Violence? Are they serious?

So apparently some of the people at Google found the manifesto to be a "violent" measure. People were so scared of the "violent" threats that they stayed home for their safety. What a bunch of fucking pussies, I swear to God even women in the 1950's were tougher than most of the men today. Anybody who stayed home needs mental help. Actually nevermind, because they'll just wear it as a badge of honor and make all of us accommodate them.

Seriously though, do you think they can even comprehend what real violence is? Are they that big of a bunch of pussies to think a fucking written email was violence?

Bump. This is what happens when you grow up without getting into a fistfight at least once. Words begin to inflict physical injury.

They are serious. Violence is anything liberals don't like. I've seriously seen niggers say that being white is a violent act. (Ironic, I know) This is just them co-opting words and using them to fit their agenda.

>My fellow liberals

Should we start making tweets like this to try and sow stupidity and confusion amongst their ranks?

In this particular case, I can't tell how much of it is typical leftist hysteria or women and faggots being women and faggots and just looking for any excuse to not work.
The craziest part is that the guy who wrote this is a leftist himself, but because he was only a regular faggot instead of a double faggot, he's Hitler.

>Seriously though, do you think they can even comprehend what real violence is?

Of course they can, they're not stupid. They're just a bunch of hypocritical fucks, they don't actually believe a single thing they say but they fool themselves into thinking they do so it's easier for them to lie.

Fucking communists

Google "Dear Fellow White People".

If you have stock in Google. You better be cashing it out and finding something else.

>I can't tell how much of it is typical leftist hysteria or women and faggots being women and faggots and just looking for any excuse to not work.

its a combination of both.

they condition themselves to be easily offended and then use whatever triggers their hysteria as an excuse to blame X to get out of Y
