Why is pol so obsessed with the term nigger you have right now

Why is pol so obsessed with the term nigger you have right now
And ofc Spanigger
Italianigger germanigger Americanigger etc

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Fuck off oilnigger


Not sure what you're asking, but being able to say "nigger" without cringing means you've broken the conditioning. Sage

They're using the word as a weapon against white men. So we must make people unafraid of it. People are going to see the word every day for years and they'll learn to ignore its usage.

ice nigger


You forgot moon cricket you stupid nigger.

Shut the fuck up nigger

Cause Sup Forums is elite and everyone else is a CIA nigger glowing in dark.

maple nigger

greek - olivenigger
italian - spaghettinigger
irish - potatonigger
nigger children - niglets


Pasta nigger?

Whitey's insecure.

These 5 year olds get more action than I did in all my life. Fucking niggers.

Cos you can only say it on the Internet.

every nigger lusting asshole sitting in a chair
the moment you read this.

I dont know. Americans have the dumbest race insults. Nigger which basically means black, chink which is just a short word for chinese, spic which is derived from spanish, jap another shortened word, is like their insults are just lazy ass words. How does someone gets ofended on crappy insults like those?

because deep down they know they're niggers... its why race is so important to conservatives. the only delusion they have to keep telling theirselves theyre not niggers because of their skin color

It's a fun word as is, and people get butthurt when they hear it.

fuck off sandnigger


Black Guy Gets Publicly Lynched by 11 Year Old


what the fuck did you call me?


Desensitize it and dissociate it from the African Americans so they can't use it to get us fired.

It's the best sounding insult ever.
>nigger nigger nigger nigger
It just sounds so good.



im pretty sure idubbbz is the nigger faggot*

Because it's effective.

don't forget potatonigger

Is that us, Latvians or Irish? It can't be all. There can be only one.

Confirmed. I stoped saying good morning to my wife, I now say "stupid niggers" when I wake up.

>never had slaves.

Who do you think sold them to the jews?

We're not obsessed with the word 'nigger'. What we're obsessed with is transgressing left-liberal morality and destroying their pathological obsession with policing our every thought and deed.

>irish - potatonigger
oh good, someone posted it

It is the best insult and also the most versatile.

>Teanigger = Brits
>Burgernigger = Americans
>Vodkanigger = Slavs, Esspecially Russians
>Potatonigger = Irish, Lativans
>Curynigger = Indians
>Spaghettinigger = Italians

why you got such a obsession over stupid shit
>you are what you is
>and thats all it tis

its a niggerfaggot tard tho

Feels good, sounds good. Just say it, nigger.

where can i buy this

OP is a nigger.

you forgot us swampniggers you oilnigger

i thought you were windmillniggers

>More like OPnigger




The world used to be a different place. Not 70 years ago, the country was far more religious. We were undeniably a Christian nation, and the vast majority of Americans worshipped God. Back then it was considered and egregious offense to utter the Lord's name in vain. To do so would make you an outcast, a blasphemer, someone unfit for society.
These days, secularism has taken over and people no longer adhere to the old tenants about religion. God is not revered and worshipped in the public space and you can say "fuck God" "God Damn" and all sorts of phrases that our Christian forefathers would have considered unthinkable.

You would think, with this postmodern secularism based around rationality, free from superstition and dogma, that no words would be off limits any longer. That nothing would be held so sacred as to be banned from discussion, but this is not the case.
Think of what words we are not allowed to say under any circumstance: nigger, spic, kike.
Now ask yourself: who does the new Secular West worship?

Jesus, what the fuck is wrong with people? They can genuinely look at this and say niggers are like whites?

Because it's fucking funny nigger

Wtf i love lovecraft now unironically

It's a powerful word. How would you feel if I called you a bunny rabbit



they aren't looking at this video, that's the thing.
thats the plus side of nigger hate threads - one by one people click on them and get trained to never relax.
the question is how to broadcast these videos on a way that they can reach a much larger audience to be forced to watch

I'd rather say kaffer honestly

>Why is pol so obsessed with the term nigger

to annoy people
as contrarians doing the opposite of what they are told
as children because they've been told not to do this
but mostly just to piss people off

user fag

because all of them are fags

not really, it's this one

Dat nigger got triggered.

what I am
is what I am
are you what you are
or what?

Fuck, shit, cunt, nigger are the best curses known to man short sweet and pack a big punch. nigger is unique cause you can visualize a nigger also it has two syllables

Nigger is a fun word because niggers are allowed to say nigger but if a white man says it, it's a horrible crime. Leftist hypocrisy at its best. I'll consider stopping saying nigger if you can get niggers to stop saying it. Equality and all that

your obsessed over "nigger"
becuase other people you see you want to point it out to everyone, theyre using the word "NIGGER" to much to everyone

your using the internet, so to the internet your pointing out to everyone where using the word nigger too much

i dont care you fucking nigger id like to come and kill you

you got any stupid thing else that noone wants to hear that you want to say?

what do you mean obsessed? every fuckign topic right now is anti-white jew loving shit

it fukcing is,

somethign about
castration or whatever
duh stupid about a word
about feminism
about all globalist concepts

thats wht all the godamn things have in cvomon

so what s your fuckign problem with nigger a word

I guess for some of the younger people who've been raised in a PC society you may have a point about indoctrinated conditioning.
But personally I ask is it conditioning or civility?
I believe there is a difference between being conditioned and being polite. I don't generally consider it to be productive to conversation to be an insufferable asshole.
I don't consider niggerish behavior to be productive to society.
Calling a spade a spade and a nigger a nigger is one thing and just using a word because it is forbidden is quite another.

since you decided to do nothign with this topic
id liike tokill you and put it on the internet

at least somehting would happen, in this thread

go suck your fuckign google censored search results dick that your parents cried they arent capable of raising children to get them to do for you

every fuckign godamn reply hsa to include a google or jew reference in it


how about this stupid fad faggots

Yes and the ((((eternal anglo))))) and amerimutts.

>Nigger is a fun word because niggers are allowed to say nigger but if a white man says it, it's a horrible crime. Leftist hypocrisy at its best. I'll consider stopping saying nigger if you can get niggers to stop saying it. Equality and all that

Best post yet.

>use the word nigger to troll the left's obvious hypocrisy

checked & keked

i use it because its fun
its also a great way to out the redditfaggots and other niggers

because its offensive and paid shills won't say it.


Forgot potatoniggers


This is what happens when u use the N word in real life


This accurately depicts what will happen to that fool McGregor come August 26th too

Chill bru

mup beep

We are called Pastaniggers you faggot


shut up nigger
