The most inclusive place on the internet

Why is it that modern day "liberals" in America break down whenever they hear ideas that differ from their own?

They require an apartheid system to have relevance.

Because they are the actual fascists

>socialism is an inherently inclusive system
>unless you disagree with us
How did that person type that in sincerity?

>retard shaming
B& you ablist scum

>dems r da real fashishts

please get a dictionary you fucking ape

I dunno why does pol throw a fit when you say maybe thinking everything is a Jewish conspiracy is fucking retarded

This just in - sometimes people want to discuss ideas with like-minded people. That's literally all it is. People want this whether they are liberal or not.

So basically you want an echo chamber where people can reinforce your opinions and make no attempts to understand other peoples' point of views?

Please pick up a history book you fucking mongoloid

Yeah sometimes that is nice. It's not too say that debate and contention shouldn't exist. In fact in the picture they explicitly direct you to another sub for debate. Is it really so hard to grasp?

"inclusive" is the word they're using in the workplace now to start shuffling away from "diversity"
basically it means "we're going to overlook any of your shortcomings such as being crippled, mentally ill, or generally stupid. but if you dislike someone in that category we will kick you out."
is that considered newspeak

>Is it really so hard to grasp that people don't want their views to be challenged because they're sensitive and need to be told they're right

Yeah a little bit

Dude it's like you are ignoring anything that explains your gripe. They want their views challenged, just not in that forum. Are you fucking stupid? Would you argue about politics on a first date? Fuck sake man, like I said, they pointed you at a sub explicitly created for challenging their ideas.


That sub will surely be much smaller, and almost never visited by their general populace. It will never be linked to by the normal sub's mods unless it's T_D. The separate sub will remain in the sidebar and never be mentioned. For the most part that "solution" exists to shut down argument permanently.

I'm bigoted and racist though.. How is this an inclusive group? ya'll said I cant post..

Leftist trying to justify his echo chamber detected

>everyone has to listen to me! I'm important!!

Holy fuck is like you guys are actual children. Take a time out and maybe you'll realize the world doesn't revolve around you, people are allowed to get together and talk about things you disagree with without your interference. What kind of selfish baby shit would be upset about this.

socialism aka communism has always been anti free speech

Helicopter rides free for you lad.

>From a bundle of rods
Does that mean fascist is synonymous with faggot?


As if Sup Forums and the rest of the right aren't just as bad when it comes to wanting their own safe spaces and crying like babies when others express their opinions. Why is it that, when someone disagrees with you, you assume it's because of "muh fee fees" when you disagree because of your feelings just as much? Do you seriously not see this?

Oh, and what's with the "wanting to ruin someones life because of their opinions" thing? Haha, you faggots organize raids for the smallest shit. "WAAAAH WHAT THE FUCK GOOGLE HAS A BLACK PERSON ON THEIR LOGO" or "WAAAAH THIS MOVIE MADE A SMALL JOKE ABOUT WHITE PEOPLE IN THEIR TRAILER. THIS IS JEWS PUSHING FOR WHITE GENOCIDE, DOWNVOTE IT NOW REEEE!!!! LETS TRY AND BANKRUPT THE COMPANY WITH OUR TOTALLY INFLUENTIAL MEMES GUISE" is how you always react when something slightly upsetting happens to you.

The American right also seems to do this. All the FOX shows bringing in the stupidest of the stupid on the left just to le totally BTFO them so the rest of the right can laugh at "WOW SO STUPID LIBERALS HAHA". Stop complaining about the left when the right is just as bad.

The internet right also seems to love doxxing and exposing people over nothing, but hate it when the left does the same.

when your beliefs dont stand up to any form of serious criticism, the solution is to ban all criticism

One of the many shitty aspects of Reddit.

>we don't want actual debate! Just an echo chamber!
>if you don't just agree with everything we say you will be banned.
>just to look like we are being kind of fair here is a shitty subreddit with 42 followers where no one actually posts. Go there.

This is for every board on that shithole.

Oh, so like what Sup Forums and the right does?

hmmmmmm, sounds strangely like right wing websites and boards.

anyone can shitpost on pol without their comments being deleted or their accounts being banned

leftist website including reddit will ban your account for incorrect opinions

at what point does something become so inclusive that it fails to stand for anything anymore
--Justin barret, the national party

nobody gets banned on Sup Forums for their opinions

Ok then. Try starting a thread saying you agree with black lives matter, are pro-abortion, pro LGBT etc (could mention more, but you get the picture) and see how much "serious debate" you get out of that.

Right wing subreddits do the same thing as far as I know. I remeber when the Syria airstrike happened a bunch of people tried to go to T_D and argue that it was a bad idea, and they all got b&. Reddit is a cancer and you should stop posting screen caps from it here.


people might not respond to you or take you seriously.

no one is going to ban you or criminalize your opinions.

this is the difference between the left and the right

Dude, have you seen r/syriancivilwar? It's almost as if Sup Forums believes the upvote system can only work in favor of the left. Like it's written into the code or something.

