What does Sup Forums think about native americans? Did they deserve to be genocided?

What does Sup Forums think about native americans? Did they deserve to be genocided?

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They didn't get genocided

They're good traders though, I would hire them for my Wall Street firm if I had one

We should have actually genocided them.

They just got systematically targeted for subjugation and elimination.

Kinda like how you didnt lose Vietnam war because it was never a 'real' war, eh? ;^)

They are a cautionary tail of open borders and unrestricted immigration.

>No Indian reservations

If we didn't kill the natives, the average American would look less British and more Mexican.

Two words.

They were almost genocided by disease and war before any outsiders showed up, then more of them got slaughtered and they sold their land for beads.

There are more native ''Americans'' in America than ever.
Mexicans are literal native ''Americans''. These sub-humans are fucking savages.

Why are there more Natives now than any time after 1500?

Why were the natives given enclaves in which they can practice their own traditions and have their own laws?

I don't think a lot of direct murder happened. Intentional disease spreading by infected blankets appears largely to be a meme. Lack of unity and a common language probably doomed them versus the more unified newcomers. The sudden exposure to alcohol I think is overlooked as a large factor in the history.

talk shit, get hit.

by god they talked some big heap shit, when they werent out raping, burning, killing, torturing, stealing, getting drunk and shitting themselves to death, inbreeding or just plain making a giant fucking nuisance of themselves.

you want to know why our niggers only get up to minor shenanigans and mischief on the whole? they dont want us white folk to WHOMP EM.

european man goes
european man conquers

Loaded question is loaded

Magnificent post.

Many tribes couldnt openly practice their traditions until the Nixon administration
Reservations were just a place the hide Indians away until they died off or until the left and assimilated (if they were even allowed off the reservations). The US government didnt expect the natives to be so determined to endure through it all

Walking on the ground (mass!)

How exactly would the natives "die off" in the reservations.

All of the good ones are long dead. Those that are alive now are nothing more than niggers of a different color.

Breakin out

For reference

>Intentional disease spreading by infected blankets appears largely to be a meme.
This is important: most of this supposed "biological warfare" against the injuns happened before the germ theory of disease was well-understood.

More reference

Reference to a previous picture I posted recently on Sup Forums

Barren lands
Away from trade routes
Putting hostile communities close together
Lack of assistance the government promised to deliver on
Degenration on traditional community and family structures
Alcoholism epidemic

Less musically and rhythmically inclined nigger to be sure, but niggers all the same.

Its survival of the fittest, we were the stronger and more able force, that's the way it is
At least the Indians went out with a fight, and didn't cuck themselves like we are

white men always play the game on hard mode, to make it fair for everyone else.

The only rules that exist are: What you can't do. And what you cannot do.

Shoutout to my bros


If Sup Forums infatuated one of the larger, decent sized reservations, could we claim it for ourselves?

They're legally allowed to govern themselves and have their own laws, police, presidents / politicians.

It just seems logically that if a large number of people moved into one and took over the system, they could create their own micro-nation.

I am not a scientologist though, just a mentally ill squirrel

look up the republic of lakota. its a giant fucking joke.

Tribal government are still superceded by federal (and often state) governments.
A bunch of neck beards walking onto a reservation to "take over" will be met with the same reaction that any town in the US would in the face of basement dweller invasion. Except the residents of a reservation will probably break out the AKs and other various military weapons they hid since the 70's


Shoutout to my other much less scary bros



I can't vouch for the accuracy or usefulness of that specific translation in particular though

Because they didn't farm, their population density was abysmal.

Also disease killed many of them. Basically America was essentially uninhabited.

According to the rules of nature you are only allowed land you can protect and use productively.

Indians could do neither and so had no right to their land.

It's always so funny to me to frame the argument so absurdly.

It would be like saying the king of England deserves 95% of the land in England for a pleasure park while all other Englanders must live on 5%.

By what right could the king make such a claim? It's absurd.

What a post.....

there was a massive plague 70-80 years before columbus. the population was huge before that. the injuns we know were basically mad max warboys versions of indians.

Vengeance for the massacre of the Vikings and Welsh who made it to North America before Columbus.

All that time and they couldn't get into Bronze Age tech... pathetic


Yes, they refused to open their lands to the multiculturalism of the white man.

Those digits...


>because they didnt farm
Nigger, your diet consists mostly of the plants they cultivated. Corn, potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, beans, etc.

Siberian invaders deserved to be pushed to the sea.

>Did they deserve to be genocided?
No. But more often than not they were their own worst enemy.

European diseases laid waste to most Indian tribes before they even encountered white people. Speaking of the American colonial experience, when colonists arrived at places like Plymouth, the first Indian tribes they encountered wanted to acquire firearms and manipulated European colonists to fight against their own rivals. When the "host" tribes felt that the Europeans were gaining to much strength, they tried massacring entire colonies but failed due to European martial technology and fortifications.

>most of Texas is emptied

Haha, fuck you Oklahomos.

I can buy a big Mac and a coke in Hi Chi Minh City, or Hanoi today.

We know who really won that war.

Feather niggers drink, steal, drink, steal, steal, drink, drink and drink.

I'm gonna need some sources on that, user, it's too juicy to pass up. Pretty please?

