiden Adams
The Island of Dr. Trudeau
Samuel Foster
Jesus. Sorry leafs but I'm pretty sure this qualifies you as the winners of the 2017 Cuck Olympics.
Joshua Morgan
>i hate this place so fucking much
Levi White
Imagine being completely surrounded by oceans with the exception of sharing a border with the most prosperous nation in the world and then STILL having a nigger refugee crisis. What the fuck
Jacob Bennett
And your government is paying them for their trouble of illegally immigrating
archive.fo/kwA8M#selection-2525.0-2544.0 >Although they are formally arrested, the migrants get temporary papers, a bus pass and a monthly government stipend of up to 900 Canadian dollars (about $705), which can help pay rent while they wait for their refugee claim hearing.
Dominic Anderson
i'm really not convinced third-world illiterates daydream about coming here, or even know the first thing about the country unless of course someone or something is filling their mind with fantasy-tier nonsense about how "people are nice" and "everything is free"
Charles Butler
OH, canadian soldiers are required to act as piccolos too. Too bad we already did that over a year ago.
Blake Morris
>be spanish looking american >steal illegal immigrants idenities >apply for assylum in canada at 4-5 different places >????? >PROFIT
Shit, I'm gonna have to learn spanish.
Ayden Robinson
They fingerprint you and associate your fingerprints with a record in Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada's Global Case Management System, so they would know of your first application if you tried again.
Luke James
It's a half trap, dark equatorial people will not do well here over the long term me thinks. A few hundred Haitians? This is news? lol, we take a few hundred thousand rejects from other countries every year. American rejects are probably better than whatever middle eastern rejects T2 has been flirting with since taking office.
Nathan Murphy
Even America doesn't put innocent refugees in concentration camps. Nice job Canada. I bet you're going to force them to get haram dog blowjobs next.
Bentley White
> A few hundred Haitians? This is news? lol, we take a few hundred thousand rejects from other countries every year. Try 200+ a day. And once people hear of this, other categories of illegal immigrants without status in the states are going to head nothbound if they hear about the positive reception the Haitians received.
Nathaniel Edwards
Do they cross-check with the neighbors if you're a US national?
Jaxon Scott
It's ironic to be happening on T2's watch really. T1 was the first PM to welcome the central American horde with open arms. T1 kicked off the Jamaican crime wave in the GTA back in the 70's and 80's.
Joshua Rogers
Canada can take it. We can bear any burden, pay any price. We can alwys borrow more money. We are truly the ones leading the earth now.
Kevin Wilson
to them who say we should be taking care of our homeless with ail that money, shame on you. the homeless are mosty white males and are more priveleged than the refugees will ever be.
Aiden Price
>homeless white man more privileged than Obama. Work on your bait, user. You're almost there
Parker Russell
you caught me. i'm actually cutting and pasting r/canada posts and cbc comments though
Evan Miller
Based. When I served my country all we did was kick in doors and kill towel heads.
Luke Gomez
BASED ANGLOSPHERE as they said after Brexit
James Parker
US Marine here. A fact that will soon be lost to history is the fact that Canada is the primary reason (many others, but the largest) that we lost the war in Afghanistan. The way you lose a war without appearing to lose a war is to withdraw the majoity of your forces to large bases. They had for the most part ceased kenetic operations as early as 2008, refused to hand over their battle space to USMC 2nd MEBin 2009, and only in about 2011 did they fully hand over Kandahar to the 101st and 82nd ABD
Nicholas Gray
This is shocking. Can't possibly be true. I refuse to believe Canada would act this way
Jaxson Hall
>Soros is having Trudeau kill off Quebec that last part of Canada trying to retain its culture lel this
Jonathan Russell
To be fair I'm a little surprised Casto jr isn't moving them out of their barracks so that the fugees can have them and then making the soldiers sleep in the tents.
>Somebody should tweet ol JT that making the poor refugees sleep outside is racist. I'm mean it is their job and all to sleep in tents and stuff right?
Aiden Bailey
I'm also a dual citizen, great grandfather was a hero with Black Watch during WWI. Canada's army isn't what it used to be, at all. Sorry senpai. You guys need to arrest Trudeau.