You'll get a bunch of people calling you a faggot, but there's usually at least one person who will actually try to engage with you. Even if all you got were people calling you a nigger, that's still preferable to being b&.

Hah, like right wing boards and sites won't ban left wing people.

>intrinsically inclusive system
>immediately ban anyone with a different opinion

I've been banned from r/the_donald for telling them trump's a meme candidate and that he's basically not gonna do anything the way they expected

>reddit flag
poo, cuckman, swede, ukuck, or leaf?

I haven't seen it because I don't go to reddit. The upvote system is garbage because it allows people to downvote an option that they don't like to hide it, which means that they don't bother arguing with the person, and if they do the conversation is hidden.

the mods won't ban you for it you dumb nigger

>post my opinion in a forum with nearly 0 censorship where ideas are free to be discussed--wherein each idea is posted and stands on its merits alone
>get blown the fuck out with facts and statistics
>n--n-n-ice hugbox
topcuck, faggot

The left has the best memes. You cannot win.
Say it with me: Good Night Alt-Right.

>reddit flag
poo, cuckman, swede, ukuck, or leaf?

You get a lot of shit, but you still end up with some interesting points and discussion.

>using nigger for no reason
>stormfront infographics are facts and statistics

>nigger, cuck, beta, sven are "interesting points and discussion"

the point stands that you can post what you want here, nigger. not an argument.

feel free to leave but, unlike r*ddit, nobody is forcing you to and nobody is silencing you

well, you used "topcuck" as an insult. you are so much of a newfag debate with you is pointless

We didn't start this war faggot, stop crying and suck down your own medicine.

Reddit jew posts some sub like we give a fuck.


well, if you're gonna criticize reddit, don't think the upvote system only disfavors right wingers. you do knwo there are right wing subreddits that do this shit too, right?

>well, you used "topcuck" as an insult


>shilling this hard

all of reddit is trash, faggot. feel free to go back any time

i think this is a genuine case of autism, ackshually


>selling pleb it
I ain't buying it

The Left has been taken over by complete pussies.

Comrade Stalin would have shot all these people.

autism takes all forms, senpai

>reddit flag
swede, cuckman, leaf, poo, or ukuck?

Slav, autismo.

Doublethinking is one hell of a drug.

>reddit flag
swede, cuckman, leaf, poo, or ukuck?

>socialism is an intrinsically inclusive system

these people are beyond 1984

>people are allowed to get together and talk about things you disagree with without your interference.

We aren't, so they aren't.

Ironically, Sup Forums is probably the most inclusive place on the internet. You can get banned for a lot of things, but having an unpopular opinion isn't one of them.

>Socialism is a intriscially inclusive system
You what ?

is there such thing as a communist with testosterone or are they all bitchtitted soychuggers

I've been banned from there simply for pointing out that capital either goes to misery ("outsourcing") or imports misery ("refugees welcome"), and simply wants open borders to import cheap labor, drive down wages and drive up rents.

>reddit flag
swede, cuckman, leaf, poo, or ukuck?

Lefties have been revising the definition of facism since Trump announced his campaign, why can't we?

>reddit flag
swede, cuckman, leaf, poo, or ukuck?

There is something wrong with them. Obviously narcissism a problem, with this insufferable belief that they think they're smarter, that they know what's best for everybody, that they're never wrong, and project their own problems (intolerance) onto other people. The piece of the puzzle I am missing here is why the blind hissy fits? Why the crying? Why the gutter language? Why the grudges? They function on the emotional-level of a spoiled toddler. Why are they all like this? That's the piece I can't quite figure out.

I read part of the leaked Shareblue handbook, and they cite "moral authority" as an imperative against Trump.

That told me everything I needed to know. They really do believe they are God's gift to the world and anyone who dares criticize the dogma is a heretic.

That plays into the zealotry thing, which works for wacko religions.... I still wonder, though. There has to be something else at play here, no? Or are these people so sad that they've built everything about themselves around their "religion" of liberalism? So they just fall to pieces anytime an opinion is challenged?

Out of curiosity, good sir fascist, what exactly does fascism stand for?

Fascism is a pretty specific socio-economic political system.

What you goys are thinking of is totalitarianism. Which while Fascism does subscribe to, is not exclusively under their purview.

>I was b& from reddit for disagreeing with the majority opinion
The fuck did you expect you mong?

Are you fucking blind or something? Have you not noticed to Trots-- err.. Communism General Threads? They are literally part of a raid and they aren't deleted, meanwhile lefties will ban people who have legitimate questions about leftist dogma for fear of breaking their circlejerk by being exposed to incorrect beliefs.