Really struggling not to give into the porn-jew rn. Remind me again the benefits of /nofap/? I've gone 2 weeks already.
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heres some benefits: you make shitty threads like this
putting jew in your post doesn't make it political
Remind yourself that you're just going to end regretting it after like you have before and its just going to turn you into even more of a beta, just keep reminding yourself that and eventually you wont even think about doing it anymore.
It's normal to fap. You're just associating fapping with watching porn; you don't need to watch porn just so you can jack off your dick, you know? You have a higher chance of developing testicular cancer if you don't jack off at all.
Porn is definitely absolutely bad in all respects. That I know, however some anons have suggested that using one's imagination or looking at vanilla hentai is ok?
3D Porn< Hentai < Imagination < Drawing your own hentai
3D porn numbs your perception of real women and funds the Jew. Hentai is idealized and you might aswell be fapping to your imagination.
The post-fap feeling I get from 2D feels much more relaxing than 3D. If I take a second look at what I was fapping to if it was 3D I feel disgust and usually afterwards I get a bit of a foggy mind and perhaps a very faint headache. 2D however I feel no guilt and the porn looks extremely clean and pure before and after fap (I suppose because it's idealised beauty) I don't feel tired afterwards and it's like I just fapped to my imagination which is much healthier than doing it to 3D porn.
All 3D porn should be illegal as it degrades society and women and its basically prostitution. Plus Jews own the 3D porn industry and use it to push disgusting agendas such as race mixing and cuckholding. It also makes western women think being a slutty whore is okay cus "real women do this and men like it", but its all a disgusting farce.
Real women should not try to stoop so low as to make themselves literal sexual objects, or else that's all they become, hence why some anons unironically talk about how real women are "obsolete" cus today they're seen as nothing than holes that make you feel good. In the past women used to provide so much more (a stable family environment, cook you food after work ect, house wife stuff) but sinse women have dumped that part and opted to just be sluts and nothing more, ofcourse 2D would be comparatively better since you don't have to deal with their IRL problems and expenses (which would have usually been payed back in housewife actives)
But fapping and losing sperm is still bad isn't it? I'm afraid of fucking up my testosterone levels.
What about 3D, but not 3D, like Transformers animated series rule 34?
What about 2D western?
Nofap is a meme, just don't use porn
>he doesn't lift and fap at the same time
Ofcourse overfapping is still a thing, the problem is more the *type* of porn we're discussing. 3D porn is especially BAD for your psychology, but if you fap to anything that's not a real woman it's completely imaginary, does not encourage IRL degeneracy and is much less harmful overall.
If it's not a real woman an only an idealised image or artwork then it's a-okay. But like I said there is still a thing as too much fapping so try to constrain it to once a week. Make sure it's not porn-porn though.
Dude, fap, just don't do it to porn. Use your mind.
When I said 3D, I meant 3D made in Blender, Maya; Vocaloid, CGI, SFM.
What Super Satan says. Don't fall for the nofap jewery, it makes a man more violent and for todays bredd of females less attractive being under constant pressure, it should be noporn, that's what kills the mojo
Yes I know what you meant and my answer stays the same.
try reading erotic stories instead of watching porn? that's what i do, and i haven't watched porn in months. its really hot once you get into the story.
Its crazy to me, how much pornography has been normalized. I remember going to the video store and the only people who went to "that section" of the store were completely isolated weirdo's. So normalized, that its weird if you don't watch?
And i don't care for all that 2d vs 3d shit, just stop being a faggot and go find a slam piece.
The most important thing you can do for the white race is keep your own life in order. Start with yourself. You must be successful, reliable, hardworking, and, above all, happy. Do people in your life trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Are you capable of raising children? Racial politics doesn't have to be the only factor of your life. And if you can't achieve such things for your self, then the chances are very high that you are not ready to be a political activist, either online or in real life. Because how can you make a difference for the race, for the lives of many, if you can't even make anything of your own, individual life?
Always remember: we live in first world countries and have opportunity that most people born on this planet do not. Things aren't as good for us as they were for our parents. But billions of people in the third world would still kill to have the opportunities that you do right now. So take care of yourself! Work your ass off, every day, to build a good life for you, and for your family. Spend your time wisely, and keep your real life priorities in order. Work hard, but also do fun and wholesome things with real people in real life. That is very important. Nothing on the internet should ever take away from your real life.
I don't know how will other people think about my question. But why do you refer real life men and women as 3D?
Do you maniacs really think hentai, among the most degenerate of all legs porn sub genres, is somehow mentally healthier than 3D grills?
>slam piece
What is that?
Dude it's just semantics.
And why is it bad to fap to porn? Any citations, statistics, etc.?
A chick you just take home to wear out. usually not anyone particularly good looking, i.e. chubbies and butter faces.
Not that hard, and sure as hell beats fapping.
Really nigga? lurk more.
Depends. You can find some really degenerate hentai but there exists much tamer versions of it with at least some substance and story. 99% of real person couple porn is basically the slut plotline and the rest is just more degenerate.
Not all hentai is non-degenerate, but all real person porn is degenerate
To me, its all degenerate.
That hard to post citations huh? Kys faggit.
You will stop focusing on nofap once you have things to do. Get busy to improve yourself.
Addictions like porn, drugs or whatever are simply symptomps of the lack of will and goals in life.
My biggest tip is to find something to distract you. A movie, vidya, anything really. It's a momentary thing that will pass if you distract yourself long enough.
Have strength, user.
I am downloading some software.
Reminder that if you dont have a wife yet mate releasing yourself every now and again is ok. Just make sure you control the urge not the other way around.
Id say once every two or so weeks would be ok. I wouldnt time it however otherwise youll be counting down and thats just as bad.
If you fear this would cause permanent relapse find a wife asap mate otherwise youre clogging your brain with your biological imperative.