California before WWII
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If you're a Californian don't watch these unless you're ready to commit suicide
>California before accepting jewish refugees
>California before WWII
videos are after WW2
i was born in the wrong generation
It hurts though I ain't even American
Fühlt bad mane.
Imagine being 27 and you lived in California your whole life. You grew up with racial violence, you've seen nothing but every kind of hood thug, oil driller wigger, rice burning betas, coal burning whores and more. You never got 5 mins of southern california as a place like the one of the video. Only a lifetime full of the Sup Forumsmeme reality that it is today.
>feels bad man
>tfw my state is still more than 90% white
Cuckifornians will never know this amazing feel
Which state? How does it feel
Too many spics and niggers truly ruined the world
Already you can see California's tendency toward degeneracy and liberalism. Women in two-piece tops and men wearing bikinis.
feels good man
Literally heaven on earth. Libs destroyed our future. They will pay for it.
I can't watch this. Hurts my fee fees.
Obviously California was better before commie shitheads won a world war. Tell me something I don't already know.
Aye, I'm looking for white places to move to but its preferably a closer flight to Vegas for work-related travel and Vermont isnt.
Bet its lovely though
Goddamn it anons what happened to California? We used to be such a beautiful, state.
We need to purge and reclaim it. Wouldn't take more than a generation or two and we'd see the fruits of our labor before we died.
Why do you I think I pray for CALEXIT to happen? So Trump can Lincoln-them and I'll come back as a carpetbagger in reconstruction-era California
>life is all about fun
You shouldn't be complaining then. Go listen to some nigger music and fuck some sluts at a club, ENJOY yourself!
My grandma would say that things have been going to shit since before WW2 and Hollywood was degenerating society. We used to laugh at her but time has proven her right.
I'm from the LA area. This makes me sad to know that this place used to be so pristine. It was a world I'll never know.
Degenerates and hippies came for the surfing 'vibes', niggers moved to LA, and spics who were normally guest workers were allowed to stay and vote.
Women wearing 2 pieces and men wearing a speedo is harmless, the west coast surf music was fun and wholesome music about surfing and sun.
That is incomparable to what niggerdom does to humanity, you cannot show me surf lyrics that even compare to what most of rap is now and has been for sometime
Has hollywood been fucking around forever? Sure. But everything in California back then wasnt all Hollywood the way it is today.
If you seriously want no music AT ALL and no skin on beaches period you need to move to a muslim country and see how you feel about it
Calexit benefits nobody but China. In fact they invested in shill operations to push that whole idea here.
What's ironic is that surfing was initially a white man's sport and some of the guys who did it would openly display natsoc symbols to piss locals off, kek.
Where I live in San Diego is like this but with modern clothing, SoCal is almost completely segregated, but hispanics outnumber us by now :(
Well you're fucked then mate, there will never be a purge here its already
To enact a purge, you have to go after the infrastructure which supports Hollywood.
We'll see how things change once the EU starts collapsing and whites flee to the US. I'm sure they'll distribute newcomers strategically.
I was in Vermont last year, only troubling sight was Bernie signs on every lawn. Otherwise nice place, aside from the water smelling like eggs.
>be San Diegan born and raised
>go to Fashion Valley mall (super high end mall with LV, Gucci, Prada etc) as kid
>80% white
>25 years later.
>take wife to mall
>without exaggeration there was 0% white people.
It's over man...
Encinitas here.
Diapers on the beach, and a sea of brown.
It's hard not be racist.
Even when America was great. Californians were out there being total fucking degenerates, walking naked in the middle of town. Fucking faggots
>aside from the water smelling like eggs..
Explain please.
I'm a Californian and this does hurt :(
>California before WW2
>videos from 1946 and the late 40s
Sulfur in the water is harmless
I don't even notice it
>What's ironic is that surfing was initially a white man's sport and some of the guys who did it would openly display natsoc symbols to piss locals off, kek.
