Brother Nathanael

Brother Nathanael for President?

Other urls found in this thread:

>satan trips

>listening to kikes

This guy's criticism is, that basically he is orthodox.......

You preach an accursed false gospel, so the fact that you uphold this whited seplulchres 'brother nathaniel' as worthy of leadership is no surprise.

I don't preach anything omg
can you be less of a religious fanatic ?

>i don't preach
So you're an atheist?
not a fan

>another traitorous kike

Yes, let's give HIM the launch codes!
What could possibly go wrong?

I don't care about religion. My mother has been to the catholic side and my father to the orthodox side.... I don't care about it. It's obvious bullshit. I've read the bible like 3 times and it's filled with inconsistencies. Also, the romans basically filled it with pro roman propaganda. I like brother nathanael because of his political talk and not his religion.


only good kike is BN, because he no longer a kike he evelved into a Orthodox human

oh him, he doesnt answer emails, he wasnt there when the bible was written and loses the context, like all proddies

NO ONE is more BASED than Brother Nathanael.

>protestant calling someone a false prophet


I don't he'd initiate a worldwide conflagration, but who knows.

You are worse than the papists and just as damned. Biblical Salvation is found in Faith alone as in John 3:16 no priest required.

I'm ok with anti-semitic Jews, but they cannot be the ones to lead our people against the Jews.

this guy cracks me up very entertaining
>Who cares? It's for the goys!

ooga booga, uou have 0 proddie saints cause you're unholy , and i don't mean jesuit 'saints', i mean holy ones of God , Orthodox church fathers and even today


get that terrifying jude off my computer screen.. for goys or not..

That's so strange. Filled with inconsistencies you say.

Mind sharing one?

I'm sure all those christians dying in rome were protestants. btw luther prayed to St. Anne before becoming a priest

All Christians are saints.


close the thread in your browser you moron, it bout him, long live +BN

Luther, like most Catholics, was pagan. No surprise he was praying to idols. That's what Catholics do.

of come on, you protestants are batshit crazy sometimes, bro Nathanael may have had a troubled past, and keeps to himself that he has suffered the autisms not unlike many here do (manic depression, OCD/bipolar),the man and his work are admirable, he is persistant and dedicated. I forgive him his putinbooism, he obviously is a convinced orthodox christian, and growing up in traditionalist jew surroundings is enough to make a man depressed and obsessive.

Also he warned early enough about Trump and (((Kushner))). His critics just throw mud based on his racial heritage, while bro Nate carries on with God's work. He acts where many are just all talk.


Hating Christians is a wonderful sign that you are not a Christian.

The guy is a moron. Somebody should punch him already.

Yup. Per, you know, the bible.

I've met the guy twice. Super crazy and super smart. Interesting dude.

>t.butthurt protti mad about not receiving salvation
If you reject the Pope (and also the Eastern patriarchs for that matter), you reject the teachings of Christ and Christian tradition, sparked by the Lord himself.
But I know you won't listen to arguments, so I wish you a great day. God bless. Now go back preaching to your KJV.

yet you post one of his followers and defend him. kek

shut up already you cunt

his message is actually useful unlike your better someone break your fucking face

You know we have IDs, yes?

Nah, I think I'll just keep posting the truth, thanks. Someone needs to.

I'm surprised you're not a muslim if you adore psychotic schizophrenics like this Brother Nathaneal guy.

>uses a microscope to find someone with a connection to someone that's 0.00004% Jewish and calls them out on it
>openly supported Donald Trump who has defended Israel, has a daughter who converted to a Jew, and hired her Jewish husband into the White House

God sows discord.
God hates anyone who sows discord.

the truth is not your misguided opinion
well beats being a sad kike such as you

His message is stupidity and lies.

Always do opposite of what jew says
a kike is always a kike

How come pol never talks about this guy or does research on him. He seems kilter. Like he has some deep self hatred. I still dont like to trust anything he says because he is a jew down to his DNA no matter what fucking paper or some religion says.

ohh haha marx , blease

kiketalk, Christ saves

God sows discord, you say. Hmmmmm.

God hates anyone who sows discord, you say. Hmmmmm.

I don't suppose you have any, you know *gasp* bible verses to support this position of yours?

Or maybe some sort of rationale why man and God are on a level playing field?

Nothing beats being like me.


Jesus saves.

You should hop on that offer, stormfront, before it elapses.

cause he looks and acts too disturbing for even us
i love him though

That's from the bible you asshat
the fact that you don't know that shows me how deep is your knowledge

fuck off satan

Proverbs 6:14 Perversity is in his heart, He devises evil continually, He sows discord.

Proverbs 6:19 A false witness who speaks lies, And one who sows discord among brethren.

Yes, that's what evil men do.

And yet, you said God did it.

I'm sure maybe I just missed those verses. Post them?

>I've met the guy twice. Super crazy and super smart. Interesting dude.
details plz

Hey, look, here's a list of seven things the Lord hates. Guess how many you are?

Proverbs 6
These six things the Lord hates,
Yes, seven are an abomination to Him:
A proud look,
A lying tongue,
Hands that shed innocent blood,
A heart that devises wicked plans,
Feet that are swift in running to evil,
A false witness who speaks lies,
And one who sows discord among brethren.

*(all 7)

>Biblical Salvation is found in Faith alone

heretical nonsense by literal shit-eater L*ther

Nowhere in the bible does it state faith "alone" justifies, and this new doctrine was not heard of before the 16th century.

>"Come, ye blessed of my Father, possess you the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry, and you gave me to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave me to drink; I was a stranger, and you took me in. Naked, and you covered me: sick, and you visited me: I was in prison, and you came to me." Matthew 25:34-36.

Are these not examples of good works? Why would Our Lord give them so much emphasis if only faith was of importance?

