When will whites be pushed over the edge?
When will whites be pushed over the edge?
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Soon I hope. We need to wake up
very soon, I was actually able to redpill my co-worker and my girlfriend simultaneously just be speaking the truth and no longer holding it in, I didn't sperg out or anything, I just asked them simple questions like: have you ever had a good friend who was black? have you ever been able to trust black people? who has harassed/yelled at you at work the most? my girlfriend immediately responded to the harassment question, and my co-worker told me a story about how lent this black friend $300 when he was in college and the dude disappeared from school instead of having to pay him back, then we got into racial differences, and I started showing them articles about how they're basically pushing race mixing on white folks and trying to brainwash young people into destroying their lives by fucking niggers... after seeing the plethora of ads/movies/articles pushing all that shit I had saved to my phone they both agreed I was onto something. the day after I saw my co-worker kick out this black guy who was just trying to chill in our lobby his excuse was its cold (it was 63 degrees outside), and he told me if he comes back in he comes back in to "grab the rope", trust me on this, white people are just waiting for the time we can openly be racist, and the more of us express our true views the more accepted it will become, stop being a coward and express yourself, don't go sperg, but don't be an effete liar either.
Academia is fucked. Truly fucked. Humanities teaching is actually deskilling its students. Some books coming out of it are somewhat red-pilled: Posthumanism a guide for the perplexed is one I read recently. But that's just one on a wide ocean of absolute mind-killing shit.
How long until Peterson goes 14?
>abolishing whiteness
We just got a Whole Foods and these fags wanna take it away already
I hink we're much closer than some people might think. I genuinely believe this GoogleGate/Goolag incident will act as a catalyst for a great awakening in the west.
It can actually be rather simple, all that has to be done is to raise the standards back up to the standards historically practiced in Western (white) civilizations. The rest will work itself out from there, as MANY groups of people simply won't be able to meet the standards and will be made to move on to somewhere they can (non-white nations).
I don't know what's worse, studying fat culture and defending it, this, or choosing your own grades in Georgia.
Never. We have been subjugated. Even when children are targeted with tranny camps and guilt or outright violence the parents roll over. If that could not wake up a single white person, nothing will.
They already have woken up, they know to go after libcucks and academia because those are the most gullible and naive retards who will buy into everything
Right now most people have something to lose. A major economic collapse will finally make them lose patience.
A couple things:
First, this story is a little sensationalized. The course description is a bit more nuanced. Nevertheless, Sup Forums is right to consider whether a course on black/Asian/Latinx/LGBT identity politics would include the possibility of "abolishing" the identity in the course description. Course description: explorecourses.stanford.edu
Second, and here's a weird part, the instructor is one John Patrick Moran. Web searches present very little information on this character. He has no official academic page on stanford's web platform, as far as I can tell. I found only his nearly blank instructor page associated with the course (explorecourses.stanford.edu
He's being legit I read that earlier
Oops, here is his attorney page: members.calbar.ca.gov
Jesus Christ. Got a link?
Good work
>choosing your own grades in Georgia
What/when was this?
sys.Sup Forums.org/derefer?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nationalreview.com%2Farticle%2F450298%2Funiversity-georgia-professor-lets-students-pick-their-own-grades
How did this happen? Georgia's as red-state as they come. If you told m this was happening in Cali, NY, or Vermont I wouldn't bat an eye, but now Georgians are putting up with this shit?
Hundred bucks says the ones doing this study are white. Just tell all the self-hating retards to just kill themselves. They're solving the problem one person at a time! If they don't kill themselves, they're racist.
This is just embarrassingly pathetic.
He'd wear an SS uniform so well
The way to demolish this is to take away the black and white checkerboard used to polarize (and thus, control) or thought processes.
Nobody is white and nobody is black. Literally speaking.
The habitual use of polarized language affects our thinking. When we are encouraged to think and speak in terms of black and white, our everything gets artificially hyperpolarized. We begin to see everything in diametrically opposed terms. Nuance is stripped. This makes us easier to control.
How about a course establishing WTF "whiteness" really is. I'm "white", but I'm not white, not from the Caucasus region. All"whiteness" is just a largely arbitrary construct to lump disparate Western peoples together to form a "majority" that other "minorities" can blame for their shortcomings/failings/"oppression". If "whiteness" were broken down into actual ethnic groups, there would be many "white" minorities, and we can't have that, can we?
Exactly. The more people are led to identify with a diffuse, nebulous "whiteness" (or identify themselves as not-white, and draw relief and righteousness from that), the more easily the discourse can be steered in to perpetual irrationality.