It was readily co-opted by liberals then. It may still be a white person's sport, but almost everyone I know who surfs frequently is steeped in cultural Marxist, new age crap and abandoned their roots.
>tfw CA will never be great again
I dare anyone to go to Hollywood now and say they prefer it to then.
Haha yep I'm from Sunset cliffs it's like this but with a beach instead
>90% white
>Elect communist kikes and niggers
You traitorous faggots will get whats coming to you
Yeah man it's changed so much here.
Too many people.
The war that ruined america
The entire pastime was heavily targeted by cultural Marxism in the 60's and 70's. The most recent trend has been to promote Brazilian culture in the sport to spread their love of consumerism and non-white identity. Brazilians are even starting to migrate in large numbers to Californian beach towns.
It used to be that surfing was known for heavily promoting localism which inevitably favored the (usually white) residents. Now that has been attacked and done away with.
>before WWII
kys you dumb fuck
Reagan happened. Also jews and their invention of hip hop that made niggers think it is OK to be a crook.
Fuck you guys.
You motherfucking picecs of shit sit up there all safe and elect dickheads who push for policies that drown the rest of us in a sea of brown. Oh, and fund your own goddamn Universities.
California got fixed goy.
The eternal problem of whites, (usually) the ones living in white homogeny are the ones who cause all this crap.
>Goddamn it anons what happened to California?
Summer of love poisoned the north.
Hollywood and the porn industry poisoned the south. They you got backstabbed by your own. And of course when you tried to stop the madness (prop187) the kikes fucked you in the ass.
reminder that that generation of cute white poeple in the vid has destroyed our present and future
bunch of shirtless degenerates
That image is so stupid. Germany has been destroying civilization since the beginning of time. They invaded Rome and left western Europe in a technological down-spiral; then they invaded Constantinople as crusaders and left a defenseless Byzantine to be sacked and conquered by Muslims, they hopped into WWI for no fucking reason and tried to destroy Europe. Then they started WWII for no fucking reason and tried to destroy Europe again. Fast forward to today they're the ones promoting mass immigration to pad their own economy and retain their hegemony over the rest of the European economies.
isn't this just propaganda? it wasn't really like that. this is like the Facebook of 1946.
>everyone is white
now I see nothing but a brown sea of mexicans
Reagan was honestly the best we've had so far desu, he actually sent in the troops against the marxists at Berkeley. Brown and all the other governors since have done far more damage.
Hollywood and porn have to go. I've been helping out a little with the /HTG/ threads because they're targeting LA and I'm hoping there's a small chance that somehow it'll bring down the kikes.
I believe California didn't dip below 90% white until 1970 actually.
>Then they started WWII for no fucking reason and tried to destroy Europe again
Holy shit, you're retarded.
Fashion Valley is ghetto go to La Jolla
but i still see your point
>that blackface 4 minutes in
>Everybody is white
>no fat people
>no degenerates
>go to La Jolla
>keep going/moving to other places man
>run out of places
Gunna happen soon user. He's right
It's over man...
Isn't this the state Styx thrives in?
>Go listen to some nigger music and fuck some sluts at a club
how about i listen to white man's music and fuck some sluts that i meet out and about? sounds good to me cuckboy. don't worry im sure if you sit at home shitposting about whores a virgin qt will magically appear in your life and make all the bad feeeeewings go away
he is our states most cancerous e-celeb for sure
california before wwii
This! My Rabbi told me the same!
>Before WWII
This dumb nogger right here
You Americans really should read your noir writers more. California was the most degenerate pre-ww2 state and I'm counting Illinois in that. Jews literally made actresses fuck dogs for fun.
It was way more civil once hippies and cult leaders rolled in. Some great music, too.
>ancient homelands
>brothers and sisters
Play LA Noire
Why are you all crying? You fat burgers wanted it that way. First you destroyed Germany and your own anchestors and then your own nation.
It's true, Serb bro. "Classic Rock" (circa 1965-1976) was objectively a great time for musical creativity. Who wouldn't want to be a surfer in 1960s cali?