I might be beating a dead Sarah Jessica Parker but Im kinda new to following Mike Cerno> Somethin ain't right about him> what is it?
Ok dick-licks. Red-pill Me on Cernovich:
Other urls found in this thread:
He had a a blood clot in the brain from a sporting injury which impaired his mental faculties and makes him speak like a mong.
he's first and foremost a self promoter. he's a jew.
he's alright so far
He's too alpha for most dicklets on pol to feel comfortable with him.
I thought leftypol supports kikes
consider yourself redpilled
Literally follow anybody else but that shill
Acused of rape in 2003 apparently, but it was brought down to misdemeanor charges.
Divorce from his first wife left him with a seven figure sum in his pocket, from hers.
He made a lot of typos in Gorilla Mindset.
Overall, he doesn't seem like he's out for blood or anything, I find some of the things he has to say interesting.
He pretends to be an alpha male, but basically lives off the alimony paid to him by his much richer and more successful ex-wife.
>something isn't right about him
I know what you mean. You know how women say that some dudes creep them out, but don't say why? That's how I feel about him, and I'm a man. Something is just off about him and I can't explain it.
He's Jewish. That's all. He's part of the kike overmind. The prison.
Yeah. McMasters disdain for him is interesting. If its legit.
Did I forget to mention he's a fukken Alpha?
kek, what?
His journalism work is good. I have to give him credit for that.
But my issue with him is that he tries to hard to portray himself as an alpha who doesn't care what others think of him, when that is clearly not the case.
The biggest example of this is how he tries so hard to distance himself from the Alt Right because being called a nazi or such petrifies him. And what does his effort to go out of his way to demonstrate that he is not a nazi? the ADL still labels him as one.
easy to act like a bad motherfucker when you're raking in a shit ton of alimony from your ex wife
He was a disingenuous opportunist.
It is as simple as that.
We could do without him, he seems like another jackass trying to make bank off the alt-right train.
Also anybody who writes a book about being alpha sets off red flags.
Some of the things he says about politics are legit but he often reports it with the eloquence of a retard. I think hes juiced too much. Hes gotta be coked up too.
He reads WHAnon threads and then dives into a pile of blow and runs to Alex Jones pretending he has the next hot scoop
Yeah. I noticed that. LLoomer did the same when someone assassinated her tire.
Fucking k00k writes about himself in third person.
That actually does not sound far fetched...
kek he's live with alex jones right now.