Now some people will rush to take first posts, while others wisely waits until 30 to post because most people just skims the first few posts when they get to the thread, jumping straight to 30
Hudson Young
Cooper Watson
If the election were held two weeks before Nov 8th, Hillary would be president right now.
How does it feel to know you’re supporting a man who simply lucked out?
William Adams
Benjamin Parker
Nathan Perry
BLUMPF BTFO'd How can he ever recopver
Camden Perez
Jaxson Rogers
The Norks are going to glass all 2,050,000 white babies born in fiscal 2016.
Carson Gomez
>Ann Coulter >MILF >has no kids >has nigger boyfriend
fucking retards
Kevin Murphy
Wyatt James
of course this is a porn parody
Mason Garcia
If the election was held after 11/9/2016 and before October, Trump would have won in a 350 electoral votes landslide.
Lucas Anderson
>136973878 >the president declares war
Nicholas Davis
David Long
>yfw NK nuke triggers Yellowstone
Henry Jenkins
Launch it already. I'm fucking sick of waiting you limp dick gook.
Oliver Cook
Wrong place. We don't like that whining whore. Tell your boss he missed his mark. Maybe you'll get some pizza.
Oliver Murphy
Dude that number is preliminary and it's not 2.05 million white babies but white mothers giving birth that year.
Oliver Parker
>An entire nation of manlets
Blake Price
>Cleveland Mark Blakemore in /ptg/
Wait what the fuck. Since when is the obscure blogger I frequent a meme on Sup Forums? Were you talking about him last thread?
Adrian Martin
I knew Grimoire being released was a sign of the apocalypse. If the world ends before I get to finish my play through I'm going to be pissed.
Jose Hernandez
Bullshit but it is funny in a Freudian level that you seem to like to repeat that. Subconscious desire user?
Landon Sanders
I think we need to send Ivanka pictures of dead North Korean babies the kick this happening off
David Peterson
Sebastian Evans
we are allies with south korea, the war never ended therefore he cannot declare war but can only announce the resuming of hostilities
David Foster
Made this for this situation your welcome...
Recently (as you know) there has been some things heating up between North Korea and the United States, So I am making this post to prepare some of you who choose to do so if things ever do go hot (unlikely but better prepared than dead), There will be some links below to help you get started. It is also better to have a hard copy of: What to do if a Nuclear Disaster is Imminent if power goes out and you don't have a copy you can read good luck. I would also recommend taking the time to become a ham radio operator, communication after a disaster will be limited it will be better to communicate quick and easy than not at all obviously. Ask questions if you have any!
NukeMap check with this to see if you will be in range of different yields I would recommend a yield of 10 kt as this would be an average of what North korea would be capable of:
An average 3% of fission by products are iodine 131 which is a radioactive isotope of iodine although trace if your body absorbs too much it can irreversibly damage your thyroid. Before taking potassium iodine if you have your radio wait until confirmation of the release of fission materials until taking, If not take it imminently this also applies to nuclear reactor meltdown. This is due to Potassium iodine in rare cases having some negative side effects, read more about it on the package and do your research.
Nicholas Nguyen
Can milf posting continue, please?
Liam Harris
Implying a man could have kids with another man
Cooper Harris
>ywn knock up Trish or Melissa I'm really not sure how that guy managed not to look broken escorting them both
Wyatt Stewart
Alexander Wood
But how does this benefit Israel?
Luke Adams
>Ivanka will never be kidnapped in a foreign country
Dominic Cox
never seen the floor of the oval office before without carpet
Wyatt Rodriguez
Juan Perry
>the world will end just before I find out if Lelouch was driving the cart
Xavier Johnson
This is the only reason I came to this thread.
Ethan Evans
>mfw we get to see chinks get glassed in our lifetime
Anthony Gomez
Anyone who is feeling even an iota of concern about the Norks ought to neck themselves tbqh
Ayden Bell
It's nicer with the hardwood desu
Aiden Perez
Too slippery with leather soled shoes
Josiah White
Pic related for a tidbit of the incoming analysis of the dataset gently provided by 4plebs (see ), the top threads by posts in this board (up until June 2016). Most of them were stickies, the only ones at the top 100 that weren't are:
> the eternal Trumpgen [1], Sup Forums servers crapped their pants and no pics could be posted, meaning no threads could be created meaning no thread fell off Page 11 > a /britpol/ with a debate, bump limit raised to 2500 [2] > a Ferguson riot thread, bump limit raised to 2500 [3] > EU election (feat. Farage), bump limit raised to 2500 [4]
>we get hi-def footage of nuke landing on NK >we get to watch Commie refugees get blown the fuck up by minefields for a bit >we get to watch Commie refugees get shot by Chinese >we get to watch Commie refugees freeze to death
Jordan Morales
>you will die before finding out if oniichan bought her game-u
Sebastian Kelly
Virginians, we have a general election on November 7th; Mark that day down and remember to remind your family to vote
Here is what the Democrats want for our old Dominion:
>Northam supports the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare.[28] He also supports a federal Medicaid expansion in Virginia.[29][30]
>Northam is pro-choice. He opposes banning late-term abortions after 20 weeks.[30] He believes the Democratic Party should not endorse candidates who are pro-life.[30] Northam's 2017 gubernatorial bid has been endorsed by NARAL.[31]
>Northam has pledged to "stand up against" Immigration and Customs Enforcement.[30]
>Northam has remained neutral on the building of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline.[32] He has also avoided taking a firm stance on other pipelines such as the Mountain Valley Pipeline.[33]
>Northam voted against a constitutional amendment to make Virginia a right to work state.[34]
>Northam criticized the repeal of the car tax under former Governor Jim Gilmore, saying Virginia still hasn't "recovered" from its repeal.[29]
^ Use this to make sure you are registered and ready to vote
Chase Wright
Why aren't you queuing for the Taylor Swift sexual assault court case?