Alexander Baker
er, along with retired special forces Sgt Layne Morris, who was injured in the firefight, sued Khadr in Utah. They won a $134m wrongful death judgment in 2015. Now they want an Ontario court to uphold that judgment, and sought an injunction aimed at freezing Khadr’s assets ahead of hearings later this year. >Ontario judge denies request by US soldier’s widow and injured former soldier to freeze former Guantánamo detainee’s assets ahead of hearing in the fall >Canada’s prime minister, Justin Trudeau, has defended the C$10.5m (US$8.24m) in a settlement paid to a Canadian man held at Guantánamo Bay for a decade, calling it the best choice in difficult circumstances.
cbc.ca/news/politics/private-refugee-sponsorship-soros-un-1.3769639?cmp=rss >Canada is forming a partnership with the United Nations and billionaire George Soros to help other countries implement their own version of Canada's private refugee sponsorship program. >will offer countries "tailored advice" on how to adapt and implement the refugee programs. >The joint initiative between the government of Canada, the UN High Commission on Refugees and Soros's Open Society Foundations will have a kick-off meeting in Ottawa in December, the release said. >Soros contributing funding to the project.
Adrian Roberts
>be canadian soldier >train hard >deploy tent for your wife's next boyfriend
Can someone from Canada tell me when will the Canadian chinks meet the nigger/muslim horde? Will that start the racewar? Slit-eyed Rice-eating Braniacs vs Orcs?
Asher Mitchell
>Canada: "WOW. US is SO DIRTY. US has SO MUCH CRIME. They are SO RACIST TOO, it's DISGUSTING. How could anyone want to live in the US? I am so glad I am up here in BASED CLEAN WHITE CANADA"
>Twice-removed illegal immigrants start pouring into Canada en masse
>Canada: "HAHAHA! We can handle this!! H-hhahaha!......."
I'll see you losers in 2 decades when your country is utterly trashed to shit, and when it finally dawns on you as to why.
Adam Nguyen
Canada and the US don't recognize the gaining of another citizenship as revoking the first one.
If the refugee families who fled got permanent residence or Canadian citizenship, any who were American citizens would retain their US citizenship as well.
However, the reason most of them are fleeing is because they are not US citizens and are subject to deportation come November (the Haitians, who are the overwhelming majority of the people applying for refugee status). Some of their kids were born on US soil and are thus US citizens.
Colton Mitchell
I'm sorry, Canada. I wanted them gone, but not like this.
Blake Foster
Birthright citizenship disgusts me. It makes me sick to know poos and chinks freely leave their shitholes to come and enjoy the benefits of the country my ancestors tamed, built, and bled for.
Xavier Cox
A lot of people coming over the border are pregnant, ready to have anchor babies as IRCC/CIC weighs in on their asylum claims. Once they have a citizen child it's really likely that permanent residence will be approved for the entire time.
Your government knows this and makes it easier for the pregnant to enter canada illegally, see
Camden Long
here >entire time Entire family*
Levi Cox
No. They seldom interact with each other. Immigrants mostly keep to themselves in their own communities in the cities. "Multicultural" Toronto is literally just different districts of non-whites that keep to themselves.
Ethan Jones
YOU killed us.
William Ward
>enlist to defend your country >government orders you to accomodate invaders and make sure they dont lack anything before they hit the country looking for white pussy >LITERALLY prepping the bull
Such is the life of a leaf
Samuel Jackson
And they're really dragging their feet on processing these economic migrants. I read an article the other day that indicated that it may take 11 fucking years to process them all. And what happens in the meantime? Are we, the taxpayer, expected to finance them? House, clothe, educate them?
Eleven years is more than enough time for each and every one of them to drop a kid with Canadian citizenship and ensure the whole extended family lives in Canada, permenanly.
The entire thing feels like a systemic effort to take down Canada. We're turning into the great "beige" north.
Jace Walker
The best fate for canada would be to sell all its land to america and become america, after selling/killing mudslimes but leafs are too fucking stupid to understand this with our shitty health care and degenerate faggot snow flake youth
Robert Adams
>illegal immigrants i don't think trudeau would agree with that term, in fact i'm positive he'll grant them citizenship and voting rights before the next election
Jayden Brooks
top bantz, polack
Lucas Peterson
Ah, so that's why he hasn't legalized weed yet
Aaron Campbell
This is actually true for the Syrian refugees after the liberal government diluted the process to get Canadian citizenship. Time to gain citizenship was significantly reduced, language requirements removed, residency requirements removed. Leafs, research Bill C-6.
This newest wave doesn't have enough time to get voting rights, thankfully.
