Danish inventor kills female Swedish journalist in his homebuilt submarine:

Danish inventor kills female Swedish journalist in his homebuilt submarine:




He then sinks the submarine he used $200,000 to build and recently another $100,000 to upgrade:


What did the Swedish woman do to the Danish man that made him kill her?

Pic related: It's him.

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>kills female Swedish journalist

she probably asked him to ship migrants to Sweden with it

Lmao i watched a documentary of this guy few months back

Probably told him he looks Finnish and his ancestors were rapists from Attila the Huns army.

>Swedish Journalist Missing After Crowdfunded Submarine Sinks
That's crowdfunding for ya.

>The Huns empire in 450 stretched from Central Asia's steppes in the east to the present Germany to the west, from the Baltic Sea in the north to the Black Sea to the south.

Murder or accident?

Probably a set up. All inventors are forced to work for the Jews to enslave humanity, he declined and now his life is being ruined.

>kills female Swedish journalist

That's very antisemitic

The media thought it was an accident until two hours ago when the police charged him for "drab" (intentional murder) which is different from "uagtsomt drab" (accidental/reckless death).

the fuck are these words, are your police orcs?

Sounds interesting

Can someone who reads Arabic translate the story for us?

Women on a ship is bad luck.

So Manslaughter in America and murderdeathkill in Europe?

>Swedish journalist
nothing of value was lost

We wuz urukhai

Did he rape her

The police has charged him with first/second degree murder.

"Drab": First/second degree murder but of course the punishment is higher for first degree murder.

>strangled the woman and sank his own sub rather than have it used to ship migrants from africa


Thank you denmark. any word on her name?

this desu


This sounds like it's the start of the new season of "Bron"

you can say he went..

> mad-sen

he claims she left the submarine and he last saw her near some restaurant, but she's still missing? there is no body.

how is it murder?

>female Swedish journalist

I hope the Swedes can find it in their hearts to eventually forgive us.

Have they been into the sub yet? Last I read they'd only found it and was waiting to open it.

Saga Norén makes my dick go diamond.

>name your submarine the Nautilus
>start killing people with it
are we moving onto the Jules Verne timeline because it would be good timing for the red dragon/Nibiru's arrival in September

also Yellowstone eruption causing a Verneshot would be pretty lewd

I know, right? Still sad that Martin is no longer in it, he was such a great character. Loved the chemistry between them.

no i think they have to wait, it's kind of exciting. or maybe they have and they found the body.

They think he is lying.

The police has charged him with murder.

The Danish police is rarely wrong.

Pretty much they went for a test drive of the sub, it sank, he claims he dropped her off before it sank but no one has heard from her.
They haven't gotten divers into the sub to check yet. Dunno why they're so fast to charge him.

but why murder? they can't charge anyone with murder unless there is a body can they.

I'm not saying he did it but if he fired her body out of the torpedo tube and into the waiting mouth of a shark there wouldn't be any evidence left behind

I knew it. It was danes raping and killing our women all this time.

>there is no body.
That's called Corpus delicti. It's the reason you should never nigger out in broad daylight and instead be pro and trunk people for clandestine disposal

>kills female journalist
If he has a Go Fund Me, I would like to send him some money for helping out civilization in this way.

Common misconception. Barely even stretched beyond the Pannonian basin.

>TFW we could have been reading headlines about a lone Danish madman torpedoing peaceful refugees and their enablers in his home built U-boat.

It's only a small minority of submarines that cause trouble. People need to stop being vehiclist.

>20,000 Lebs Under the Sea

he might hit a manatee and become even more hated though. The average Dane love manatees.

so, first /diy/ kill?

Uhm, no Sweetie.


Hahaha yes

Hunks with submarines sandwiches get all the babes.

Why would he sink his lifelong project to kill one cunt?

> citing Wikipedia as a reliable source

Makes no sense

Pic from yesterday when they left the harbour


when will they open it up?


so it goes like this
>be beta nerd
>no girls like you
>"hmm maybe if I could build a submarine or a space rocket, girls would like me"
>build submarine
>take qtpie swede on a trip with the submarine, thinking she will be impressed
>try to make a move
>she says no
>kill her because you worked your whole life for this one moment and you still can't get laid


He is involved in multiple projects like this including amateur space rockets.

Nothing wrong with killing female swedes. They're practically begging to be raped and murdered.


>female Swedish journalist dead
And nothing of value was lost.

I thought he quit that to work on the sub.

They say the want to stabilize it or bring it up before they go inside.

based danes

She was Swedish i think that is reason enough lad

Still I don't see why he would destroy a submarine to kill a cunt. It's like lighting your Ferrari on fire to kill someone when you can just shoot them in the back when they get out. It's throwing thousands if not millions of dollars away.

Underrated as fuck desu

Wtf is wrong with Danes

We don't like swedes. How can you not know this, are you a nu-Swede or something?

I mean your appearance.

Not brown enough for you?

Aggressive continental racemixing.


He split from that three years ago.
>isis flag
>fan of rockets
sweating pepe.jpg


Did anybody in Denmark ever made any invention of worth or a you just useless snowniggers?


What's long and hard and full of Danish semen?

The stiff corpse of a Swedish journalist.

that doesn't add up

In swedistanish:

"Vållande till annans död" - involuntary manslaughter

"dråp" - voluntary manslaughter

"mord" - murder

Have a (you) for those digits at least

Made me laugh.


>inventor and journalist leave in submarine
>come back to harbor in submarine
>journalist doesn't show up home after docking i harbor
>he claims she was at the harbor with him and she left, he doesn't know where she went

Denmark doesn't even have snow, it's just an island of sand and beaches.

>>come back to harbor in submarine
Nah it sank. He claims to have dropped her off before that but she never came home.

Yes, the suspicions arose when he said she had left the submarine late the evening before, despite no one having been in contact with her since.

OK so it sank and now we are waiting to see if her body is in the submarine?

Give us a picture of her, why are Danish diggers so useless

Yes, they haven't opened it yet. they suspect he might've sunk it to hide evidence.

No media source has revealed a name yet.

Ok let's say he did kill her. Why? What could she have possibly done or said to provoke such a reaction from him? This is a smart guy we are talking about here.

nils bohr

still mad that probability amplitude shit, Erwin Rudolf Josef Alexander?

Also, see The photographer is certain that both a man a woman is visible in the tower, so that's the closest thing we have.

That's why you don't say no.

She knew the implication.

I've no idea, and there's very little information going around, buit it does seem weird that he'd sink a home made submarine to hide a murder that he knows he probably won't get away with.

That sounds kinda dark though


>Denmark doesn't even have snow
Almost true, but how is that relevant to the
>any invention of worth
By the way, no we didn't and with no inventions, there's nothing here except overcrowded ant hill conditions, boring rainy weather and fat 1/10s

Probably wouldn't fuck him in his submarine

The only Dane I ever heard of is Scarlet Johansson and she is half Jewish lol

Mads Mikkelson is pretty awesome.

He was Le Chiffe in that James Bond movie, among other stuff.

As a sailor my mind is boggled. There's a bond between a man and his ship, what he did is beyond my comprehension. There's something rotten in Denmark.