Ashkenazi vs sephardic jews

one thing that i have noticed is that the racial conflict between jews and gentiles in the west the last couple of centuries is largely a conflict between ashkenazi jews and gentiles. it seems like all the nosebergs and goldsteins are ashkenazi. the questions that this raises is whether or not sephardic jews are to be lumped in with the ashkenazim and be met with the same suspicion and hostility? whether we define sephardic jews as those with roots in spain and portugal, or include jews with roots in the middle east, or any non-ashkenazi jew is not really important. the main topic of discussion here is whether the jewish question is really a question about ashkenazi jews specifically. can anyone provide subversive texts that serve to undermine western society written by a sephardic jew? or is my initial gut instinct that this is mainly the doing of ashkenazim true?

pic related, a sephardic jew

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what about mizrahi?

it seems to me that some people tend to include them as sephardic jews, where the meaning of sephardic boils down to "not ashkenazi". but if you want to delve further into this subject go ahead

i was talking to an israeli on here about race relations in israel. he said that up until fairly recently ashkenazis had a white pride/superiority thing there and the police and legal system judged non-ashkenazis harsher
he said that was commonplace 30 years ago iirc

i have also heard that there have been some racial tension between ashkenazi and sephardic jews, and i have myself heard from jews that there is sort of a hierarchy. also wikipedia states that

>Sephardi-Ashkenazi relations have at times been tense and clouded by racism, with both sides claiming the inferiority of the other, based upon such features as physical traits and culture

It's not racial it's ideological

One of the most virulent forms of Judaism that inspired Russian revolutionaries was a watered down, modern form of Judaism (the name escapes me but give me five minutes and I can look it up) that they're parents were rightly worried would put shitty rebellious ideas in their head

Tl;dr it's not a specific genome but a refined Jewish ideology that is always at fault

hassidic jews are just one sect of ashkenazis

How does a goy like me tell the difference? Are there good jews and bad jews, or are they all supposed to be gassed?
>keep me posted

they look really different from one another

I'm sephardic. I hate faggot Ashkenazi LARP jews (not even real jews, they were like pollacks or some shit when some faggots converted them). Straight Moses stock here. AMA.

>Tl;dr it's not a specific genome but a refined Jewish ideology that is always at fault

yes, the conflict between jews and gentiles is likely to be largely rooted in culture and ideology/religion, but culture being related to genetics is not at all farfetched. is the poisonous culture that jewish thinkers have infected our society with shared across all groups of jews, or is it mainly certain well defined groups of jews that are the problem?

You mean they aren't all hideous hooknosed kikes?

Heh...stay in school* goyim. You don't have the phenotype ASHKENAZI girls crave.

*Trade school

understandable, if my hypothesis is correct. but is it common with conflicts between ashkenazi and sephardic jews? or is it mostly a thing of the past? are ashkenazi jews white jewish supremacists in when interacting with other jews?

say sandniggers

DESU we don't conflict. Well in any especial sense. Ever been to Yisro? Everyone hates eachother, but everyone works together too. The only people who love you in that society as in life are your familam. Everyone else is a backstabbing kike and this is just accepted as a way of life. Nobody cares about your 'race' affilliation. Nobody has time for that shit. It's like your constantly under assault in the streets there, by people trying to hussle so I'm not going to ask you where your family copulated.

NY is another example of a place with 90% kike rot rude starniggas running wild. Askenaz probably look down on us, but we look down on them too, plus their food is terrible compared to ours.

So Sephardic Jews don't have the same high in group preference that the Ashkenazi Jews? For example you won't get hired somewhere because your cousin Moche is the manager like Ashkenazis?

We don't. You have to imagine we lived in spain for over 1000 years. We're more lax.

Thanks that's good to know. Are there any other major cultural differences between you guys and the Ashkenazi? Or are you guys just the more chill version of them?

Mike Cernovich literally has no balls.

more importantly, do sephardic jews participate in movements such as (((psychoanalysis)))
and (((marxism)))

We're basically the jews that ran away from jerusalem back into egypt and into south europe...making our way up to Galicia.

The other ones were converted in Schtetls near germany and became the freemasons and the illuminati and marxists and shit. We had nothing to do with it. Basically just lent money because christians are retarded and ate our religion up so they'd be cucks and let us rule them, until they didn't and burned us out, when we could then leverage again and again.

I'm not sure if you're aware of this or if you believe me, but jews created all the abrahamic religions to profit off you goyim. To this day I can't believe you fell for it and keep falling for it. I actually hate the jewish 'religion'--it's a fucking outrage and creates slaves out of christians and islamists. Plus it's literally all fake, just for the shekels. You won't get many jews who admit this, but it's literally the case.

Not that I like atheists any more than others...they're usally kikes too like christopher hitchens etc.

I prefer it when people are free...pagans were free. That's why reading Homer's odyssey is fun. That's what it's like to be free of jews.

Chimpanzee Mindframe

Mostly the difference is that one group looks like "white" hideous hooknosed kikes and the other group looks like shitskinned hideous hooknosed kikes

spread that website around. everyone needs to know about Mike the Kike

I work in a Jew run industry. Ashkenazi absolutely think they're better than other Jews, specifically Russian ones

The Sassoon family are Mizrahis from Baghdad and they are pretty much Rothschild-tier, insidiousness-wise.


Great posts! 0.08$ have been sent to your paypal.

Monkey Mentality

good. finally something with some sort of substance. will look into the sassoons

You're not exactly accurate about that. Jews hate russians because russia gave up one their (((trotskyite))) dream. They want russia back badly. It's why they're trying to meme america into conflict with them on (((CNN))), and why askenaz always have weird russian shit like samovars and stuff still.

at my old work there was a sephardic jewish guy. he hated ashkenazi jew with a passion and blamed them for all jews problems and zionism etc. he was such a stereotypical neurotic jew though just like the ashkenazis.

not my website. i found it on reddit.

I just really really hate Mike Cernovich Goy Mindset

I'm talking specifically about German (Ashkenazi- berg, Stein, man) Jews thinking they're better than the Moskovitz's