I would enroll in this course and say "great, let's finally get rid of this concept of whiteness, go find me a white person." they'd find a light-skinned European and point at them. I'd say "not white: pink maybe". then they'd have to start looking into which group is *closest* to white, and they'd have to engage in discussion around the inherent internal diversity of the population they so lazily umbrella under "white".
The truth of the matter is the umbrella term whiteness IS used to oppress, and the people who it often oppresses most sneakily are the people who IDENTIFY as white, because they are encouraged to take on a mantle of guilt that has been carefully curated over the last 100 years, and they wind up self-loathing on a subterranean level they cannot comprehend. This internal engine of dissonance is what drives their batshit behaviour. They have been induced to hate themselves. those who have steered this know exactly what they are doing. the answer is to refuse to identify as white. European is vastly better, because we then bring PLACE into the equation, and the population of that land (Europe) is currently under intense top-down engineering pressure from people who are all too happy to have people continue to oversimplify their identities as "white".
So in any discussion where someone calls you white, stand up, say you do not identify as white, talk about how it is really a proxy for European, and then use that to segue into what is being done to indigenous (30,000 year old) European culture and populations.
I would also never, ever identify as "cis"
we should use the terms cumskin and shitskin, much more accurate
>t. Tavistock
>muh whites
whites are the most degenerate race
Niggers are literally subhuman. How much data do you need to come to this basic conclusion, or do we have to drown in nuance?
Wrong, both factually and morally.
Don't drown: swim.
if your cum is pinkish then you've got a serious issue with ejaculating blood
I'm beyond it. I'm legit white nationalist at this point after being a socialist leftist 4 years ago.
Im already over man. On my way back from a trade show in PA. The lower economic class is so fucked up in this country. People are fucking freaks, so unhealthy its insane. The young white men are either total faggots or retarded hypermasculine untermensch. Fathers are cucks the daughters are sluts. The education and media is cancer the government is hostile. No one is having healthy offspring. We need to do something drastic soon.
Never. Whites have been castrated, brainwashed, and accepting of self-hatred.
>dont drown: swim
so, be white?
Man I'm so glad I didn't go to Stanford.
Universities are their own islands
90% of professors across the country identify as left or far left
We need to defund the humanities especially the sociology departments because that is where this cancer originates from
We are being attacked psychologically, biochemically and economically by a hostile power structure. Its not your imagination
They keep pushing. That's good. We're going all the way to 14.
>not saying it's definitely happening
>not giving a specific date, time, and event that will finally turn everything into our favors
4chin is learning.
They're just going to accept it with
>Hates white people and patriarchy
Holy shit.
I keep seeing 'we need to do something soon.' It's real simple. There is no ultimate solution to this where the situation will be fixed instantly. We need to start worrying about ourselves. By that, I mean don't settle for some libshit gf or wife who will corrupt any children you have together. Redpill the shit out of her. Make her values and morals your own. Raise your children with the highest standard. Teach them from a young age that everything they're taught in school is bullshit. Validate this with history. Teach them to be proud of their heritage and no matter what, do not let them stray into a 'socially acceptable' lifestyle. It's starts with you individually. The effect you and your family make might be small, but together it will make an impact.
>When will whites be pushed over the edge?
Step-1: Trump elected
Step-N: kill all anti white neo marxists.
What about abolishing coloredness? I guess this university is morally very much akin to Sup Forums
Distribute fake flyers about a class for "abolishing coloredness". Put a neo-mrxist feminist professor's name and picture on it. FUN!
Or clever/lazy. Either way, he doesn't have to mark shit.
This is a high-quality post.
the only realistic answer
We've had enough so we're gonna up and die so the azns can slaughter the blacks and arabs.
>somehow that's not considered racist
He really would, he could be the next fuhrer if he wanted too, I bet he even knows he could rally a bunch of young men to sort out the country
>The lower economic class is so fucked up in this country.
Not for a while.
There are a lot of niggers and carpetbaggers in Georgia, friend
How will the freemasonry cop-DA-judges problem be solved? Captain Morgan and Bill Cooper were murdered for exposing the problem. Both were anti-mason
Guys don't be dumb and fell for this bait
most of people don't hate whites,it's actually just sjw,feminists and self hating whites,and jews.
But if whites fall for the fight back meme then everyone will be against them
>We need to defund the humanities especially the sociology departments because that is where this cancer originates from
This should be our one and only goal.
You've either been watching a lot of Jordan B, or you are him, because that post reads exactly like he would sound lecturing on the topic.
The flag even matches.
Cmon Peterson, fess up.