Reading about refugees being placed in a hotel in Dungarvan for the past two years.
So they dumped them on the town with 2 weeks notice and they're STILL there, and NGOs are lauding that we need to do more. Why are we letting everyone else tell us what to do? Why are we taking these people in when they skipped DOZENS of nations to "seek asylum" in an island on the fringe of Europe? Getting tired of this shit tbqh. I liked that hotel and these fuckers have ruined it.
Ethan Butler
What have you twats done to poor Sinead O'Connor? I had to offer to rescue her from some motel in the arse end of New Jersey and now she's making a mess of my place here tearing up pictures of the Pope and screaming about pedophiles and abortion.. get this lady out of here..
Brayden Brown
She likes anal, apparently. Give her a pudding drillin' and send her on her way.
Gavin Perez
>Thinks Eire/pol/ will actually take off
Landon Reed
Thanks, Britbong.
Who do ye lads vote for? I'm a very, very reluctant Fine Gael voter, and that's only because they're the least shit of all the parties.
Leo Varadkar says he'll implement cuts to the income tax in October, but I fear it might just be breadcrumbs. Or some typical Fine Gael trickery of lowering the income tax 1% and raising some other universal tax 2%.
Evan Ross
Fuck de Valera and fuck the 1916 rising. Big PR stunt funded by anti-British war efforts.
Aiden King
Haha self hating Irishmen are the best
Charles Bailey
>Wants to be under the thumb of a foreign power
Asher Brown
Barrett sounds like Squiggy. How can you take him seriously?
Joseph Hill
Daily reminder there are literal illegal immigrants blatantly documenting their own illegality in exhibitions while our guards do nothing...
Isaac Morris
Also daily reminder to join
Levi Foster
I was listening to the Niall Boylan show during the week and there was a bogus asylum seeker on arguing with a woman and he was raising his voice and shouting at her and calling her stupid. They have some cheek and are brazen as fuck.
Parker Flores
Niall Boylan and FM104 are absolutely perfect for red pilling the masses.
Itd be good to get the National Party name out there
I agree with some of these views around conscription/gun control but I think the left will bring it up as a "scary right wing gun fanatic" type thing in a debate
Asher Reyes
>generation identity gay name
Thomas Young
It will appeal to his core base which is young men. Anyway, if the left or the media bring the NP up at all, the NP wins. If they parody him on national radio, the NP wins. Any coverage they get in the mainstream, the NP wins.
Aaron Lewis
If he brings up an increased budget for the military you can guarantee youd already have 1000s of votes from soldiers and their families. defence forces are in a recruitment crisis at the moment over wages and people are dropping out in droves according to recent news articles.
Liam Bailey
I think he should also emphasise that he won't be sending them out on peace keeping missions, and human fishing expeditions in the Med, but will have them guarding the borders of their homeland.
Easton Thomas
Parker Ward
But it will, and it has
Jaxson Parker
What's the story with the "Clean Shaven" vid? Who made it? Friend or foe?
James Hall
Fwend Some egit
Andrew Gray
stop calling northerners britbongs in Éire/pol/ or... or we will strike
Owen Cruz
>but I think the left will bring it up as a "scary right wing gun fanatic" type thing in a debate The fuck does it matter Barrett knows the truth, if some leftshit brings it up Justin can just BTFO him with facts, of course it will be harder because he can't name the negro problem because its a fucking sacred lam for us and can't be touched. But it is irrelevant you can't just moderate your own speech and not talk about guns when it is necessary in national defense.
Jackson Morris
When are the government going to make it legal for Gardaí to have guns, lads? I think it's getting beyond a joke at this stage with how much gun-related crime there is, especially in Dublin.
Ayden Bell
I seen that. People in the comments of the videos about it say: >FEMINISM They are somewhat right. She did it too herself.
Jace Perry
>Guns for police I don't think it's good for community relations. I was always a bit nervous around US cops, just seeing the guns turned me off tbqh
Brandon Robinson
Should we give women guns?
Evan Wood
I'd rather give guns to citizens and homeowners to defend themselves than arm the gardai, who are the enforcement arm of a traitorous state.
Leo Green
I think the armed response unit would be fine to keep.
I do however think our normal lads on the beat should have tasers at the very least. The junkie scum they've to put up with on a daily basis in Dublin should be enough to warrant something more than a baton.
Nathaniel Lee
I agree
Josiah Hernandez
In fairness, could you imagine the SHITSHOW the likes of ballyer/blanch would turn into if regular citizens could have firearms?
Do you realize african gangs in their teens and 20s regularly have scraps with each other over if theyre from Balbriggan, or ballyer or blanch or tallaght....we'd have them all acting like theyre crips/bloods if they had access to guns as well.
Ryan Rogers
guns in the hands of beat cops is a bit out of date
if there's LE SHOOTING they'll call SWAT or their Gang Busters unit or whatever and not have beat cops respond anyway. even among people who have guns and do crime, it's rare for them to shoot at cops
inb4 BBBUT THE CRIMINALS HAVE GUNS like 99% of cop deaths are in traffic accidents, usually that they get blasted by a car while pulling someone over. traffic stops are more dangerous than any gang banger
tasers and batons and stuff though, self-defense items in case a coked up moron starts a tussle, that seems useful
Ian Walker
Colton Kelly
I don't believe in arming Africans. Nor do I consider them citizens. I think they would be removed from the equation. Also, junkies and welfare scroungers shouldn't be able to buy guns. They should be in camps.