>"Wherefore, brethren, labor the more, that by good works you may make sure your calling and election." 2 Peter 1:10

He's not a monk, or any level of clergy. Do not take his opinions as Orthodox.

Ephesians 4:29
Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.

And thus the jew said unto the jew....... the bible basically

He hangs out in front of ski resorts in Colorado, waving at cars. Super nice, every day is a blessing from the Lord type stuff. The anti Semitic stuff is not for clicks, dude really hates his own people for being subversive cockroaches

Ephesians 2:8
For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.

Ever read the bible?

I Orthodox you stupid loon kike
It's because you're an infantile moron
He was a monk candidate and lived in an Orthodox monastery
take them as Orthodox indeed.
-real Orthodox- (no jidf kike that is)
no lets see you act on tht daily-ly

he's moved but still found a mountain to live on

Yes, you're a lost pagan who hates Jews. I thought that was already clear.

Repent, and be saved, for the time is coming when no man can be saved.

you're not better than a SJW with your hate narrative

Arghhhh, I Orthodox Pirate

I'm not better than anyone.

Hating Christians is biblical proof you are not a Christian.

Riders of the storm was pretty good satan. But you highlighting him just means more 2017 book burning of him.

>Jew in the whitehouse

Good works are, well good. But not necessary for salvation. There is nothing in the Bible that says anything OTHER THAN faith is necessary for salvation. If a recipe lists 3 ingredients, and nothing else, and you add another ingredient, that fourth ingredient might make the dish taste better, but isn't actually required. This is the the sort of sense in which faith is perfected by works.

Are implying hating jews is somehow unchristian? Huh, I guess there were no real christians until 80s TV-preachers

>He was a monk candidate and lived in an Orthodox monastery
>take them as Orthodox indeed.
>-real Orthodox- (no jidf kike that is)
He's not Orthodox, and never made it past novice in any Monastery.
Do not take his opinions as Orthodox.

>See link:

you should contain your smug pride already, lying tongue, and turn your attention to:

>"And if I should have prophecy and should know all mysteries, and all knowledge, and if I should have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing." 1 Corinthians 13:2 (St Paul).

>and if I should have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing

What is charity other than helping the needy? Charity is clearly considered among good works. And in the same Chapter we also see the verse,

>"And now there remain faith, hope, and charity, these three: but the greatest of these is charity." (1 Corinthians 13:13).

This clearly puts charity BEFORE faith, so to say "faith alone" is all that is required of us is clearly contrary to Scripture.

>no lets see you act on tht daily-ly
I do.

If you really are asking a question, Matthew 25 has nothing to do with you.

You will either be saved in this age of the Church, and go to heaven, and not be on earth for the sheep and goat judgment, or you will not be saved, not be savable, and not be able to qualify as a sheep for the sheep and goat judgment.

You do not get to continually turn God down without repercussions.

And the sheep and goat judgment is after the Second Coming of Christ, which you would know, if you could understand the bible.

Which you cannot. Because you are not saved.

he looks like real cucks

Yes. Jesus was a Jew.

Accept Christ user, your works will not save you. It even implies faith alone in the Book of James.

if you enjoy somebody criticizing the talmudists, then BN is your guy.

Because you cannot understand the bible, you do not understand that passage is emphasizing that without love, none of your gifts or other qualities matter. Love is the highest ideal.

Based brother
Been watching his vids lately
Fucking synagogue of Satan!

So is Jesus. Stick with Jesus. This nutter is obviously mentally ill.

No, not really. He was an israelite and the God, not some talmudic following demon in human form

nope , pagans are kikes new goal for whites while their real destination is Orthodoxy

that rite !

he describes Orthodoxy an monastic like pretty fine in his older vids

now find an Orthodoc Church and pay a visit

by grace of Christ or else nothing happens


Jesus was a Jew.
Seed of Abraham.
Root of David.
Lion of the Tribe of Judah.
Born to Jewish parents.
In Judea, in Bethlehem.
King of the Jews.
Jewish Messiah.

Really easy to tell people who are false Christians, because they hate Jews.

You said you were Orthodox. Hence, you're a pagan. And a pirate. Arggggghhhh.

>he describes Orthodoxy an monastic like pretty fine in his older vids
Again, read the link. The Church has released as statement on him already.

And? W, christians are the real jews, as Paul says, not the talmudic demons who refused Son of God. Or is Paul a pagan too?

you're under the impression the "jewish" people today are in fact the hebrew israelites of antiquity.

Is that why the holy spirit struck Ananias dead for withholding money from the apostles?

If an atheist is charitable but denies christ will they be allowed into heaven? The answer should be obvious.

>There is nothing in the Bible that says anything OTHER THAN faith is necessary for salvation.
Please go, Satan. This is such a dangerous heresy you don't know what you're peddling.

Of course he is, his pastor told him so same time he got told that Earth is mere 6000 years old flat pancake. American non-anglican protestants are a disgrace and no better than mormons

no He of spiritual conception, no Abraham Judah etc , the kike ought have done a leap of faith and they didn't because they are pharisaic legalists

Orthodox=Christian, but also I pirate .

okey, he still OK by me, Church says but we are not catholcucks to be slaves of the Church

If this isn't a yes. LETS DO IT.
Tuck Frump, Brother Nathaniael 2020

I, as a saved Christian, am of israel and of moses and of abraham. Modern day Israel is filled with the unbelievers who are not saved, but condemned.

implying the earth does not sit flat like a circle resting atop pillars and is capped by a firmament

Brother Nathaniel vs Bill Nye jewdown would be epic.

I'm pretty sure you're just LARPing, May the Lord rebuke your idle words.

Paul was also a Jew. Like Jesus, except from the tribe of Benjamin, not Judah.

That's what Paul says, yes


Stop being Orthodox.