Grayson Turner
>she didnt admit to dating a 75 year old nigger! >youre dumb for even thinking that!
never change, Portugal
Justin Perez
And pic related is the top 100 non sticky threads. Lots of those got bump limit raised to 2500 by the mods tho, back before there were self limiting stickies.
Jace Hill
When will the 4k 3d blu ray of this shit be out, I wnna pre-order now
Grayson Long
Don't remind me that they fucking ruined that perfect ending
Caleb Taylor
Bentley Morris
It's a traffic issue, so many people walking in and out, it's easier to vac than have to mop/wax the wood, and you can replace the carpet if he's out of town for a day.
Nolan Reed
needs some marble
James Adams
I just realized Mike Pence is an absolute dead ringer for Robert Duvall in Apocalypse Now. Holy shit.
David Hernandez
What did they mean by this?
Nolan Nelson
Why does the idea of nuking a nationg make me so happy? is there something wrong with me?
Alexander Martinez
Ian Parker
Wow, that's genius on your part
> Someone say they're dating, both of them deny > That surely means she is, because reasons and she's denying because other reasons
Given I'm presenting first party evidence (her denial) what's your evidence for your claim? Bullshit and retardation, I believe. Fuck off, kike
Michael Young
I could throw a football over that mountain, the post
Hunter Sullivan
Carter Gomez
"I love the smell of burning fags in the morning."
Ryder Roberts
Colton Carter
Lincoln Perez
he doesn't want to lose his american free $
Andrew Myers
Wait did she actually say that in her alt right speech?
Jonathan Cruz
>Norks nuke Guam >Trump nukes Norks >Norks nuke California >Trump nukes Norks bigly >Martial Law in US >Round up all the pinkos >Trump Dictatorship begins
Ethan Sanders
I appreciate these posts. Correct me if I'm wrong but October 16th is the last day to update personal info for the election. Right?
Evan Jackson
This is your home senpai
Matthew Nelson
Watch the "Charlie don't surf" scene again and tell me that's not Pence.
William Bell
Norks wont have enough nukes after the first retaliation
Benjamin Torres
Justin James
Anthony Lewis
Styx said something similar yesterday. The fact that they're all aligning on the same news should be troubling
Luis Jones
What for? And why would Trump go along with it?
Hudson Clark
Trump isn't going to jump the gun. Remember he's a counterpuncher.
Jason Ross
THANK YOU SEEEEAAANN will save us all
Jack Richardson
wtf i love NK starting endless shit now
Lucas Hughes
They have one hiding.
Jonathan Evans
I trust Trump :)
Grayson Sanders
sean spicer was a deep state traitor hired by obama you shill.
Joseph Clark
There's a trump/clinton story on giantessworld that's been featured for the past year almost I wish they would put something else there
Austin Thompson
No idea. Only repeating what he said. I think he's trying to parallel it against the WMD claims of Iraq as the impetus for going to war
Parker Fisher
Owen Ortiz
my only evidence/ motivation is the search for the TRUTH
these people are all fucking phonies
>coulter and laura ingraham >both fucked a poo poo indian >ingraham has an adopted spic kid and no husband
they are fucking liars and race traitors
Gavin Parker
Always bet on Neanderthal
William Fisher
Fake and Gayer than this trap
Jonathan Reyes
>constant war destroys populations so we start using sport as analogue >sports now played by slaves >achieve fulfillment in life through labor, self-reliance, providing for family >govt has regulated away achievement, middle class has wages depressed so you're forced to rely on them >participation ribbons, affirmative action, otherkin progressivism It's no surprise people are ready to nuke the lil yellow bastards, people need to win, and Trump's election while great isn't enough to sustain. Watch Tucker's IAFF talk, he gets into this; how men NEED jobs/achievement etc and go crazy if they don't have it. He right about self-driving cars, it'll lead to SEVERE issues if it goes through. 5 million men jobless overnight? That's how you get Thunderdome built
Xavier Rodriguez
Fuck off, Jim.
Hudson Lewis
Again though: Why would he go along with it?
Christopher Turner
I fucking knew it. No way they can get a nuke here. Good thing Trump already knows since he's a time traveler.
Aiden Carter
Michael Edwards
You guys do realize the guy in your picture hates Trump right?
Leo Ortiz
>i need this right fucking now
David Mitchell
Can somebody give me a quick rundown on why things are escalating with North Korea all of the sudden? Wtf is going on?