Cameron Cook
Why not both? Give guns to both
John Davis
How do the Swiss deal with it and how does it work out for them i wonder
Juan Foster
Congratulations, you fags finally have the opportunity to elevate yourselves to the status of Americans and mountain Jews in terms of personal liberty The question is, will you fuck it up?
Landon Walker
I voted Fine Gael last time too. Most politicians are gombeens but if you avoid Sinn Féin then you're pretty much alright
Luke Brooks
if we didnt let bastard wogs pour in like we did then we wouldnt even need armed coppers. and dont act like theyre good just because theyve got guns, how the fuck does having robocops walking about promote cohesion and deter disorder? its a clockwork orange shite
Ethan Bell
>I was nervous around US cops after seeing the gun Get your test levels checked fag
Brandon Barnes
> The question is, will you fuck it up? Absolutely
Austin Jackson
by having an educated population with no N _ _ _ _ _ _ or S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S
Landon Reed
You have to arm the citizens properly first. If you arm the police force first, they'll take away what guns you have and make sure you can't have more.
Grayson Miller
Of you arm your niggers, it won't end well t. American However, I think Barrett envisions implementing something like this once the nogs and co. Are physically removed
Jaxson White
Uh-oh guys.
These tough lookin sons a bitches seem to be patrolling Dublin. Is it even safe to go out anymore?
Evan Howard
>tfw this won't exsist ever again because civic nationalism is just too based
Jace Ward
But don't they have n _ _ _ _ _s and s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ s too? Swiss anons have said so
Keked at the fake shop We had them in Enniskillen during the G8
Samuel Cruz
Farmers and collectors are the main customers, with sports like skeet shooting not far behind. Contery to popular belief some gardai do have firearms but there not the beat cops one of them is my mates and thought me all I know about guns and took me to the range.
Sebastian Thompson
I'm literally shaking right now.
Andrew Anderson
I get that the troubles spooked you all a bit, but come on.
So you would say gun ownership is looked upon favorably?
Nicholas Mitchell
This is great! Wait... This is not actually their jpg is it?
Austin Edwards
Fermanagh folk were just honouring Putin with a Potemkim village
James Davis
>looked upon favorably Case by case. Where i live a lot of the farmers have guns and have shot my neighbours dogs cause the dogs were chasing the sheep. Personally i blame the neighbours they should have kept the dog on a better lech but ask an """Educated""" city slicker and they'll say the farm should be shot with his own gun.
Personally I'm in favour of schools taking students in transition year and putting them through a self defence course, leftists would be OK with it cause it "empowers" the girls or whatever and the right wing gits would have a young educated force able to use firearms.
Owen Rivera
Seen it posted in sane page as pic the user I replied to shared. Someone posted on the thread but not sure if they were taking the piss or not.
Julian Mitchell
yes but their gun shit started way before all the recent shit
Ryan Lopez
Was pretty funny. All the closed and failed shops covered up. Was like something outa some commie state like North Korea
Hunter Lewis
>Personally I'm in favour of schools taking students in transition year and putting them through a self defence course, leftists would be OK with it cause it "empowers" the girls or whatever and the right wing gits would have a young educated force able to use firearms Yea I agree with something like that. Cumpulsory service is redpilled as fuck
Liam Perry
Probably would not have as many NEET's too. They would be forced to socialise and learn skills
Hunter Allen
should Irish people be more like the changelings and became a mythological imperial god race with genetically engineered underlings?
Chase Morales
Not far from suicide, lads.
What's even the point? Work for 50 years for some faceless corporation? And for what?
All I want is a peaceful life in the countryside with my gf. I don't want some mundane, shit life in the city. However, there are fuck all jobs in the countryside. Dublin soaks up everything. FUCK.
And don't even get me started on the 'enrichment'. Fucking nigger scum. Literally nobody talks about how house/rent prices are increased massively by immigration.
>hur dur taking in 100s of thousands of people over the last 15 years hasn't impacted anything, bigot
Irish people are retarded. Literally being priced out of my own land.
Tyler Scott
Meabhrúchán laethúil chun pé Gaeilge atá agat a labhairt.
Mura bhfuil aon Gaeilge agat: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:C0C071E1122C52DCA2889C7DEBDC435BB9D2EECF&dn=Irish Gaelic (Gaeilge) Language Learning Pack (Updated)
Is fearr Gaeilge briste ná Béarla cliste.
Owen Morales
Exactly, literally no down side
Henry White
Just a heads ups are army is run by politicians with zero military experience, I mean for Christ sake a jeep with a turret that barley spins 180 degrees are you having the mick mate?! I would first try getting actually NEETS in it first you know the dole chumps that take and take make them sweat for a few months and we can make then good members of society. Also talking about the dole "people" like gypsy, travellers and the rest can't complain when bar owners tell them to hop it before they tear up the pub, you cant sue anyone on the dole because they apparently have no money (EXCEPT WHEN THEY'RE GAMBLING, DRINKING and WHORING).
