Why do you call women attention seeking sluts when the only reason you hate them is they would never give you the attention you crave and still crave?
Even if OPs assertion is correct, women still remain attention seekers. The pic of the girl in the gym making a duck face while criticizing the man behind her. Or the trigglypuff brunette who just had to be in the clip. Women demand attention, but only from certain men. Sexual harassment is when an Ugly guy hits on you
Is men showing off their muscles not the same pathetic attention seeking from women?
It's human nature (and nature in general) for the sexes to show off and parade. Women feel entitled to attention in ways men don't. Women get angry if certain men fail to pay them the appropriate attention. Men simply go home feeling shame. Women hold most of the cards. We all know this. Yet we pretend otherwise because - women will get angry
Yeah men never get angry that they can't get laid, I've never seen a man ever complain about how they can't have sex and go MGTOW or anything like that.
About as pathetic being an anime loving single cat lady posting on pol
People crying about the friend zone was never a thing either, women were never called bitches for not giving these men attention and getting with chad thundercock and their tortured little souls couldnt handle it.
Yeah that would be pretty pathetic wouldn't it.
>If you dislike X is because you have a personal problem with it
Pretty tired of this meme senpai
You're trolling Sup Forums. Isn't there a man in your life?
>manga react picture
Definitely a hit with the ladies
That'd be pretty fucking gay
Weeb ladies are a thing my dude
Are you someone who thinks women are attention seeking sluts who gets lots of secz with weeb ladies?
Women ARE attention seeking sluts (specially weeb ladies). I merely use it to my advantage.
the people who whine the most online about women are 9/10 times fat, ugly, a sperg, or all three. i remember playing wow back in highschool and eventually befriended all my guildmates on facebook. as the years went on. the ones who reee'd all the time in gchat about sluts and what not were all disgustingly overweight or literally autistic and the ones who might crack a joke here and there but didn't go on daily cringey rants about thots were fit, dressed well and had gfs or got married. one guy in particular would link pics of really obsese women in teamspeak and make fun of them turned out to be like 400lbs, had a cute gf who left him when he started eating and playing wow all day and got into fights b/c she stopped buying him food.
the point is that most chicks are degenerate but there are actually good ones out there and the more you obsess over the shitty ones and blame them for being single the less likely you are to get your shit together and land a keeper
>Why do you call women attention seeking sluts?
Because they are attention seeking sluts.
No need to thank me, I've got a phd in mathematics.
So have I, well done I guess.
If you're actively trying to have sex with women, you are seeking their attention by definition.
I don't want attention, just sex. They want the attention, and give sex for it.
There can't be a clearer example of "attention seeking slut."
There's a reason women attending the ball all attempt to have a unique look while men are fine wearing a uniform tuxedo. I appreciate your trolling and even possibly your autism, but everyone knows you know there is a difference
TFW no gf, am lonely and sad, pls giv me gf jesus, giv me chaste pure gf whol also let me explore my foot fetish.
It's not, because a man with muscles has actually acvomplished something, unlike 99% of women who aren't good at anything and never will be
And women who tone themselves at the gym have also achieved something.
No they haven't. They've done incredibly basic physical movement, barely enough to stave off sarcopenia, less physically demanding then yard work. There are some women who start and continue serious strength training, but they are few and far in between, the overwhelming majority don't even comprehend that level of effort.
Women are still despicable animals besides all of the attention they wont give me. Every day I'm surprised what a toxic animals women are by the stuff I see around me and hear from the MGTOW community.
You still want them though, admit it, this is just bitterness fueled by your own failure, you find specific cases of nasty women and generalise it to feel better about yourself.
This isn't healthy for you, please snap out of it, I know you were probably bullied at school but things can change.
I hope they ban meme flag users
He's obviously being sarcastic, you fucking idiot. That or that's you posting from your phone in some sort of poorly thought out false flag
It's possible he's being sarcastic, I've met people in real life far more pathetic though so I wouldn't be shocked if he isn't.
>I've met people in real life far more pathetic though
Well yeah it would be a bit hard to get through life without meeting a woman
haha, that's a really good funny that friendo.