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>a weeb faces harsh reality
This bitch is such a train wreck and now its time to move over to lolcow to milk this for all its worth.
Someone need to throw a brick in face!
A rubber brick, come on. Seriously doe.
so is this why she turned into a mudslime?
Nobody wants a fetal alcohol baby m8
Maybe don't convert to a religion that is frowned upon in the country, dumb bitch
Get fucked
Anti-masons captain morgan and bill cooper were executed by jew mason cops
Get stoned weeb
>Japan keeping crazies from gaining voting rights.
This is the true reason to become a weeb.
Eh? I own a house in Tokyo, there's an amazing Indian restaraunt owned by a muslim guy just down the street. This bitch was clearly trying to cause problems.
>ugly, unstable, woman with alcohol fetal syndrome
>(hu)white weaboo
>marries Japanese man for the sole reason of "muh Japanese culture" and to better her chances of becoming a Japanese citizen
>converts to Islam cuz "muh religion of peace" and "gibb me attention"
>Japan denies citizenship
>"Waaah waaah, Nani!??! How could this happen to me, desu???
And nothing of importance was lost.
keep her japan we don't want her back
>weeb converts to islam and gets denied citizenship in fucking japan
based japs
she turned to muslim to impress a japanese-muslim guy
>a muslem weeb faces hard reality of immigration.
why is this bad agian?
>a japanese-muslim guy
a what?
Thank you Japan, for taking our trash!
>the state of White women
This dumb bitch thought she could immigrate to Japan, one of the toughest places to immigrate, w/ no marketable skills and a job as a fucking god damn stupid
No, fuck you. You keep your trash
what kind of accent is that?
Looks to me like somebody already did.
I think she's (originally) Canadian.
thats what this bitch gets
I was about to ask what degree, work experience, money and language knowledge she had but I guess the answer is "none". Well that's one stupid ass bitch, there's no country in the world that'll accept you on the basis of "i has vaginer".
2 nuke wasn't enough
They're mostly Indonesians.
she looks like an alien
I hope the nips execute her
Maybe he was one of like what 200k Muslims in the country?
This is nothing for Japan. They still frown on slimes.
Reminder she said her favourite country is Saudi Arabia because as a child she would spin a globe and that was the place it would stop on her finger.
Of all the Muslim countries in the world to have some cultural interest in she picks the dumbfuckistan of the middle East
Islam will spread throughout the world until the Messiah comes again.
japan frowns on everyone not japanese desu
they like tourists but hate immigrants with a passion
Why so mean and vitriolic?
Regular people don't give two shits, as long as the immigrants aren't causing problems and are supporting Japan. Japanese people are extremely blue pilled.
>Weeb gets denied Japanese Citizenship
Good, and really it's probably doing her a favor since I heard that living there is quite the hell, it's not what many weebs would praise it to be
Based Japan
japan could handle 2 nukes but you guys lost your minds about 2 scoops
Somebody trunk this potatonigger and well, keep a secret thereafter.
This makes me weirdly happy. I hate this cunt.
>White """"women"""
Doesn't she have children to sell to her boyfriends in Newcastle?
literally in her video "WHY I BECAME MUSLIM " she states "Saudi Arabia is my favorite country." Seriously there needs to be basic questions for citizenship test. They should outright ask what is your favorite country and if the answer is anything but the country you're trying to get citizenship from then fucking denied!
Good there is some hope left in Japan after all.
Wait hasn't she been in Japan for years? Is she a Muslim now or something?
she's irish
okay all this hate has got me curious. is this a known lolcow lady? who is she?
Please worship your local youkai instead of exporting prayers to saudi arabia, thank you.
Sayonara, pig-faced whore.
is it degenerate if i fap to her?
that face hnnng
Who is this and why should I care?
Based English teachers
You missed the Mudslime flag, shitskin.
keep dreaming
is it degenerate if i fap to people with down syndrome?
This is what I love about Japan. They are mean to everybody in their MSM.
>denied because her restaurant job
She's not useful, really.
is it okay if I worship satori-chan?
She don't understand
>the land of tentacle porn, throw up porn, other crazy porn isn't crazy themselves
lol ok m8
Do you think she would have a hard time finding a JP neet that would marry her for the sweet white gaijin fuckhole access?
>the west doesn't have porn
She already has a Jap bf
Why is she wearing a fucking hijab
Because she's a fucking leaf. Lurk moar, faggot.
Yo-kai are cute! CUTE!!!
hahaha totally deserved
crazy bitch
>asking why she isn't wearing the hijab?
is today opposite day or did I miss something?
Get fucked, based nips aren't having any of your shit.
I'm so happy for Japan that this virtue signaling whore got denied. She would bring all her cancerous pathological altruism and regressive leftists ideas with her and poison Japan with it.
That happens all the time.
>be white
>be educated
>have stable life
>has to prepare months in advance to just have a tourism trip to another country
>visa might still be denied
>have to spend years trying to get a citizenship to a foreign country that isn't a shithole
That's how it works. Free citizenship and travel with no legal process is reserved exclusively for 70 point IQs from the middle east when invading white countries.
She's some weaboo bitch who moved to Japan ye ars ago and has been talking about it on yt. A worthless skank
>throw a brick in her face
What is she gonna do wid it Sup Forums?
what is up with that fake accent?
Is she a muslim convert?
>Wearing a hijab and shwoing your hair
why tho
Also >makeup
For westerners Islam is nothing but a trend, much like their sexuality, is no surprise that some weeb that thought that citizenship could be granted just like that in a country like Japan would also think that the hijab is cool and trendy, probably ascribes to a dumbed down version of Islam too.
Which came first, the application or the converting to Islam?
now she just needs to be deported, fuck that retarded cunt she got bored of making videos and now all of a sudden makes islamic propaganda.
Probably the application. The muslim thing was only a couple of weeks ago.
nethier , she used to be a normal retarded bimbo. But she converted or faking cause shes bored. Shes been whining for attention, japan already has mosques and cucked already but it isnt strict upon society yet. Japan will probably deport sand niggers if they get uppity
So she's gonna move to her favourite country now, right?
She sounds like a Russian attempting a Canadian accent
Could you imagine working at a restaurant and paying your bills in america?!
I hate chinks and weebs and this is glorious.
>i got my application for citizenship rejected
>b..b...but i look at it as a positive becau- because at least i- i have that experience now
It can't be considered propaganda coming from this mess.
the one full of asians and muzzies?
Canadian immigration isn't that simple.
Unfortunately, she's one of our exports.
Anything can be considered propaganda really, whatever works when presented to stupid people.
Unpleasant but not unsurprising.
base nip
I mean Saudi Arabia, her favourite country ever 'since she was a little girl'
Getting denied isn't enough, they should pull her visa and send her either to Saudi Arabia or another Islamic country, probably Canada.