Only post it you're in the East Coast and won't get fucked from Kimmy.
Who ready to watch the fire rise from the best coast?
Only post it you're in the East Coast and won't get fucked from Kimmy.
Who ready to watch the fire rise from the best coast?
upstate new yorker reporting in
maryland here
Shenandoah Valley, Virginia feeling /comfy/
I wish Pa would get nuked, this place is a backwoods pisshole
Richmond, Virginia here. Got my welding goggles on looking towards the west, beer in one hand ,popcorn in the other.
Sounds like someone doesn't live in a superior state.
But really, Pennsylvania doesn't even touch the east coast, it's landlocked.
Currituck NC here, tourists get the fuck off our roads and go home to get nuked please.
KY reporting in
Wait until you're sharing your home with some irradiated California commie refugee.
Northeast Ohio reporting in
NC here. Kim isn't gonna do shit unless he wants to get the collective rape of 1,000 suns. He's just asshurt about the sanctions.
That only happens in Cuckitania, here we shoot 'm on our doorsteps.
Wtf why wouldnt you include vermont ? i know we're not actually on the coast but still
Florida reporting in and waiting for the copycats of the west coast to perish and the south to rise again
GA here, gladly waiting for cali to go bye bye. Its what they deserve for INFRINGING
Connecticuck reporting
NH reporting in, live free or die gents
Upstate NY here
Ready to starve to death in the ADKs
or freeze in -30 this winter
should be fun
loaded up on some ammo so I can kill myself when the time comes
Is michigan close enough?
Hopefully he doesn't hit the east coast cuz I'm wilmington nc. 10 min fr the beach, I am the coast
CT here. anyone else work in Hartford?
Georgia here.
Chester City and Philadelphia both have ports on what are arguably bay-segments of the Delaware river
fuck all you Acela Corridor shitheads
just like you to stir up shit for shekels
I hope the fallout fucks your gonads and your Vivos bunker's ventilation system fails
Swpa. Safe in the mountains.
Man, fuck Hartford.
I agree, it's pretty terrible. New stadium is nice though.
You're smoking rocks, it was a gigantic waste of taxpayer money that does nothing but cause even more traffic at that 84 91 merger for no reason.
Maine reporting in, comfy as always.
New Yorker here with water filtration system, hazmats, and a bunker like basement if need be. Lots of soup and canned food - thanks cold war era!
Vb here.
>it was a gigantic waste of taxpayer money
every stadium is a waste of taxpayer money, professional and college sports are a cancer
Same here, bruv. New Haven county.
Northern Virginia reporting in
I left work early on Wednesday and enjoyed the game with some co-workers. It was fun. Does that make you mad?
same desu
>This is what New Jersey residents actually believe
who /jersey/ here
Can't wait from the furthest corner of your map.
fuck you
you're from germany what the fuck are you even doing in this thread
Canadian Here
Emerald Coast best coast.
Capital reporting in. Christie has grown on me since becoming a political pariah after expending all of his political capital on Trump and not getting anything out of it because of Kushner
Kinda wish they could somehow isolate New Jersey as well.
Souf Cackalacky here...only a dip in the jet stream can dampen my spirits.
Ostsee is also part of the East Coast.
Fuck you, buddy.
Clarkson University reporting in
I'm sorry but you are getting cucked by Jersey boys
No one has ever been to the PA shore. So take you no turn signal having asses back to the fucking Poconos and die in the fallout cloud by yourself. Thanks faggot
hehe jerseyshore guidowopsuntan longislandaccent heeh pissa blakppl irrelvent north jerseybeaches heehehh
Maine reporting, ready for fireworks...
Maritime leaf reporting in.
Only post in this thread if you are mentally retarded enough to think anything will happen. Brain washed idiots
whatever bitch
Too bad were east coast. Wouldn't mind seeing one drop on moco, Baltimore and pg
the bible says this nuclear event on the west coast "moves the earth" basically causes earthquakes and tidal waves on the east coast and then north korea and potentially russia invades from seattle area or "the north"
so nobody is surviving this
NC here. Who needs west coast when I have my sweet tea?
>t. Westcoast cuck in denial.
It was nice knowing you user.
btw its jeremiah 50 and revelation 18
French leaf here, getting /comfy/
Gonna be a good happening, hope Cali finally gets its shitlib problem fixed by this.
/comfy/ as fuck here in Georgia.
Carroll County, Maryland reporting in!
oh we know, we just get to survive a bit longer the the rest
>mfw nuke-free
>mfw cuck-free too
I've lived in Pa my whole life, grew up in the Poconos. This state is miserable
Same, waiting for habbening.
Nc here my niggas
Still have to live in Ohio though, guess we all have to deal upsides and downsides
Nah man, I'm glad somebody got to enjoy it. The whole revitalizing the North End project is just incredibly stupid unless they plan to also tackle the wellfare leeching nigger and spic infestation.
Nyc here, born and raised. I hate this place.
north jersey checking in. my town is by a vast majority white and the only minorities we have are asians and hispanics, but they're all pretty nice.
With all those illegals and visa coolies they should call it the guest coast
Ma. reporting in!
>he doesn't live in Gloucester County, New Jersey
Trump actually won this county in the election.
fuck jersey
Adirondack Park area poster here, waiting for shit to go down
412 area, it's a good miserable.
Everyone here always say "At least it's not philly".
>tfw central jersey
>pajeet invasion
>they're everywhere
>holy shit
>send help
based NC... feeling comfy
Also upstate reporting!
It's fun to dream, don't be such a fucking sourpus. I'd love to see California irradiated and New Jersey, even though it's close to home and has nothing to do with the west coast.
fuck you, go back to getting cucked by abdul
The East Coast fucking sucks dick. It's just the West coast has so many cancerous fucks. Such a shame that liberals and spics took over the best place just so they could ruin it.
Dude, a large portion of the United States wants New Jersey destroyed, don't get mad, just leave that shithole.
Before you say anything like "You've never even been here faggot!", I've been to Newark, I still regret it.
Lakeland FL fag reporting in.
Feels good.
Are you old enough to remember that? I know I'm a few decades off.
>going to a city full of niggers and spics
>"wow this sucks!"
Try going to the beach or something like a normal tourist you absolute retard.
(((New York)))er reporting in
Can't wait until I leave this shitty place. It's full of jews, niggers, spics, marxists, and the women are almost all mudsharks. Hopefully it gets nuked first when WWIII starts
Well desu i wouldnt mind if asheville got nuked just a bunch of cucks
>Lakeland FL fag reporting in.
>Feels good.
tidal waves are coming to the east coast within the hour though
babylon falls in 1 hour
you dont survive it florida is completely underwater
>not east coast
nigga, what?
East Coast is the Mecca of cuckoldry.
Has Hallmark ramped up production so there are enough thank you cards to send if he takes out San Fran, LA, San Diego, Chicago, Detroit and NYC?