What is you honest thoughts on Latin America, Sup Forums?
Politically, Culturally, Socially, and Economically.
Would you include them as honorary Europeans?
What is you honest thoughts on Latin America, Sup Forums?
Politically, Culturally, Socially, and Economically.
Would you include them as honorary Europeans?
>What is you honest thoughts on Latin America, Sup Forums?
do you think anyone sugar coats anything here? anyways, the whole area smells like butt
Latinas make my pee-pee bigger. Other than that, it's kind of shit. Pic is camiscarinci on instagram.
Is it true that a large portion of south american countries have plumbing too shitty to handle toilet paper, so that you have to use a shit-paper-bin? That sort of thing really bothers me, one of the reasons I wouldn't want to visit most of asia or south america outside of the tourist traps for example.
Sigh... so many fucking spics on this board.
Some of your countries have a lower IQ than niggers even the ones without niggers
I've heard there is many 'types' of Latin Americans in USA?
White ones? Brown troll ones?
Argentina and Chile seem nice
>Is it true that a large portion of south american countries have plumbing too shitty to handle toilet paper
yes it's true.
>so that you have to use a shit-paper-bin? That sort of thing really bothers me
not wanting to smell her shit PLEB
I date a light skinned and skinny one from El Salvador. She's really great.
The more European they are, the better they are.
Many of the Latin American countries do have interesting cultures and societies, and lots of economic potential.
They just need strong, Jew-free leadership. It doesn't help that the USA has impeded their development for a century.
Politically: Fucked up. Only southen South America has decent working states. Middle are poor shitholes, northern ones are too close to USA so they manipulate everything, making any kind of leftism a failure.
Culturally: I find it exotic, well indigenous-spanish mixture performed, nice family, ideological and cultural values except for the ignorant who tends to violence. Let's hope its keeps developing and not for the globalizing site.
Economically: they have potential, still developing and the countries are heterogeneous economically talking. They have natural resources and a nice piece of land to exploit and develop.
I think Argentina (including the Uruguayan province) is kinda OK.
I was told that if I have nothing nice to say about someone or something better keep it to myself, so I won't speak about the rest of latinoamerica.
Its not the best place in the world
Definitely not the worst
Its pretty comfy t/b/h
I want to rim a t h i c c Colombian qt
I dislike heat.. and giant spiders behind every curtain.
Yeah, Colombian or sometimes Venezuelan girls appear to be the prettiest. Prefer Colombian though.
You're a bunch of shitskins who need to be gassed.
You're destroying my country as you've destroyed every country you've ever owned.
The only reason idiots give you a pass is because blacks lower the bar.
>You're a bunch of shitskins who need to be gassed.
>You're destroying my country as you've destroyed every country you've ever owned.
>Is it true that a large portion of south american countries have plumbing too shitty to handle toilet paper, so that you have to use a shit-paper-bin?
Not only is it 100% true but they even bring that culture with them to the united states
Go to any authentic mexican restaurant in Texas and you'll see the trash cans next to the shitter in the bathroom.
Texas shit pipes can handle paper just fine and they still do it
>south american
>american education
>Politically, Culturally, Socially, and Economically.
It is shit.
>Latin America
stay the fuck out of our country, that's all I can say
Kill Maduro before it`s too late
Low IQ, oversexualized, anti-intellectuals who have yet to contribute anything to the world beyond food, big titties, big asses, and loud music. Nigger-lite, basically
Op posts a Spaniard rape baby.
I've been to Mexico 3 times.
90% of their women look exactly like this.
Always wondered this too. Why do americans always refer to hispanics as "mexican"?
Hispanic and Latin American are synonyms here.
Spaniards wouldn't even be considered Hispanic, which I know is nonsensical.
It's because we lacked a pc word for spics/mestizos I guess.
>Most countries aren't even the 40M range.
>tfw no qt mexican schoolgirl to cuddle with
This is correct.
I live in California and the spics are everywhere.
The women are all fat ogres like this picture.
>Why do americans always refer to hispanics as "mexican"?
its derogatory. we used to call them all puerto ricans before the 1980s because mexica wasnt so bad yet. its like calling a chinese person a gook or tell slavs they aren't white to rile them up.
Bad news user.
She is rekt. She had a baby with some manlet
Here a criminal that steal drugs from another criminal is called a Mexican.
not much difference really
Except Argentines are guido-spics
and Brazilians are portu-nigger monkeys
The rest are a native American/spic garbage
Can you honestly say you could tell the difference between a mexican and a Chilean?
95% of spics outside of Florida and NY are beaners
>posting your shirt oc
Reminder that this poster is mentally ill and that map was made by him on paint. He literally changed Mexico.
Pic related, your name
I can.
Chileans at least try
I know ;_;
I can still dream though
sadly low IQ
Tex fag here, can confirm
some mexicunts look pretty until all that chorizo and tortillas with 9 babbies catches up with em
My thoughts?
They should stay in their own countries instead of flooding into my country and turning it into the same shithole that they fled.
They are the number one reason why our demographics are shit. Spics breed like fucking roaches. Even our niggers don't breed as much as spics do.
Their women are shit. They are hot when young but quickly turn into short, fat goblins.
Only if you get a mestizo. My wife's mom is from Mexico but only in name. She is full Spaniard. No shitty natives.
Chupen la pichula racistas de mierda
Man every fucking spic claims they're 99.99999% Spaniard.
Fuck off with that bullshit.
>She is full Spaniard
Thats super rare bro how do you know for sure?
>caring about exact %'s
>not a secure enough masculine man to decipher attractive traits from women simply by glancing them over
weak jawed cucks detected
>Spics breed like fucking roa..