Joshua Ward
Once Trump consolidates power he can literally end Canada in a weekend. Trudeau needs to stop fucking us over so that doest become our reality. I shouldnt see that as the most beneficial course of action. I grew up hating America, now I envy you. So proud of you guys for voting the Don into office.
I shilled my ass off for Trump on goybook and lost all of my friends. Worth it.
Brandon Collins
God you faggots are stupid. Canada is literally the consolation prize of refugee countries. It's cold and the mafia keeps the crime in check already on the east coast. Triads and pajeets need to get civilized Quebec's largest visible minority has always been Haitians. They speak French, so anythinng to push back the eternal Anglo. And most nationalist types are already on the government dole, so they're part of the scam already.
Justin Barnes
>Around 250 asylum seekers are arriving each day in Montreal, the largest city in Canada's mainly French-speaking Quebec province. Quebec
AHAHAHAHAHAHA. French Cucknadians get butthurt when Anglo Cucknadians try to impose their slightly different culture but are totally fine with hundreds of thousands of foreign hordes with completely different culture moving in as long as they are not white.
Dylan Powell
Ill translate as best I can:
>Saturday June 17th 2017, the US canadian consul held a 2 hour+ session in New Jersey. >The consul invites and even encourages all haitians (with or without temporary protected status) to apply for canadian residency, here's the number to contact : Jean-Louis Max L. #2129543434 >The attorney mentioned above speaks creole fluently and often >The costs will be covered by the canadian government. >Inform youselves and goodluck.
If this is true than what the fuck.
Jace Wood
I only care about Canadian women in Montreal.
Carter Moore
>canadian women in Montreal
Cameron Morales
Montreal chicks are honestly as slutty as chicks in the US south, you just don't have to bullshit Montreal chicks. Like at all. Seriously, they will just fuck you in the bathroom, and say "Well, that was fun. If you want to do that again, here's my number. If not, have fun while you're in Canada!'
Luis Roberts
Any women or children in case one of the poor migrants has a sexual emergency? Canada should be more sensitive to their culture. Maybe a goat that the soldiers can share since that sort of thing is legal there now.
Austin Russell
Not too ethnically diverse Armed Forces there Canada, shame shame
Xavier Phillips
>Claims to live in a rape culture in a country where white Canadian men are basically the guilty until proven niggers of the 1950's >Starts mass importing an actual rape culture >Lets see if this is any different from litterally every other country that has in Western Europe since 2015 >Oh Canada
Ryan Green
>Such is the life of a leaf "I leaf, therefor I prep"
Anthony Scott
That's cause the only people who care about our country are white, too bad they're all cucks.
Logan Taylor
>If this is true than what the fuck.
All the stuff you will get fed that Haitians are going are back, is a lie. They are staying, government approved. Haitian govt officials in montreal yesterday, meeting with Mtl government.
Enjoy your new niggers.
Juan Davis
Why are Canadian soldiers so fat?
Asher James
>Soros is having Trudeau kill off Quebec that last part of Canada trying to retain its culture
Don't forget Chrystia! Somebody's gotta relay Georgi Schwartz' messages to Trudy!
Alexander Carter
>I only care about Canadian women in Montreal.
day all gonna get blacked.
Josiah Edwards
Super easy physical qualifications.
Plus if you fail physical they will still let you in because they are pretty hard up for applicants. If you go to forces.ca half the positions are always hiring.
Jordan Hall
Fat insulates against the cold as fuck climate here m8
Noah Nelson
Funny, because in 2006 it was a 2 year wait for infantry
Andrew Taylor
Logan Ross
>2006 >iraq >afghanistan Different times a decade ago
Now you know you'll just be prepping tents and food for """refugees""" under the Liberals lmao
lel Trump version pic related
Isaac Ross
Canada is completely divided into separate areas where people form their own countries within the country. If you were to show up in Markham, you would find it almost indistinguishable from China, there are days when I travel through and don't see one person that is white, brown or black, just Asians.
Nicholas Morgan
Because you had a chance to go shoot towelheads, no longer the case. Now we just build houses for them and let them fuck our wives.
Evan Ramirez
>lel Trump version nice
Ryder Russell
Like how Mississauga is a curry shithole now. Was there for a week for work and the only white people where myself and other business owners.
Dylan Hall
I never knew that oc would go so damn viral desu
Mississauga was less than 50% white in the 2011 census... It's less than 35% white now for sure
Isaiah Torres
Is downtown unionville/ markham a thing now? I heard they were going to be putting up Toronto tier sky scrapers