How many ads has your AdNauseam extension clicked? I've racked up $1646.36 in ad costs.
For those that don't know, is browser extension that quietly clicks on every blocked ad, registering a visit on ad networks' databases. As the collected data gathered shows an omnivorous click-stream, user tracking, targeting and surveillance become futile.
# Have a youtube account? Want to upload random noise to youtube to waste their disk space? # Example:
# Save this post as `Dockerfile`, then run `docker build -t youtubewaster FOLDER_OF_DOCKERFILE`, then run `docker run --rm youtubewaster YOUR_YOUTUBE_STREAM_KEY`
FROM alpine RUN apk add --no-cache bash ffmpeg openssl RUN echo '#!/bin/bash' > /bin/stream.bash && \ echo 'if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then echo provide your youtube stream key; exit 1; fi' >> /bin/stream.bash && \ echo 'openssl enc -aes-128-ctr -pass file:/dev/null |base64) -nosalt
Gabriel Roberts
AdNauseam seems pretty effective considering that just one user can rack up thousands of dollars in ad costs in just a few days of use
Justin Davis
one problem with this is that it's easy to make an AI to remove all static videos, it also doesn't use up much space (compared to the time needed to create and upload the video)
compared to ad clicks, you can rack up thousands of dollars in ad clicks, and that is far more costly than a few hard drives (which you will take forever to reach using the youtube static)
Gabriel Richardson
bump, fuck google
Bentley Stewart
Landon Nelson
Justin Mitchell
does anyone have more methods of fucking over goolag?
Asher Bennett
Will adnauseam eat up my badwith or affect my download limit? I have to pay more if I go over 250GB a month and I'm already close to that much every month.
James Myers
bumping for more guides
Kayden Smith
you could not use it
Brody Sullivan
Buy a Sup Forums pass?
Camden Cox
no it doesn't use much if any bandwidth, if anything it saves bandwidth by blocking ads
Kayden Cooper
What if we used the Twillio API to spam the google help phone numbers (and all phone numbers of google employees) with thousands of useless calls ?
Alexander Powell
why are you against google again?
Nolan Nguyen
Free tv. Sign up to YouTube tv month trial, add showtime, cancel immediately, enjoy month of free tv. Trial ends create new gmail. Sign up to YouTube tv month trial, add showtime, cancel immediately, enjoy month of free tv. Trial ends create new gmail. Sign up to YouTube tv month trial, add showtime, cancel immediately, enjoy month of free tv. Trial ends create new gmail. Sign up to YouTube tv month trial, add showtime, cancel immediately, enjoy month of free tv.
Jackson Hughes
does google block twillio phone numbers?
Nathan Gray
>Frog poster fakeflag >The advertising blurb Delete your post and try to be less obvious next time shill.
Wyatt Adams
Hey op My PC is a bit slow and old Can I still fuck with google?
Nathan Ramirez
But I already have an adblocker.
Also, I'm wondering how exactly this will hurt google. Won't it hurt the advertisers? Google still gets paid either way, right?
Logan White
I think it's because they fired a guy that complained about the sjw tokens that google hires.
Jason Myers
They went full LGBTSJW and fired /ourkike/ who dared to question the effectiveness of minority quota hiring. Fighting against communist tyranny is kinda the sole purpose of Sup Forums
Landon Perez
Reminder to exclude Sup Forums from your adblocker unless you want to let down this site aswell
Liam Turner
Bump this thread.
Ethan Allen
the problem is google has the most advanced anti-fraud learning, so I'd be surprised if you even got a third of that money spent
its time to change your internet search page, it already happen in the past, internet changes every time
Alexander Adams
Do you have to run ublock or adnauseum not both because I have ublock on Firefox on my phone and I haven't clicked anything in ad nauseum
Camden Peterson
bump because hahaha
Oliver Howard
Isn't moot working for them? How can we get him to be our trojan horse?
Cooper Edwards
promote other platforms than google and youtube like and !notevil
Jacob Fisher
Stop shilling this shit.
Nobody wants to turn their computer into an ad-clicking bot.
Parker Harris
Goggle has your or your machines IP address- after so many of the same clicks to an ad from a particular IP- additional clicks are blocked. protects Google from false click charges from cluck advertisers.
Hunter Turner
Post yfw dynamic IP master race.
Hudson Phillips
>fuck over google by making them and affiliates money!
>I-its gonna fuck up their ad tracking!
They only give a fuck if you click the ad. Ad click=money.
Parker Stewart
This doesnt cost google anything, advertisers pay the cost. All youre doing is costing some other company wasted ads and training googles AI to be even better at learning ad fraud. Congrats?
Joseph Jones
If you want to hurt google dont use them or just run an agressive adblock and block google analytics cookies. Or encourage all SJW to be even more rabid to crash google internally
Christian Foster
one the one hand you're loading pages that you wouldn't have otherwise clicked on the other hand you can block all ads and all large media
assuming you already are using an adblocker i would say your monthly usage would increase
Anthony Brown
this, how does it cost google money?
Nolan Johnson
Dont trust that shit. Ive been using noscript since I was in my early teens and adblock for almost as long.
wow, not even an rm -rf, Im proud of you user.
Leo Thomas
That make Google get more money you idiot. Companies pay Google per ad click.
Brandon Lopez
get real, weird as fuck config changes are better than rm -rf.
if you really want to be a dick, sudden calls to hdparm are the best.
--dco-restore will reset all drive settings, --drq-hsm-error will crash the system immediately and may suddenly the entire file system, --trim-sector-ranges will activate TRIM on arbitrary SSD sectors, and --write-sector will write zeroes to the sector of your choosing, overriding all write checks.
just tell the cunt you're pulling it on to run as sudo because sudo is needed to set it up or something.
Robert Lopez
It obfuscates user data though. That is the thing we are after. It generaes unusable data.
Ryan King
Anthony Gray
>-bash: /usr/bin/hdparm: No such file or directory
Elijah King
you're obviously going to have to install it first.
Jose Morris
It's only "unusable" for tracking the source of the click. That doesn't mean Google won't still count it towards the ad bills of whatever companies those ads belong to. They still get a click and they still know which ad the click was for.
Carson Stewart
The only way to avoid giving google money is to stop using the internet. I bet Sup Forums ads are Google but if everyone blocks them Sup Forums will be broke. You can limit by not using Android boycott Youtube Don't use google as your search engine.
Brayden Rodriguez
Use Google to learn about subsidaries must be atleast 25 without Google in the name.
Evan Clark
Google makes more money from the information they sell then from advertisements they display.
So shitting up the data gathering, generates less money while wastin ressources like server space and such.
I mean there is a reason why google banned the extension on chrome.
Hunter Fisher
> google sell ad space > ads dont make money > people wont buy google ad space next time
John Harris
maybe the plan is to piss off advertisers by effectively rendering the ad service useless once they find out they're getting scammed on clicks. Then Google loses advertisers?
James Campbell
Bump down with goolag
Jaxson Foster
Brandon Johnson
dude no one has static ip adresses anymore
they'd have to block all of the isp ips which is just not possible because you would be losing legit clicks
David Stewart
>waste their disk space even if you could fill many 4 TB disks, that costs nothing for a billion dolar company like google. The "waste their space" aproach will acomplish nothing