Why are men as a class supposed to support equality between the genders?
Why are men as a class supposed to support equality between the genders?
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>men as a class
>Men are supposed to support gender equality
retarded thread
Men aren't a class.
Because for Fascism to work it needs to abolish family, which is essentially a classification apart from slavery.
Women operate as a class, perpetually fighting for more power and privilege. Men apparently don't due to biological differences. See things like the difference in in group preference between the sexes.
Feminist SJW see men as a class. They do not realize that there's literally no similarity between a Jewish Wall Street trader and a White Texas farmer other the fact they're both males.
>& Humanities
Women operate according to their role. It isn't a man made social apparatus.
That's wrong. You won't see a cashier in her 40s manifesting with Bourgeois university students for "gender equality".
50/50 chance, enough prole women are brainwashed that middle age women will share Occupy democrats posts or go to women's marches.
>Women operate as a class
No they don't. There are as much differences between women as there are with men, all from looks, personality to wealth and social status.
A working class black woman who has 2 children and works 3 jobs 7 days a week cannot be compared to the CEO of Youtube Susan Wojcicki, by any stretch of the imagination and the same applies to men, hence neither women nor men are a class.
We aren't. We got memed on.
>Men as a class
>Men as a class
>Men as a class
Why is it then that women are much more homogeneous in their voting habits?
My nigga
Citation needed sperglord.
Trigger warning
>54 percent of women voted for Al Gore while 53 percent of men voted for Bush
Wow, such statistical rigor.
So what about the 47% of men who also voted for Al Gore? You're not gonna count them or what?
how don't they form a cohesive social class? there's been disparity of the sexes in every culture on the face of the earth.
Because there is monumental disparity WITHIN sexes you fucking retard.
there are different axes of oppression which a person can experience, and a poor man may be underprivileged in terms of wealth in comparison to a rich woman, but privileged in terms of his sex. both a rich and a poor man are privileged because of their sex.
men being privileged over women who share their wealth and social status signifies a class of people who share something: their sex.
>a poor man may be underprivileged in terms of wealth in comparison to a rich woman, but privileged in terms of his sex
Wrong. Poor men are literally hated by other men and the entirety of womanhood.
Ethics? Not that males are some sort of cohesive group in that sense. The competition between males for women is one of the reasons feminism had such an easy time once it got going (men agreeing with women at all times hoping for affection in return). The problem with modern western women isn't their equal rights but the sexual revolutions effects on male female relations, PC culture and rampant no limits hedonism that is actively promoted etc.