Enjoy your shitskin, subhuman kids.
fuk, you just destroyed my dreams
fuck you you fucking nigger
There are spics fucking everywhere in California and I've never seen one that even remotely resembles that.
They're all fat ogres/goblins like
enjoy your le white aryan gf who will never tell you how many times she got blacked in college before settling down with a chumpy white boi like you
>Is it true that a large portion of south american countries have plumbing too shitty to handle toilet paper
Can absolutely confirm
Maybe they are fat because they live in America?
Maybe if you're lucky your kids will have an iq above 90.
Maybe if you're lucky they won't spend time in jail like Jeb's kids.
i can also confirm. you must put your shit paper in a bag or in a bucket. bathrooms always reek.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
maybe if you're lucky the micochimerism from your wife's countless sexual indiscretions won't be too noticeable.
no they are also fat here because they all drink cola. cola is always served here like water.
spics are ruining this country and taking a massive shit in the genetic lines of people they know to be better than them. Jose can go fuck himself. He's a ugly, short, fat little fuck with a shit-tier average IQ level that renders him barely literate and good for "place rock here; hammer there" work. They are a drain on the economy and leeches off the hard work and taxes of people worth a damn. Go back to your own shitty countries and gtfo of my gene pool.
hey, nobody going to copy paste the pasta i made for you guys yesterday? :(
DNA test. Full Iberian.
mexico is fatter than america. i was down at the border in arizona recently watching them waddling around outside the gate like the zombies in 28 days later shuffling around outside the mall. it was fucking disgusting, it ruined my whole afternoon.
In the worse case scenario, my kids will still be white and my descendants will still have the chance to return to greatness.
Your kids will always be subhuman jungle savages incapable of civilization.
My wife is more of a eugenics Nazi than me. She made her whole family do a DNA test just to prove she wasn't a mestizo. She hates them. As does her whole family.
We once got into a race argument with an ugly Aztec. The Aztec was losing so he fell to shit tactics.
>Santa Anna had the right idea if you ask me.
She said pointing at me. My wife inturrupts.
>like when he was quoted in saying "We should have never bred with the natives ."? Because that's how we got your dumb ass.
fuck no
can you stormfaggots gtfo. you contribute nothing to any discussion on Sup Forums. do you think we don't know your one and only opinion by now? we get it, white people are great, everyone else sucks. there's absolutely no reason to post this anymore. all any of you scrawny retards do is waste bandwidth and derail actual adult's conversations.
and on the point of children, no child raised by a mentally defunct faggot like you will ever "have the chance to return to greatness" because of you. the best thing you can do for your children is kys.
Someone hand him a snickers.
return to greatness = chop off penis, put on a dress and get blacked
Kill yourself, shitskin.
The world would be better without you subhumans.
All you can do is leech off whites.
Right on man
I know a girl whose parents are from spain, they look 100% different compared to those ugly Mestizo goblins
hahaha, this is exactly what his kids will be doing.
i'm white, ghostly white in fact. let's assume you're right though. a shitskin makes an argument about the pointlessness of your repetition, and you ignore the argument completely and respond with a wild assumption and personal attacks. is this not nigger-tier behavior. kys, honorary nigger. the white race would be better off without you subhumans. all you can do is leech off the good whites.
LOL "muh gene pool"
Someone's got to get the women pregnant. Maybe if you fags stopped playing video games and shit-posting on Sup Forums you might be able to save yourselves.
It needs repetition because you don't get it though.
You defend and breed with these jungle savages who are completely incapable of civilization and act like that's an okay thing to do.
You may as well be fucking Down syndrome individuals and acting baffled by how anyone could take issue with it.
hey remember how white parents had white children and they became trannies and loved getting blacked? me too. such superiority. wow.
>Your children will get blacked if you don't racemix with spics!
Are you serious?
Kill yourself.
you seem frazzled my TRS subscribing friend. show us on the doll where weev molested you.
>It needs repetition because you don't get it though.
or maybe it's just because you're wrong, you leftist retard.
>You defend and breed with these jungle savages
no, i married a white woman. again with the wild assumptions.
>savages who are completely incapable of civilization
ironic coming from a single-minded sperg.
i never disagreed with your opinion, by the way. i only pointed out how you ruin this board by repeating the same boring shit in every thread in an attempt to derail it. we know how you feel, and we obviously don't care, so fuck off.
the southern cone is 100% whyte.
Love the food.
The women are too crazy and/or fat.
The culture is based on bullshit machismo (literal pissing contests).
Economically, they resort to crime to abide in a lot of cases.
That's pretty much it. You get no honorary European status vote from me.
>The women are too crazy and/or fat.
this is not a shitskin specific problem my friend. there is no based pure white woman waiting for you. she's off getting blacked in her college dorm room. don't worry though, you can have her when she turns 30 and is ready to settle down.
Nigga, I'm 31 and married to a Ukrainian and you want to tell me there is no pure white woman for me? I've done the time and plowed through the crazies. Never got with a spic, though. They're on a different level of crazy.
oh so your wife isn't white either then. gotcha.
>peruposter buttmad at southern cone
like clockwork
>Vote Socialism
>Promote socialism to other country
>Why so butthurt?
No fucking way argentina has that many blacks lol
Yes. White as snow.
What are the odds you are sitting in the Lima Airport eating shitty papa John's and drinking warm Inca cola?
It's more shithole than not.
Subhumans who will be exterminated in the RaHoWa.
Rip the most the most based PoE build
Fuck you then Odrujillo
we wuz here first before your flag was created.
Do all Mexicans wish their girlfriends were Columbian, or do some like to fuck mud trolls?
There are plenty of decent, potential waifus here. The plebs are roaches mating amongst themselves.