Only upside to it is the shit ton of casinos, they're fun if you've got money to burn
>t. Oklahoman
Your post just gave me a freedom boner good sir

I would too if I was one of them. The thought of all the lost languages and all the dead Indian tribes would haunt me to the point of crippling depression.

At some point they also beat their wives.

Cheap cigarettes and casinos are what's known as the Red Mans Revenge.

Read anything about the Plymouth or Jamestown colonies.

idk senpai, I still see socialism there

Welcome to Burger Town, natives

Eh fuck it, here's a flag a made.

I think the local Native American language should be an option in US schools. Screw learning New World Spanish over Castilian. I've heard New Zealand schools teach Maori, so this isn't something hard to do.

Actually have two.

That'd be pretty cool desu

Post of the day. Fireworks and freedom from my crotch

>mfw burgers let theirs kids genitals get mutilated
Us redskins don't recieve the mark of the jew.

Normal people learn from their mistakes. Smart people learn from other people's mistakes


Just World Hypothesis. It's not a matter of what anyone "deserved," it's merely what happens every time one culture meets another. The weaker one is destroyed or assimilated. The native cultures were weaker, and thus were annihilated. The remnants were absorbed.

>le united reservations of birb, river, and arrow

>the native cultures were weaker
In what way is wagecuckery better than big game hunting?

My schools did. But thats because our district had a high native percentage. The tribal councel paid for the teacher and the school provided a classroom and supplies. Was pretty dope. I learned that native language is pretty complex

Our native Indians > American native Indians

They don't matter. They failed the test... their culture dies like many others through history.

You see which one survived, don't you?

>industrial society collapses
>whites die off in a few day
>literally nothing happens to us except we don't get to eat frybread no more

The plague was after Columbus. English fishing vessels remarked about house dense the Indian population was.


>native americans
Don't you mean invaders from northeast Asia?

They weren't systematically targeted for elimination. They one side in a two-sided clash of civilizations. The bulk of them died of diseases before humans* (see: Europeans) even knew what germs were.

Half of Europe died to some of the same plagues only a few hundred years earlier. Those plagues came from Asia. By your logic, Mongoloids genocided whites first, thus it is only fair that whites genocide mongoloids in retaliation.

But whites were never given a reservation to get fat on while the slant eye pays for them.

>no reservations
Feels good man

100% they deserved to be genocided not to be edgy but they were a stone age civilization anyone that came to this continent could have conquered them and we were the best.

Yes. They tried to genocide our peaceful immigration. The pilgrams!

As a Nationalist I would have liked it if the Natives still had control of their Native land. Be a bit of a hypocrite otherwise.

Our Palestinians are on Indian reservations. Our refugees are granted citizenship!

No. They are the enemy.

National socialism didn't exist back then similar with the English conquering the Celtic people in Britain.

why? you don't sell mutual funds and REITs from a firework stand

Many natives were shitters. In the southeast, they often attached captives to polls and slowly tortured them in the most brutal ways they could manage. Even their women would hurl insults directed at the victims, as they believed if a captive cried out his soul/essence/whatever wouldn't haunt them. I wouldn't say they deserved what they got, but they certainly weren't the peace-loving people hippies tout them to be nowadays.

Thought you put Nat soc but the point still stands about the English and the Celtic people.

Native Americans were intensely violent, they just came up against someone better.


They were savage and retarded. They couldn't farm properly and they just about killed off all the horses instead of using them for good.

I don't think they deserved to be genocided.
it's funny that niggers get all the sympathy points in society because they chimp out so often.
If there is such a thing as social injustice, I'd say it's the way native americans were treated during colonial era and afterwards.
I enjoy the concept of ethnic nationalism and I don't think it was good for whites to take over the country. Should have stayed in Europe where we belong. At least that way maybe things wouldn't be so fucked like it is today. Who knows.

Natives are also pretty bro tier if you meet and interact with them. They're funny people and not as butthurt about racial inequalities as niggers, spics, or chinks are. Seriously, for such a shit card they've been dealt, they seem to have a good sensibility about it.

Oh wait this is Sup Forums I mean hahaha fuck injuns 14/88 white power they should have been genocided

>implying there's any benefit to an upstate new yorker learning the native language of the iroquois tribes
>implying the iriquois tribes want to speak to white round-eye devils in any way whatsoever other than extracting non-taxable tourist dollars
>implying that even if there were the mutual desire and population numbers to warrant learning to speak Indian, that school kids could learn all six dialects relevant to the iriquois nation

I'd be better served learning Klingon and getting discounts at nerd conventions to resell MIP figures on ebay than the red man's language.

Your really playing the disease factor up way to high.

Natives were hunted kidnapped and stabbed in the back too many times to count and in the end they lost almost everything they held important to them.

Yes disease was a factor, but natives were hunted for sport, kidnapped, enslaved, tortured, raped, forcefully indoctrinated, and so on. They were systematiccaly targeted by the government to be eradicated culturally and assimilated. Whites didnt get reaervations because they still have their homelands and then some. Natives had the option of dying, converting to a fucked up faith, or sitting on a reservation. Dont act like it was some sort of joyride for them. Your delusional to think the reservations was for the sole benefit if the natives. The fact that they made it work and survived this long is a spite to the government that set them there.


no they werent

Karlsefni expedition never forget