Carter Perry
I feel you senpai, My Catholic fairy is probably one of the few things that has kept me from suicide. There is no meaning in the world, the only thing there is to live for is the prospect of a better future
Dylan Lewis
Thank you.
The only thing I live for is to have children with the woman I love. I want to raise them properly. I will bring more white children on to this Earth if it fucking KILLS me. The idea of fatherhood is the only thing that makes me smile.
Zachary Foster
will cork bate waaaherford
Dylan Johnson
I live in a village and my plan is to get out into the countryside too and by a plot of land and build my own gaffe. Could be done for 50k.
Jason Sullivan
>faith not fairy >military run by politicians Yea, who do you think let trannies into our military? >a nigger with no military background Who reinstated the ban? >A man who has a respect for the military from his years in military school
William Foster
>tá gaeilge aige lmao tá tú i d'fhaggot, iarshasana go deo
Nicholas Adams
Don't do it user you won't be talking to us if you truly have given up.
If you want to live in the countryside do a trade I live in the countryside and they make a killing especially electrician because of the phone wires and what not,
If you want a home get one that's already built my neighbours are still paying off their mortgage for the one they built and can't pay for their four kids better yet get like minded roommates to help burden the cost and work, if nothing else you,ll have people to talk to.
Jaxon Hernandez
>The idea of fatherhood is the only thing that makes me smile Fucking this, all I want in life is to find me a girl of my own and to live with out fear of corruption from (((without)))
I've heard people say they'll only have 1-2 kids or no kids at all so they can "live within their means" but I think it's just so fucked that society has produced people who think in these terms to begin with
Mason Carter
>let trannies into our military If nothing else they make good meat shields and can be used for chemical warfare.
Ryder Nguyen
Most people I know in the dole are good decent folk and don't deserve the contempt of middle class fags like you.
Alexander Jackson
>good meat shields Lol I wish, gay cunts would just call discrimination or take "health leave"
Nathaniel Collins
I'm talking about the ones that tear up pubs when they had had too much to drink and wreck the building with the owner not getting any reparations. The ones that actually use there money to search for jobs and to better themselves aren't NEETS they were just dealt a bad card in life. I'm sorry if i came off as an ass its just that I've seen too many good young people waste all they get on booze and drugs I just don't want anyone else getting hurt.
Joshua Martinez
Thanks lads. Needed a bit of positivity. You helped me.
Michael Hernandez
Noah Morgan
I would not treat NEET's with disrespect just because they are so. Each person who are NEET's have their own problems and reasons. I would judge them for why and for what they do\behave. Gypos i would not hand them a plastic spoon never mind a gun. As for NEET's i would have em in the program if they are fit mentally and not disabled, just like everyone else. Every one should be sweating.
Jace Green
When you say NEETs are you talking about actual NEETs or just someone who's unemployed?
Zachary Gomez
I,m talking about NEETS who don't seek out jobs and just waste dole money one booze and drugs.Unemployed people who seek out jobs and don't waste their money aren't NEETS (in my eyes anyway).
James Miller
When i say NEET i mean someone who is unemployed, not in education or training. Someone who does nothing, who has dropped out. Maybe not even a social life and sits at home all day.
Thats my picture of a NEET
Christian Robinson
there is literally no reason to get a job
Kevin Peterson
No bother lad. I'm big into alternative building methods and want to build a gaffe myself in the countryside but I'd be happy enough with a mobile home and enough space to grow my own food. Fuck being a wage cuck in a big town or city.
Jackson Barnes
What if they don't waste their money on drugs and drink or anything and also don't seek out a job because of personal reasons?
Julian Hall
Any Aryan looking lads on here looking for a few days work?
Aiden Barnes
A NEET who fits the title who has NEVER been employed, in education or training, and has not sought out any of these things is a drag on society in my view, most likely has severe autistim
Someone whose just unemployed, doesn't have the education or training and poor social skills is A-OK though, they would at least want to improve themselves and their position Enjoy your shitty life poor fag
Julian Stewart
>spend most of your life slaving >call other people's life shitty lmao
Lincoln Harris
Damn, he got me >*wipes tears with cash
Nathan Sanders
I'd be happy with a simple life too, but I want 3 kids so it's a bit harder.
Jaxon Edwards
what he said >>they would at least want to improve themselves and their position. I don,t hate NEETS just the ones that are violent, also being the son of a gardai might make me a bit jumpy to groups known for stealing, like gypsy.
Jose Gomez
Simplicity is good and not being materialistic. I want a family too but I'd need to get off my hole and do something about it and make it happen. Would love to find a good woman who wants the same as I do and who isn't materialistic and wants a simple life.
>I'd be happy with a simple life too, but I want 3 kids so it's a bit harder Yea that's such a problem in society. It's by no fault of your own, but rather the society that we live in where we're forced to worry about HOW we would provide for X amount of kids. Fuck this gay earth
Isaiah Torres
wtf do i do with the learning pack? I want to learn but idkwtf to do.